Monday, June 20, 2022

Hello Monday!


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was good. It felt like I blinked and it went from Friday to Sunday night, when I sat down to write this blog post. 

As usual, my weekend started off with Dad. We went to Costco together so that I could grab a few things, then we ate lunch there. We both had the cheese pizza, which is my absolute favorite pizza. After lunch, I filled up with gas while I was at Costco (it hurts less when I fill up often), then we came home. Todd was here when we got home, then he went into work with the sheriff's department that night. When Dad left, I had an early shower, changed, then had leftovers for dinner while I watched the "new" Father of the Bride movie on HBO Max. Have you seen it or heard about it? You should save your time, if you haven't watched it yet. The old version of that movie was my favorite in my teen years, so nothing would have compared.

{I decided I'm going to start taking pictures of Dad each week. I decided that a few weeks ago, but I just now remembered to start this past Friday. Isn't he handsome? I love his hat and think he looks so dapper.}

I was up before the sun and dressed on Saturday morning, because I had an all day training session. I'm getting involved with a mentoring ministry and we trained from nine until three that day. They provided lunch for us, which was very nice, and the whole day was packed with practical and interesting information. I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would.

It was a long day, even if it was interesting, and I was so tired afterward. I came home and changed, grabbed some delicious and easy dinner and watch the new show I started Friday night. (Below Deck on Peacock.)

I had another really yummy glass of that Stella Rosa wine I mentioned on Friday, this one peach flavored. I bought a bottle of that to try, but the pineapple is still my favorite.

Once again, I was up and dressed by five thirty on Sunday so that I could be at church before eight. I helped out in the audio visual tech booth again and loved seeing the 200 plus men's choir that came up to sing for us on Father's day!

We came home after church, Todd and Graham worked again (they worked last night as well), then my sister Trish came over and we rode together to go see my dad. After we left, I came home to feed the dogs, then she and I went to our favorite Japanese restaurant for chicken fried rice. It was SO. GOOD. I relaxed for the rest of the night, which felt so good, because it seemed like a busy weekend! It was great, just busier than usual. Today on my agenda is a possible grocery run (or a plan to go tomorrow), catching up on Bible reading, cleaning the house and resetting it from the weekend, having lunch with a friend and planning for dinner tonight. 

Tell me something good about your weekend! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. It sounds like a busy but good weekend! Love the picture of you and your dad from Friday. As soon as I saw it, I thought, what a great hat, he looks so dapper and then read that you wrote that you thought he looked dapper so we both had the same thought ;). I hope you get caught up on your Bible reading today (I need to do that as well) and have a great Monday!

  2. Thanks, Maria! How funny that we shared the same thought. Great minds think alike! 😉 Yes, I'll catch up today on that. I almost always get behind on the weekend, because I run out of time on Sunday mornings before we leave for church. I hope your day is great!

  3. That pic of you and your Dad is perfection and adorable- so glad you will be posting more pics of him. Your night in front of the tv sounds wonderful as well! What a great weekend :)

  4. I love that you are going to take a photo each week! I have the wine on my list for next Target trip. You will be a wonderful mentor for your church. Saying yes to that was probably a risk, but you did it. Below Deck is so fun for me!

  5. You kept really busy, but it sounds like it was a really good weekend. Hope you have a great day.

  6. Oh wow - look at that choir! I bet it rumbled with all the men's voices.
    I'm so jealous you get to spend so much time with your dad - I miss mine so much!
    OH NO - I knew it couldnt compare, but Father of the Bride isnt even worth watching? YIKES!

  7. Happy Monday...hope it is already going well!! Love that photo of you and your dad! Those types of photos are treasures. And - wow - so nice to see such a huge group of men singing for Father's Day! What a blessing that must have been. I've always considered myself a "big church" kind of girl...but, right now, the Lord has us in a (very!) small church. I know it is where He wants us just now - but, oh I do feel that tug when I see photos from churches like yours!!

  8. I watched the new Father of the Bride movie too and was so disappointed in it (not that I should have been all that surprised as I LOVE the original so much). We had a full weekend and test drove a new car-- that I'm picking up tonight!

  9. Thanks Amy, for the kind words and for the sweet encouragement! I appreciate them. I can't wait to hear what you think of that wine! I started thinking of the picture idea last week, because life is a gift and at his age, I want to have lots of memories to look back on someday. I hope you're having a great day!

  10. Cathy, I did, but it was so good! I hope your day has been good today!

  11. Rebecca Jo- isn't that awesome? It made me emotional to see. I know that days like yesterday are hard for you. I thought of friends like you throughout the day. I actually have a friend whose dad passed away late Saturday night/early Sunday morning and she was at church yesterday morning. I had to stop and hug her, because my heart hurt for her. She was with him when he died.

    I consider each day a gift!

    As far as the movie, I'm a harsh critic because the older one is my favorite movie. But I was super disappointed in it, even if the end was kind of okay.

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! I know that conundrum, since I was raised in a small church. I love them and miss that environment sometimes, but I do love our church home. I hope your day has been going good!

  13. Joanne- SAME! I was rolling my eyes throughout and almost quit it several times.

    That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear about that!


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