Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday Favorites, 6.17.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm joining in with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post of all our favorite things and moments. I'll jump right in!

New journals are my FAVORITE. I picked this one up at Hobby Lobby last Saturday. I am sort of picky with journals—if there isn't a spiral on the side, it has to lay flat. I also like for the lines to be a bit dark and for the pages to be white. Don't ask, but I also loved this one because it has a portion of my favorite Bible verses on the cover. 

I love the CSB translation: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Seeing pretty flowers on my kitchen table is my favorite. I sometimes pick up an inexpensive bouquet at the grocery store while I'm out. 

Once upon a time, the bookshelf in my bedroom was organized by the colors of the rainbow. It drove me crazy because it meant that the books were separated by color instead of by author like I usually have them. Before it drove me crazy, it was my favorite thing to see all the books lined up so beautifully by color and size! I'm thinking of doing that again since I read on a Kindle now and rarely pick up a book. It's been ONE YEAR since I've read exclusively on my Kindle and I still love it as much as I did the first day Todd brought one home for me. 

Seeing old pictures like this is my favorite. Dad and Sandy have always been known for their long and meaningful vacations and always brought the boys home the sweetest and most thoughtful gifts. They were so excited in this picture, because he came over this Friday bearing gifts for them. They always sent postcards to them from their locations, too, telling them about the area they were visiting and it was ALWAYS educational. I feel like Dad helped homeschool my kids. 

Pool days with my mom-in-love are my favorite days! The water was so refreshing on Wednesday while we were there. It's been hotter than Hades here all week and the only way to be outside is if you're in the water.

I ordered this tub of body butter from Amazon this week and oh my stars, it smells AMAZING. Summer lotions are my favorite and this scent far exceeded my expectations.

Todd went to Cheers (our local liquor store) the other night and brought me home my new favorite wine. Occasionally I love to have a glass at night and when I sent him, I just asked for something fruity, fizzy and cold. This was what the guy there recommended for me and it is delicious! I immediately shared it with my sisters, because we all have similar taste for this kind of thing. This Stella Rosa brand is my favorite. The others flavors I love in this brand are blueberry and black cherry. 

Other favorite moments from this week include talking to or being with my sons, even Drew who I don't see much these days. He has this thing where he calls me when he's at work and not busy. I love it! I love seeing my son Graham so happy—he's been seeing someone the past few weeks and has been loving spending time getting to know her. I love my nights with Todd when we're together and winding down from the day. I love having phone (and in person) conversations with my mom and sisters. I love when I make up a recipe from leftovers and it turns into one of your new favorite dishes. 

I'll leave you with this one last thing. Have you seen this on social media? It's my favorite thing I've seen on the internet all week. I couldn't agree more! This is an account on Facebook called Hey Salty Lady. I liked her page immediately and followed her after reading this, because I couldn't agree more! (I put quotation marks around what she wrote, because it's original content.)

"There’s a reason everyone loves Top Gun Maverick… aside from the nostalgia for us “seasoned” folks, aside from the G’s, Mach 10, and dogfight (football😉) scene… it will make hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars for this reason:
It was JUST entertainment.
It didn’t make you feel like garbage about your country, your gender, your race, political party, religion, or values.
There were good guys.
There were bad guys.
There was right and wrong.
The hero was humbled.
Confidence, even arrogance wasn’t shameful… because it was merited.
Someone could be the best or excellent at what they did without apologizing for privilege.
No one was hellbent on upending fairly healthy social norms, hierarchies, or authorities.
Someone was in charge and someone wasn’t… and that’s life.
Elders were respected and revered, homage and honor was given instead of discarding or dismissing.
Children weren’t saving the world while parents were portrayed as helpless morons.
Duty and responsibility were positives not negatives. Risk was assumed for the benefit of others.
Jack-wagonry/muttonheadedness wasn’t glorified.
It wasn’t trying to normalize deviancy.
It wasn’t PG but it wasn’t gratuitous with language, stupidity or sex.
Shall I go on? It wasn’t Shakespeare. It wasn’t Schindler’s List or Shawshank. It wasn’t even necessarily edifying from a religious perspective. And yet look how refreshing it was! There’s a need for entertainment that doesn’t try to damage or depress the audience.
Arts and entertainment have been degraded into either purposeful propaganda or indulgent idiocy. And it’s making us sick… and frustrated and miserable. There’s a reason the Bible is in narrative form, it’s because common stories, common heroes, common language and shared experience are good for society— which is why the Enemy undermines all of it.
Pay attention Hollywood. People still go to the movies. When they are not rubbish."

I'll wrap this post up with this, along with the recommendation to GO SEE TOPGUN in the theater if you haven't already. It is my favorite movie that I've seen in forever and I cannot recommend it enough. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Tell me something that was your favorite this week. I'd love to hear from you! Love to all. 

P.s. In case you missed my blog posts this week, I'll include links below.






  1. Love that about Top Gun. It was just thoroughly enjoyable and nostalgic. That pool is beautiful! I need to try that wine. I was in the Target wine aisle and the sweetest old man recommended all of their flavors of that brand. He was talking about how it's great bang for your buck. I just remembered that now. I was there to get seltzers so I told him I would get it next time. lol!
    Happy weekend!

  2. Amy, isn't that about Topgun? It's so true! That's so sweet that he recommended something for you! I've not been disappointed yet, so if you try it, you'll have to let me know what you think! This bottle was only $12. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

  3. That is so true about Top Gun! Hollywood/ Hollyweird, take notice!! This is the kind of movie that people want to see and will see. The pool picture is so pretty! The colors in the picture, the prettiness of the pool, the landscaping and the beautiful sky- all so pretty and like you said, near water is the only place you want to be if you're outside during these hot days.

  4. I must confess...I may be a little jealous over that beautiful pool you're getting to swim in. I'll try not to turn too green with envy and instead just be happy that you are able to swim there. lol

    My daughter organized hubby's books in his office by color one day years ago when she spent the day at church with him. It was pretty, but he said he could never find the book he was looking for when he needed it. lol

    I hope you have a great weekend Jennifer.

  5. Maria- right?! I love what you called it: Hollyweird. That is so appropriate! This heat is about to do me in. I cannot even step outside without breaking into a sweat! I feel like I'm melting all the time. 😂

  6. Cathy- I totally get it! I wish we had a pool of our own, but I am thankful for this one and the ones that my sons get to swim in. Lots of their friends have pools. I totally understand how your husband felt! Since I don't read these books anymore, that's why I'm thinking of doing that again!

  7. So much love to this post!!! Love your new journal, love the memories of your dad and kids, love hearing about your kids, love that new wine… I hope I can find it here… and LOVE the last post about Top Gun!!!! Thanks for sharing that! Have the best weekend, friend!

  8. Loved that post about Top Gun! Now I can't wait to see the Elvis movie that comes out next weekend!

  9. I have heard so many great things about Top Gun Maverick and I am super excited to go and see it this coming Tuesday!!

  10. Thanks, Bri! So many good things. I hope you had a great weekend!

  11. I did too, Marilyn! I'll have to look into the Elvis one, I haven't heard of that. I hope you had a great weekend!


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