Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Favorites, 6.24.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's weekly blog post where a bunch of post about our favorites from the week. 

This banner and screensaver for the summer are my favorite things right now. I would love to have one of those fancy art frame tvs , but there are so many things you can do with a regular smart tv to make it look like art. 

We have a free app on our main selection that is called HD Screensaver or something like that with tons of choices for what you want. I change the screensavers with each season or every few weeks. The patriotic one is one of my favorites, along with one that has old houses that I use in September and October. I also mentioned before that you can find videos on YouTube that are like screensavers for your tv. Calmed By Nature is one of my favorite YouTube channels for that. My friend Tanya taught me this and I love to pass it on.

I was looking for something under my bathroom sink a few days ago and came across this spray that I'd forgotten about. It's the same brand of shampoo and conditioner that I've been using, but this is a spray that helps boost the curls in my hair.

I love how it smells! I spray this in my hair both when it's wet and when I wake up in the morning. 

These are my favorite kinds of dinners in the summer! Cold shrimp cocktail and pasta salad from Costco. Anytime I don't have to turn on the oven is a win when it's so hot outside.

Speaking of ovens, we bought an air fryer this week and have used it four nights in a row. Needless to say, it's my newest favorite gadget and it has a new permanent home on the kitchen counter. On the first night I made salmon in it, then chicken, then mahi mahi for Todd, and last night I made sautéed onions for our hamburgers. They were delicious! I just coated them in olive oil and some coarse sea salt.

This is what I look like when I head to the pool with the mom-in-love. I wear a hat of some sort to keep the sun off my face, I wear zinc oxide all over my face, neck and ears and I always wear lipstick because it's protection from the sun. The visor is my favorite hat to wear, because it's lightweight and doesn't make me hotter. I bought it on Amazon a few years ago for less than $8. 

Time with Mom is my favorite and yesterday we ran errands together and ate lunch at this adorable coffee shop. We had yummy sandwiches that hit the spot. I'm a sucker for a cute coffee shop! This one is Carrington Oaks Coffee. 

Your turn! What's a favorite thing from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. What a cute coffee shop! And, I am going to look similar for the pool today. All good reminders! I am going to try to learn to do that with my tv - what a good tip. I used the Calmed by Nature in my classroom at the end of the year after learning about it. Love it!

  2. I'll bet the coconut spray smells good. I don't have curls so I have no need for it but I do like the concept of a coconut spray in the summer (I bought the shampoo/ conditioner that you recommended both in coconut scent- can't wait to try them when my current shampoo/ conditioner runs out). Your supper looks really good! So yummy and summery and no oven running. I'm glad you like your air fryer- we love ours and use it quite a bit. And that coffee house is cute- I'm a sucker for a cute coffee shop, too, and I don't even drink coffee! Have a great weekend, friend!

  3. Oh I bet that spray smells fabulous; I have their shampoo and conditioner and love the coconut scent! I've been buying more hats and visors to keep the sun off my face too but haven't found "the one" just yet (or maybe I'm just not used to wearing them since I rarely wear hats of any kind??).

  4. The coffee shop looks so cute and I will have to check it out sometime!

  5. I'm a sucker for a cute coffee shop. DITTO. Coffee just tastes better in a cute coffee shop! Hope you have lots of pool time this weekend:)

  6. Amy, I think so too! I'm glad you're going to try this on your own tv...I love how it looks on mine!

  7. Maria, I love anything and everything coconut scented! You'll have to let me know how you like it.

  8. Joanne- I hope you're able to find one that you love! I think another blogger recommended this one a few years ago.

  9. Marilyn, you'll have to check it out! Just be patient with their staff. 🤣

  10. Jennifer- Right?! I love cute coffee shops!


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

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