Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday Favorites, 6.3.22--beginning of summer edition!


Happy Friday, friends! I'm joining in with Erika and Andrea for today's weekly blog post of my favorite things. 

Right now, my morning routine is my favorite thing. I wake up around five each morning, I come downstairs to let the dogs outside, I grab my first cup of coffee for the day (There's none better than this first cup!), I sit and read blogs for the first hour of the day, then I get on social media for no more than five minutes. After that I get my 2nd cup of coffee for the day and come back to the living room, where I sit and pray as I drink. It's a really sweet part of my day that's my favorite, because it starts my day off right. I've found that when I skip this time, I feel different. I talk to Jesus all throughout the day, but this morning time is my favorite. Sometimes when the weather is nice and cool, I move this outside. 

I have to give you a dose of reality—yesterday morning when I settled in with my coffee to pray, I had a notification on my phone so I checked it...and then twenty minutes later I realized too much time had gone by and I had to get up and get moving to start the day. That's why I don't get on my phone during that time! I can't believe I let the time get away from me. I was answering a couple of texts, then I noticed someone had DM'ed me on Instagram asking me something. 

One of my favorite things about summer are the treats that I can only enjoy during this season. This picture above is a key lime pie that I make often during the warm months that's so easy! It's from a girl I've never met that I go to church with, someone named Perry. You mix together the juice and some zest from 6-10 lemons or lime (depends on your size), two cans of condensed sweetened milk and 1/2 cup of sour cream, pour it into a graham cracker crust and bake at 350 for ten minutes. It is DELICOUS.

I have a lemon icebox pie sitting in my fridge right now because I was trying to use one of the 56 lemons I bought from Costco. (I'm exaggerating.)

This is a picture from a few years ago, but folded up beach towels that have the scent of sunscreen baked into them are my favorite! We currently have a pile sitting on the kitchen table right now that need to be put away, along with some car detailing towels that I'm always using.

See? Please excuse the stringy one you see that Oakley chewed up.

Americana décor is some of my favorite as well, so I do a few things around the house to change it up a bit. I switch out lights on the fireplace mantel, I put out flags and put away any "heavy" or darker colored things that are left out from the winter.

I miss bowls of fruit that look like this when it's cold! Summer fruits are my favorite and I try to always keep some on hand. 

This is our old man Crash. His absolute favorite thing to do is to ride in the car to Mimi's house! We ate dinner with Todd's parents on Tuesday night and I took Crash, Chip and Oakley with us. Callie hates to leave home, so it was a treat for her to be at home alone.

You all know that nail day is my favorite! I got them done yesterday and went for neon pink. Don't ask why I am into neon right now, but I am and I'm going with it. I mentioned earlier this week that I've been wearing bright and funky nail polish colors, so that trend is continuing. This is after a years long stint of me being boring and wearing only either whites in the summer months and blacks when fall and winter hit. Variation is my favorite right now.

Walking down memory lane was a favorite this week as I remembered our Memorial days in the past with Dad. None of us went to anything this year, not even Dad, but we enjoyed doing that with him for years. This was when he was walking along in the cemetery and found the tombstone for his old friend Billy. 

Sister/mom time was a favorite this week! Lisa (on the left) was here for a few days from Denver. 

Pool time with my mom-in-love was a favorite this week and so was getting a good start to a summer tan! Yes, I do use sunscreen, but I also enjoy the sun and want it on my body...just not on my face. I wore a hat this week so keep it off my forehead/scalp and face.

Another lovely favorite this week has been this vase of hydrangeas out of our side flower bed. Aren't they beautiful?

This candle is one of my favorite scents!

It smells exactly like summertime. I get all of my candles from two places—Home Goods or Aldi's. This particular one came from Home Goods. My favorite thing is to light a candle when I know I'll be home most of the day, even in summer. I love the ambience it brings to our home. For that reason, I also love lamps and have them all over our house. I have at least one in each room and more than that in the living room and our bedroom. 

It's your turn—what was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

In case you missed any of my posts this week, here are some links for you.

Monday's weekend recap.

Tuesday's books that I read in May.

Wednesday's "currently" link.

Thankful Thursday link with Rebecca Jo.

Have a great weekend! I'll see you back here Monday.


  1. Look at those nails!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are screaming SUMMER!
    I love you have your coffees timed with your plans - I feel that.
    Mornings outside with Jesus - THE BEST. I love doing that on the weekends.
    I love Americana decorating. It just looks so classic to me.
    Hope you have a great weekend friend!

  2. I'm going to look for that candle on my next trip to Home Goods. Hope you have a good weekend!

  3. Okay, that key lime pie sounds like something I could handle making! I've never made one and think of pies as intimidating, but I want to try this!! Your nails are super cute, and I love the looks of that fruit bowl! Happy weekend, friend!

  4. I like your lantern lights- patriotic and classy looking at the same time. Your fingernail color is so pretty as is that bowl of fruit. Enjoy your weekend, friend!

  5. Such great favorites! The candle scent sounds delightful and the key lime pie sounds delicious. I have been craving some so maybe I will make that this weekend.

  6. Girlfriend - look at those nails! You are lovin summer for sure!!:) And that fruit salad looks amazing! I am headed out to the store soon. On my list - fruit. And then, make bowls of said delicious fruit! I do love my morning quiet time - in the Word - as well. But, I do not start quite as early as you do!!:) Have a great weekend!!

  7. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I hope you had a great weekend!

  8. Tanya, it's so good! I hope you had a great weekend, my friend!

  9. Thanks, Bri! You'll definitely have to try the pie. It's AMAZING! Let me know what you think!

  10. Thanks, Maria! I hope you had a great weekend!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! I hope you had a great weekend! Let me know what you think of the pie when you decide to try it!

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! I hope you were able to pick up some fruit and that your weekend was good!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...