Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday Favorites, 6.10.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post, where a bunch of us share about all our favorites from the week. 

Well it's not mine, but right now my dogs favorite thing in the world is to be outside when their dad (or Grampy) is out there. Todd came home from work early today with an armload of things to make the deck more enjoyable this summer. He bought a table for him to use beside his chair, some citronella candles and a giant bug zapper that he hung on a post. He's about two minutes away from getting up to go buy a new tv to go out there. We just finished dinner, so while I was cleaning up, he was cleaning the deck and putting things up. They were all out there for about twenty minutes and right now they're all panting like they're dying of thirst. (They're not.) Crash is literally smiling from ear to ear. Don't you love it when dogs smile?

This is my favorite drink year round. It's like Sprite, but with a lot more fizz and way better. I don't typically drink a lot of soft drinks, though I used to drink Diet Coke. I've heard that if you drink a soft drink, make it a clear one. I do drink one of these a day most days.

Sometimes when I drink water, I drink it plain. Sometimes when I drink it, I add about four drops of this to my water bottle. The black cherry, cherry limeade and pineapple coconut flavors are all my favorite. The Kroger brand is so much better than the name brand. 

I shared about this tree that sits on my church property this week. It's a golden rain tree and it's my favorite tree of summer! These blooms remind me of fireworks. They only stay like this from May to July, then it's just green for the rest of the year.

Saturday was my favorite day this week! My bestie and I went on a day trip to the cutest little town in Arkansas. 

Another favorite day this week was when I had an impromptu lunch with my mom. She came into town on Wednesday, so we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch.

Yesterday was my favorite day. My mom-in-love and I swam in her neighborhood pool and it was nice and refreshing. We had the whole pool to ourselves the entire time we were there.

I had dinner out with one of my best friends this week and those nights are always my favorite! We haven't seen each other in way too long, but it is because of circumstances that cannot be helped on her end. It was so good to sit and catch up! You know what my favorite thing about a good friendship is? It's not seeing each other in months, and sitting and talking like it was just yesterday that you last went out. She and I are like that and always will be. I'm so grateful for her friendship! We met through homeschooling. When we first began our homeschool journey, we attended a Bible study and tutorial for the boys—while the students were in class, the moms did Bible study. It was wonderful and the best days. I made so many godly friends there, Andrea being one and whose small group I was first placed in, and the other being Kari, my friend who died a few years ago the day before Christmas eve. I cherish those memories we made together! Their friendship was lifechanging for me and Andrea and I made a vow to never let our relationship go. We've met up almost monthly in the years since we stopped going. I'm so proud of us!

Here we are back at Christmas when we went to a girls night out on the town square and right after she convinced me to get us some cranberry juice—which was red wine and made me choke when I took a huge sip. 😂 It's obvious we love each other. 

What about you, friends? What was a favorite thing from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. ❤


  1. I liked your description of Canada Dry- I agree with the your assessment;). I drink too much diet pop and unfortunately the kinds I usually drink have coloring in them (drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry as I write). That is so nice that you two had that beautiful big pool all to yourselves!! So much good times with friends- sounds like you have some keepers! Happy Friday, friend.

  2. That tree is gorgeous! I can see why you love it so much! This time of year is the best with all my favorite things blooming! That pool scene looks completely relaxing. It's so sweet that you and your MIL do things like that together. Glad you could get out with a friend you have seen in awhile. Best friends are, well... the best, LOL! Have an amazing weekend, my friend!!

  3. You and your friends have the best of times!! I might even be a tad envious:) Although friends don't let friends drink cranberry juice! Just kidding - that was funny. I can only imagine you taking a nice long drink!!:) Hope you have a great weekend. Hooray for big ole bug zappers!!

  4. That tree is so pretty! I've never seen one like that before! How nice you were able to spend time with friends this week! And your deck is looking like a nice place to relax. Love the string lights! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. You had so many wonderful favorites this week. The best to me is time spent with friends and family. Next week I'm meeting 3 former co-workers for lunch and also catching up with the girl cousins as one from Florida is in town right now. Can't wait

  6. It can be really hard to hold onto friends as our kids move from one stage to the next. It definitely takes intentional effort! I loved hearing about the deck upgrades. We just bought some citronella oil/burners for our patio, although I told Michael he will probably be out on the patio by himself for a few months. He likes the heat and I don't. My patio season is definitely September through May. Enjoy the weekend!

  7. Maria- I definitely have some friends that are keepers! And no shame to your cherry Coke, I used to love that! I used to love Diet Coke as well, but the taste changed for me and I'm not sure why. I love a fizzy drink! Especially in the summer when I'm hot. ❤

  8. Bri, I love it so much! While I was at church Sunday the wind was blowing and little yellow leaves were raining down onto the pavement...I thought it was so appropriate that it's called a Golden Rain Tree! That's exactly what it looked like. I hope you had a great weekend!

  9. Thanks, Jennifer, we really do! It doesn't take much to make any of us happy and to have a guaranteed good time. That night was pretty funny, for sure. That wine made me SO HOT after my nice long gulp! Lol.

  10. Thanks, Nicole! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Cathy, I feel the same! It sounds like you're enjoying some of that as well. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend together!

  12. Thanks, Tanya, and you are so right! It definitely takes intentionality and keeping in touch. It's easy to do the opposite, sometimes. I feel you, my friend! It's not quite as hot here as it is where you are, but I don't love the intense heat either. I hope you had a great weekend!


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