Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Life Lately


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share a little life lately or a life update on all of us. I hope you enjoy reading about my family! I'll start with our sons and go from there. 


My handsome oldest has all kinds of fun things going on right now. He had wanted to buy a house to get out on his own, but when the market went crazy, he was advised to put it on hold for a bit. He was talking to a friend who may be moving here for work yesterday and he is looking for a roommate. I don't know if that'll even happen or when it will happen, but he was exciting talking about it and I am excited for him! It's fun to think about these things. He's been seeing someone for a couple of weeks and we got to meet her Sunday when he brought her to church. She's adorable and so sweet. 

And he's living it up with his new (to him) Mustang. And yes, he still has the truck and I love that they're matchy-matchy. That wasn't intentional.


Drew is getting ready to move soon, as I mentioned yesterday and he is busier than ever. He quit his job at St. Jude for a lot of different reasons and is working as a valet all over the city of Memphis right now. He makes good money doing this, but it's not something he will want to do forever. He's in a holding pattern for now with any decision making for his future and is never opposed to going back to school to finish his degree, but it won't be in nursing. He's just waiting for a while until he makes a big decision. He works for a few hours almost everyday and I don't see him near as often as I used to. His shifts are never more than five hours, but it's everyday and a couple of his locations are out in the full sunshine during the lunch hour, so he is tan and stays hot. He is looking forward to putting the pool at his new place to good use when they all move! 

Drew was somewhere up in this giant men's choir on Father's day at our church...somewhere on the left in a bright green polo style shirt. I was proud of him for going up there! The other three did not. 🤣


Oh, Jonah. This young man loves his truck and comes home every other day to do something to it. Yesterday he wrapped the pillars? I don't know what that means. He washes it every Friday afternoon. My dad and I laugh about this all the time, because nobody is a freak about cleanliness as much as Jonah. This is why he is a great person to detail vehicles! He had his own business doing that from the time he turned fifteen to present day. He would love to do more of this on the side and is always trying to get a few to do on the weekends, but he's not been successful at making that happen. These gas prices are draining bank accounts! He has friends that ask him to do theirs (for free) all the time, and I made him promise me that he was going to start charging them. He pays good money for the products that he uses and they're not cheap where he buys from online. Aside from that, he is working during the days and playing at night. He's also currently cat sitting for a friend and has been to the lake a few times so far this summer.


I NEVER see Noah. He's not even living at home this week, but he's staying with his friend at his house since his mom and sisters are out of town. He did come home last night and we actually sat and talked, which was nice. He is working at a custom car shop and learning a ton of things. He loves the work, but we talked about the financial aspect of it last night, because I'm discerning that he's being taken advantage of right now. I won't get into it here, but he also has that same feeling and has been thinking about all that I talked to him about last night. Todd came downstairs without knowing what we had been talking about and said all the same things I said—how funny that we both said the exact same things, right? Discernment is a top spiritual gift for both of us. He just works all the time, which I don't love, but he doesn't mind it a bit because of how much he enjoys what he does. That is something to be thankful for and I am, trust me.


My husband is up to all the same things. He worked all weekend with the sheriff's department, which he loves, but Sunday night was a long and difficult night. I can't say too much, but someone who works on them had an adult child die while they were on shift. It was shocking to them all and Todd hasn't been able to stop thinking about his co-worker. It's someone he knows and really likes and the son that died was in his late twenties. He broke down talking about it last night and I have cried as well, thinking about their family. 

On a lighter note, he is down 45 pounds and a couple of sizes! He's doing excellent on his weight loss journey and I am so proud of him. He's about to have to buy a few new things, like a belt and a couple of pairs of jeans and maybe even some boots. Yes, his feet are getting smaller too, which I always think something funny about where someone can lose weight. 


I'm working on the computer this week to get our Bible study finalized for publishing in July. Aside from that, I have something going on everyday (except yesterday) this week., for at least part of the day. In between coming and going, I'm working at all hours to try to finish with editing and formatting. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing around with our new air fryer and had the best salmon I've ever eaten Monday night. Last night I made chicken, but I'm writing this on Tuesday afternoon, so hopefully it turned out delicious! Lastly, I am getting ready to go out of town next week. My friend invited me to her house on the beach again and I am so excited. I leave Monday morning and will return on Friday. I'm driving myself and my mom and my mom is going to see her best friend who lives less than 30 minutes from my friend in Destin. I'll deliver Mom to her friend and will see her again on Thursday when I drive back to stay with her so we can leave early on Friday. I'm excited! 

I'm pretty pumped to see views like this again and I always have the best time with this friend. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Fun post to read, Jennifer! Enjoyed reading about your boys and what they're up to these days. One thing that stood out to me about all of them is what hard workers they are. That skill or character trait, really, will benefit them their whole lives and impact just about every area in their life positively. Impressive weight loss for your husband, WOW- that is a lot of weight and probably many changes had to be made for that to happen. I hope you have the BEST week next week at the beach- looking forward to reading about it when you get back ;).

  2. Great post! Never even met your family...but nice to get to know everyone better:) Congrats to your hubby and the successful weight loss. I'll take weight loss even in my feet - if it will make the scale budge!! I so enjoyed your "share three things" at my post this morning. I'm definitely an introvert too...but stand me in front of a group of kiddos (and ladies, too, but especially the children) in order to teach - and I forget all about that introvert stuff!:) And I totally say mopping floors with dogs in the house is completely pointless!! Speaking of Bible should consider leading a ladies' Bible study by way of zoom. Just sayin. Have a great trip!! Sounds like super fun!!

  3. Isnt it so funny how brothers can be so alike & so different?
    hopefully the housing market will get better now!!! It has been NUTS

  4. I loved hearing about all your boys. Parenting adult children definitely has its challenges. I'm so sorry to hear about the death that Todd heard about. That hits so hard. Enjoy the beach!

  5. Thanks, Jennifer! That is very sweet of you to say. I'm so glad that we think alike on this!

  6. Thanks, Tanya! He does see so many hard things, but they don't always affect him like this one.

  7. Thanks, Maria! That is so kind of you to say. I am so proud of my hubby! I'll be sure and take lots of pictures for a post when I return. ❤

  8. That makes me so sad to hear about your husband's co-worker. So heartbreaking. That is so extremely hard.

    I hope you enjoy your trip next week!

  9. Marilyn, I know! Me too. I've thought about that mama all week long. I cannot imagine the torment she has to be going through, especially knowing what I know.

    Thank you, friend!


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