Thursday, June 2, 2022

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has gotten off to a good start. Do short weeks mess you up like they do me? Just curious. I keep thinking it's another day. Rebecca Jo and I are back for another installment of Thankful up to one or both of us and join in! 

Our family loves to give honor to the brave men and women who have served our country, so this week it was nice to be able to thank them for their service. I'm so thankful for the freedoms we have in our country and even if our country isn't as great as it once was, I'm still thankful to live here and that we have the freedoms we do. I'm thankful for those who were willing to lay down their lives for us and it's always such a nice thing to be able to honor them. Do you ever do this when you see a veteran? My husband has shown me the importance of this over the years and while I was out for lunch Monday with my mom, sisters and nephew, I was able to thank a 90-something year old Korean war vet who served in the Marine Corps. I thanked him for his service and I asked which war he'd been in and was able to share with him that my dad was also a Korean war vet. 

We used to go to a Memorial day event every year with my dad and stepmom on this day when the boys were younger. This particular picture of him kneeling in front of this grave was when we'd walked by this tombstone and just so happened to notice the name of a good friend of my dad's and our former pastor. I think this is the sweetest, most moving picture. My sister Trish and I both cried as we saw him kneel at his friend's grave like this.

Our front yard displays our gratitude by the American flag we have flying. We lowered it to half mast on Memorial day.

I'm thankful for the family time I had this weekend with my sisters and mom. It was so good to see my sister Lisa for the first time in over a year!

We shared good food, we laughed and caught up, we watched the new Topgun together. Good times, friends, good times.

I'm thankful for things like pretty hanging plants, warm nights, quality time with my husband and a beautiful place to sit and enjoy an evening together with my husband on our deck. 

I'm so thankful my mom-in-love's neighborhood pool is open! We swam Tuesday and we're doing that again today. I'll never forget the year that everything shut down and things like this was not an option. I'm so grateful to have this as something fun to do. 

I'm thankful for the beautiful weather we had for the last week. This sunset sky was the best view as I drove to the airport last week to pick my sister up at the airport. 

I'm thankful for good coffee, easy mornings, puppy cuddles and meaningful conversations. It's been a good week, albeit a short one. How has your week been? What's one thing you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. Thanks for sharing your family fun and your gratitude!

  2. Always look forward to reading your Thursday posts ;). How wonderful that you got to see your sister and spend time with family. I have an uncle who is the same age as your dad who also served in the Korean war. If you think of it when you see your dad, please thank him for me (I assume he knows you have a blog so you can tell him it's from a blog reader of yours ;)). Have a great day, friend!

  3. So fun ot have time with your sister! My mom always thanks the military for their service when she sees them. She was a Navy nurse for a short time. I am thankful today for encouragement through praise music!

  4. You already know how short weeks jack me up!!!! Whew - its been rough.
    God Bless all who serve. My grandpa was in WWII & he passed away a few years ago (at 90!!!) on memorial day - we felt like it was appropriate.

  5. So many sweet things you are thankful for this week! This might sound "boring" (ha) in comparison...but I am thankful for our air conditioning. We had to have it replaced earlier this season. Not a cheap fix but we are grateful God provided (not only the funds but a very reliable, capable and honest man/small business owner) to do the work for us. Sadly, this week we had almost taken the cool air for granted - until our son mentioned how grateful for must be for the new ac. Um, yes...yes we are!! So, I'm giving thanks here:)

  6. Love your list and that you got to be with your sister this weekend. Sisters are the best! Hope you have a great day.

  7. Yay for puppy cuddles & family time!!!
    I meant to mention the gratitude for service men & women who gave their life for our country!

  8. Absolutely grateful for all who served. :-)

  9. Thanks for stopping by, Michele! ❤

  10. Thanks, Maria! It was such a great weekend. I already miss her! I will tell my dad that you said that, thank you so much!

  11. Marilyn, I am always thankful for that as well! I love listening to my worship music throughout the day. I love that your mom always did that!

  12. I know you've been messed up to, Rebecca Jo! Ha! The struggle is real. You are right- how appropriate that he passed away on Memorial day!

  13. Thanks, Jennifer! That isn't boring at all and I would feel the same way after having a unit that didn't work properly. I've witnessed the temps that where you live can go up to, so it makes perfect sense to me!

  14. Thanks, Cathy! It really was the best. ❤

  15. Mary- right?! Thank you for stopping by!

  16. Me too, Deb. Thank you for stopping by!


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