Tuesday, June 21, 2022

let's talk about it Tuesday


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'd love to talk about some things I love right now. I hope you enjoy this post and the things I love as much as I do. 

Here are a few worship/Christian radio songs that I currently love.

I'm starting off with one of my favorite newer worship songs, Honey in the Rock by Brooke Ligertwood and this one features Brandon Lake.

Another song I love is Yes He Can by Cain. 

Phil Wickham is one of the greatest hymn writers and musicians of his time, in my opinion. This song below is him singing Worthy of My Song.

Lastly, I love this song called Run to the Father by Cody Carnes.

I receive emails with quotes and interesting facts of the day and I saw this quote on yesterday's email. I immediately loved it and took a screenshot, because it's so true. 

I've been loving keeping up with a prayer journal. I was cleaning out my cabinet that sits by my seat at the kitchen table a few weeks ago and came across an unused composition notebook, so I turned it into my prayer journal. I've been keeping up with keeping it updated each week and I make it from Monday to Sunday. I skipped doing that yesterday morning because other things that needed to be done took precedence, but I'll spend time updating it for this week. Additionally, I allow space between each request and I keep track of how God answers prayers. It's so faith building! 

I'll give you an example—a couple of weeks ago (3?), Drew called to tell me that their lease was running out at the end of the month and they needed to find somewhere nearby and comparable to what they're paying now, in a timely manner. I started praying and wrote it in my journal and recorded the date when God answered my prayer! I'm happy to say they found a nicer place to live in a much safer area, and they only pay $100 more a month, or $25 a piece, since there are four of them. They also get more bang for their buck and are upgrading from 3 bedrooms 1 bath to 3 bedrooms with 2 1/2 baths! I was so thankful for all of this and they're all super excited about the upgrades. It's a townhouse that has been newly remodeled, so his kitchen will be nicer than mine.

Is this true or what?

Yesterday I mentioned that my sister and I went to Dad's to visit for Father's day, well while we were there my stepmom wanted a picture of us all and though I won't share that here (my sister would kill me), I'll share you this little edited version of me now alongside a picture of third grade me.

I need to point out several things. First and foremost is that the side ponytail I was sporting on Sunday was NOT intentional. I was hot and threw it up really quick, but I had to laugh when I saw it next to 3rd grade me with the very intentional side pony. Secondly, I had pink nails then and I have them now. Thirdly, I was wearing jewelry in that elementary school photo and I still wear jewelry today! Lastly, I thought I looked so cute in that school picture and I liked my outfit yesterday. Is that not hilarious?! 

I love the hearth in our living room decked out for the summer.

While I don't love the heat this week, I do love and feel grateful that I have a place to swim. 

I'll be melting while I'm not in the pool, but honestly I'm melting most of the time anyway. I'm ready for fall! 

Your turn! What are some things you love right now? Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Awww, sweet 3rd grade picture! Love the side pony tail and your cute expression and of course the comparison shot. Drew's new apartment sounds nice- how great to get an upgrade for not much more money especially during this time of surging prices on everything. An answer to prayer for sure. It's good you have a pool to beat the heat. Stay cool, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I am so excited for him. I hope you do the same and that your day is great!

  3. I love when God answers prayer in that way. Thanks for sharing it with us. It's very encouraging to hear those testimonies of His faithfulness. Love the side by side photos. Both are very cute! Hope you have a great day and that you get in lots of swimming,

  4. Look at 3rd grade you!!! Your eyelashes!!! So long!!!!
    I used to do a prayer journal... you are inspiring me to start a new one!!!

  5. Thank you, Cathy! I love hearing about answered prayers as well, which I know you know. I didn't share one thing about this request- that they'd looked at several that fell through and the last one was the best one, the nicest, the best area AND the least expensive. How cool is that? I love bragging on God!

  6. Rebecca Jo- one of your beautiful planners would be perfect for that kind of thing! I have used planners for that before. Aw, thanks, friend!

  7. Awww - love the 3rd grade picture. Most of those songs were new to me!

  8. Thanks, Tanya! They were new to me too, until I accidentally found them on Spotify. I'm glad I did!


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