Wednesday, June 1, 2022

currently- the June edition


Happy Wednesday, friends, and HAPPY JUNE AND SUMMER! I'm linking up with Anne from In Residence for this month's post of things I'm currently celebrating, giving, taking, trying and wearing


I feel like I am celebrating the start of summer. I consider it to be "summer" when the pools open. I am thankful to have a pool to swim in, not in my own yard, but a neighborhood pool where my mom-in-love lives. It's so nice! We went Tuesday and we're going again tomorrow. We're usually the only ones there, or if there is someone there, it's just one or two other people.

This is what it looks like—it's really nice! It was cool when we were there Tuesday, but it'll be warmer when we go tomorrow. I love doing this both for fun and as a chance to visit with her. Additionally, we celebrated Memorial day by honoring those in our church on Sunday who had lost loved ones and also those who served our country. I do know the difference between Memorial day and Veteran's day, but it's always nice to say thanks to them and to give them the honor they deserve. We didn't do much on the actual day, though. I saw my sister one last time before she left to go home to Denver yesterday morning, and then Todd grilled burgers for our dinner that we enjoyed with 3/4 of our sons. It was a lovely day.


This one's a hard one. The only thing that I can think of for this category is that I am giving thought to something new I'm about to start doing. I wasn't going to say anything here, but since I kind of started it, I may as well finish the thought all the way through. I'm going to spend an upcoming Saturday going through an all day training class on discipling pregnant moms. There's a ministry that my friend works with called One By One Ministries that is nationwide, as far as I know, and you can sign up to be a prayer partner or a mentor to pregnant moms. The goal is to help them along with parenting and life skills, sharing the gospel, for the goal that they will thrive as parents and that their children will flourish. I'm pretty excited about this. It's a huge commitment, but I have the time to commit, so after prayerful consideration, I reached out to become a mentor and fill out an application to volunteer and I agreed to a background check. 

I don't really know what to expect, so I'm trying my best to go into this with no expectations. I am excited to train for the day so that I can find out more information. My friend said it was good for me to go in with no expectations. Other than this information, I won't really share about that here. I'm almost positive I'll have to sign all sorts of privacy agreements to protect the moms that sign up with this ministry. I'm happy to answer questions about this, or you can just Google the name of the ministry and see if there is one near you, should that be something you'd be interested in learning more about. There are other similar ministries, one being Life Choices, that do this sort of thing. It's a great thing to consider doing, if you have the experience as a mom and if you have time. 


My best friend and I are taking a day trip this weekend, and I am so excited! We were going to get away for the whole weekend, but it's just not possible right now, so this gives us the added benefit of being together for a whole day and being back home in our own beds that night and for church on Sunday.

Typically when we've done day trips, we've gone to places near Nashville. This time we're going to a couple of different small towns that are close by us—one in Arkansas and one in Mississippi. I'm excited to go somewhere new and different for both of us, but more than that, I am excited for a whole day of uninterrupted time with my best friend. It seems like we never see each other anymore, because we're in a crazy phase of life. We do talk on the phone often, though and it's never awkward or anything like that, but we just never see each other. Even at church, it's two or three minutes here or five minutes there as we we're walking to our cars, and often other people are near or they come up to join us. We decided we needed some time together, just the two of us. One thing I love about her is that even though we're just going for the day, we will both probably take a change of clothes, just in case we need them if we've been hot all day. This is to celebrate her birthday, which is Sunday. 💓 


My husband and I are still trying our best to eat healthy and to lose weight. We've both been able to keep it up, though he is doing much better than me. He's lost at least thirty pounds and is shrinking before my very eyes. I, on the other hand, am a middle aged menopausal woman (sorry if that's TMI) and it's coming off literally a pound at a time. It's okay, though! I'll take any loss over none. I'm trying to do what he does, which is that I eat every couple of hours. This means I'll have a protein drink at breakfast, a mid morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner and maybe something if I want something sweet after dinner. We're not pros at this, but we're both trying our best most of the time. 

I include these pictures, because you can tell on him from the side and in the way his jeans hang on him, and even I see a big difference in the shape of my face from this past year to now. 


I bought another dress from Amazon! I'll be wearing it all summer. Come back next Tuesday for my Prime Purchases post for the month of May...I'll share about both of these dresses there. 

Other things I'm wearing are my hair back, funky and bright nail polish and my all time favorite wedges that I love (pictured right above that are neutral and the brown ones with the navy dress), the ones that are the Bussola brand. I'm also wearing my bathing suit and cover-up (the suit is from last year that I bought online and it arrived too small, but now fits), flip flops by Oofos that feel so good for my aching feet and the short tiered dresses that I bought last year from Walmart. When it's hot, those are my uniform, because give me flowy and breezy ANY DAY over pants or shorts that stick to me. 

See? I love these dresses and wear them all.the.time. when it's hot. They've washed and worn really well for the low price that I paid for them and haven't shrunk at all. I have one in gray (pictured above), navy blue, army green, emerald green and black. I bought two in the store that day one year ago and came home and ordered the other three online. You should check out their dresses now. They have some cute ones! 

Well, I hope this was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write. I love having these to look back on! I'll see you back here tomorrow for Rebecca Jo's and my link party for our Thankful Thursday blog series that we do each week. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

P.s. If you haven't seen my other posts from this week, here are some links for you.

Monday's weekend recap.

Tuesday's the books I read in May

I'd love for you to check them out! 


  1. You have lots of good stuff coming up- pool days, your volunteer work and getting away with your best friend. Congrats on losing weight and being overall healthier. Your husband's weight loss is impressive; it seems like men lose weight easier than us ladies. Whyyyyy?, lol!

  2. High five for pounds coming off - and wearing things that were not fitting before! Love that "you don't notice me taking your picture" shot of your husband!! It's great that you guys are in it together - so much easier to eat healthy/eliminate junk/etc that way! Your new ministry opportunity sounds really interesting...if not a bit intimidating for me. I pray God will put you with exactly the women who can be blessed and encouraged with your sweet spirit and wisdom. I love your dresses lately. I snagged one...and so wish those Walmart ones were a bit longer on me. They are a perfect length on you - a bit shart for me. Sigh. Happy June!

  3. That is great to explore this new ministry opportunity to serve these young women. And how fun to go on a day trip! We love doing that and have realized there are lots of gems within a few hours of us. Congrats on eating healthy! I know it is hard and I am struggling trying to get back on track after eating a minimum of 2 desserts for a week addition to at least 4 meals a day. Enjoy your Wednesday!

  4. That pool looks absolutely beautiful. Love that you and your hubby are working on eating healthier. And I really like all your dresses. Hope you have a really great time this weekend with your bestie.

  5. I'm gonna need that striped dress link!!!!
    WHYYYYYYYY do men lose weight so easily. UGH - so frustrating. Keep up the work though!

  6. That pool looks divine. I'm so ready to get in one! It's pretty toasty out today, but storms are coming later. sigh.

    Have a fun day trip with your friend this weekend!!

    Lauren @

  7. Way to go with the weightloss! It is definitely a struggle in midlife, and guys seem to have an easier time with it. That is amazing that you will be working with pregnant moms! I hope the training goes well!

  8. Thanks, Maria! I know it has to have something to do with their metabolism and how ours slows down with age. Who the heck knows?! I knew he would do great at this, though. He has such strong willpower!

  9. Thank you, Jennifer! I appreciate you praying for me in this so very much! They will not be wasted, I promise. And thank you for that sweet encouragement! The dresses definitely work better on shorter people. I'm only 5'3, so they're good on me, though the emerald green one is a bit too short. I can only wear it when I'm around certain people. Ha!

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! I'm excited for my day trip and I'm just trucking along and trying my best. It can be hard to come off of vacation food, that is for sure! I hope you'll be able to find your groove again soon. ❤

  11. Thanks, Cathy! Girl, that pool was so nice. I was so hot outside and the cool felt so refreshing. I'll share about our day trip one day next week!

  12. Rebecca Jo- FOR REAL. It's not fair!

  13. Thanks, Lauren! I hope you get to enjoy a dip in the pool soon. There's nothing quite like a refreshing swim!

  14. Thank you, Tanya! I appreciate that and I feel good about slow and steady. I've lost quickly before only to have it pile back on even faster and usually a little more than what I'd lost. My husband's mom has lost over one hundred pounds this way! She's been doing slow and steady for a few years now and she is tiny and looks amazing. She's such an inspiration!

  15. The dresses are all so cute, and so are the shoes! I love the idea of the ministry you're getting involved with and I hope it's a wonderful experience!

  16. Thank you, Kym and thanks for stopping by!


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