Monday, June 6, 2022

Hello Monday!


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post, where we all chime in about our weekends. 

Mine was good! As usual, it started with Dad coming over. I made us some tuna salad for lunch and we enjoyed each other's company. After I took him home, I came back and got comfy, then made myself some dinner. I think I watched episodes of my current show on Netflix...but I can't really remember what I watched, which is sad. I do remember looking for a movie and not being able to find anything that looked interesting enough. Our oldest son Graham bought a car, so he was excited to come home with it and then he took me for a ride. It's nice! 

I didn't stay up very late after that, which I never do, but I turned in early and woke up at my usual time the next morning. 

I was gone all day Saturday. My best friend's birthday was yesterday, and we originally wanted to go away for the weekend, but when that wasn't possible, we settled on a day trip. She picked me up around nine thirty, then we started the drive to Wilson, Arkansas, which is only a little over an hour away. We pulled up to the square and immediately fell in love. I loved the architecture, which looked like a cross between gothic and Tudor. 

I promise I won't share many more pictures than this, but isn't it cute?! We went to an old fashioned pharmacy, a little mercantile, we had lunch at their local diner, then we took a few more pictures and left.

We went to Blytheville, Arkansas after this, all for the sake of seeing a bookstore that looked promising, but turned out to be a huge disappointment.

Actually, the whole town was very run down and sad. Have you ever seen those shows on HGTV that renovate entire towns? This town needs some renovation! It's so sad and most of the stores are abandoned and were closed. It reminds me of the old Disney/Pixar movie Cars. I'll never forget watching the ending credits and bonus footage at the end of the movie with Dad and hearing the producers of the movie share how they were inspired for that movie. They were driving down Route 66 and kept passing through abandoned town after abandoned town. They stopped all along the route to talk to people about this and they all shared how the once thriving town stopped thriving after Interstate 40 was built. People stopped driving along Route 66 to have the convenience of the interstate, so all the little towns just died off. 

After driving through Blytheville, we drove to Hernando, Mississippi and after stopping in a couple of promising stores, we headed for the nearest Sonic for diet cokes and Sonic blasts, then came home. It was such a fun day and what we needed. We never see each other anymore, even though we still go to church together, it's just that our lives are full right now and we're going in different directions. We both also each have other friends that we are close with and spend time with them, so it just doesn't leave much room for us. We used to share trips like this with other people, but we're not really willing to do that anymore, since we so rarely spend time together. 

It was nice that we were home early! I had to be at church by eight yesterday morning, and Todd went on a call out and had to be at the base at seven, so we called it an early night and slept as much as we could before starting the day. I was going to go to choir practice yesterday afternoon, but that was happening right as he came home and I had to check him for ticks, because they'd been in the woods all day searching for a missing person. By the time I was finished with that, it was too late to go, so I stayed home, we ate dinner, then he watched a show while I did some work on the computer for our next Bible study. I finished the show I was watching, worked on blog posts for this week, then read my book for the rest of the night. It was a great weekend.

How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love little road trips! That first area looks adorable-thanks for sharing your adventure :)

  2. Glad you discovered Wilson! It is such a hidden gem. Here was my old blog post on it:

    That is good to know about Blytheville. Another great place to check out is Florence, Alabama. It is 2 1/2 hours away, so it may be an overnight, but still a fun town to explore.

  3. Me too, Holly! It really was adorable. I love hidden gems like that!

  4. Thanks for sharing that old post, Marilyn! I'm going to read it now. Florence is also on my list of places I want to go. We may try that one in the fall. Have a great day, my friend!

  5. It sounds like a good weekend! That town sure is cute- there are many economically depressed towns that I see in Indiana and Ohio. It's sad to see and read about their declines. Glad you got to spend time with your best friend even if an overnight was not possible this time around.

  6. Thanks, Maria! I think it's so sad to see that. I love that Erin and Ben Napier have a heart for that kind of thing. I love watching their show on HGTV! I hope you had a great weekend!

  7. Very nice weekend. We took a road trip to Amish Country here in Ohio on Friday. I love road trips.

  8. Thanks, Cathy! That sounds like a fun day together. I love doing things like that!

  9. Graham’s car is so nice!!!!! Tell him congrats!

    And I love the little town you went to; looks like the cutest day. 😊

  10. What a fun little day trip; that first down does look just adorable! We have many small towns near us that sound more like the second town you went to though. Lots of old crumbling mills too as these old mill towns died away.

  11. I must say - Wilson looks adorable and the perfect place for a day trip with a friend! Loved all the pictures...thanks for sharing (and taking us along)!

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! I thought the same thing. I'm always glad to share a fun day!


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