Wednesday, May 25, 2022

what's up Wednesday?

I scheduled this post to publish before learning of the events yesterday that happened in Uvalde, Texas. My heart hurts for those dear families and community ever since I learned of the horror that happened yesterday. I love to be a bright spot here, but it never feels right to let something go unsaid. I am praying for those families who lost their babies, the family of the teacher, the kids, the faculty and the community this morning. I'll continue on to this post, but I had to edit this today to say something. Lord Jesus, be near to those dear people in that community. 

Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for this monthly blog post. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

Welcome to summer weather, where I'll be searching of new things to make because it's too hot to start the oven! I say that, but the weather is mild this week. Monday night we had teriyaki pork tenderloins, shells and cheese (for the guys) and sweet potatoes for the hubby and myself. Last night we had tacos, because TACO TUESDAY! Tonight we'll have something leftover and easy and tomorrow night we'll have grilled chicken and veggies OR chicken fajitas. Additionally for lunch yesterday, my mom and I met for sushi at our favorite Japanese restaurant. 

 Mexican food is always my go-to. I'm not sure if my family appreciates this! 😂

What I'm reminiscing about:

Oh, just being at the beach last month with some of my dearest friends. All the laughter we shared, the sweet times of talking, praying and making memories was priceless! These are some of God's greatest gifts to me. I'm reminiscing about this because my sister is there this week. I'm so glad she's there to relax and then coming here for a few days. It's been like a year and a half since I've laid eyes on her and I cannot wait to see her! This is one of my sisters who lives in Denver.

What I'm loving:

Our flower beds are bursting with color!

The pictures never do it quite justice, but I love them. The blooming pink shrubs you see in one of these pictures are azaleas, the type that bloom several times a year. I love how it looks like color is spilling out over the tops of each shrub. 

What we've been up to:

I've been doing things to keep the outside of our home looking nice since I have the time. I did something new yesterday!

Yesterday I mowed the yard for the first time in my life. The boys have done this since they turned eleven and they've done a great job! But they're working full time and they're just not home like they used to be, so I volunteered to start doing the backyard. It doesn't look terrible, friends! I'll take that as bonus points. Other than my newly self appointed job of the outside things, I've been doing the same things to keep our home running efficiently. I have an easy routine that I love. Each day it includes quiet time, laundry, dusting/vacuuming/cleaning counters/bathrooms (yes, I do most of those everyday), reading, writing out Scripture that we'll be studying in the fall, Bible study homework, listening to music most of the day and writing on this blog. 

What I'm dreading:

The only thing I can think of that I'm dreading is how humid it gets here every summer. I do not enjoy the heat like most people. I feel like I'm hot all the time, and though I've been like this most my life, I do feel some of this is hormone-related. If that's TMI, my bad. I shower more this time of year than any other and I've been known to do it twice in one day, depending on how bad it gets.

What I'm working on:

I'm waiting to help edit our next Bible study at church. My final portion is being edited right now, then I'll help do it all again when everyone else is finished. 

What I'm listening to:

Well at the moment I have a summer playlist I made on Spotify playing. But also, know that Chip and Oakley are fighting as I write this. I say fighting, but they're really playing. I love that they have each other!

What I'm excited about:


My mom-in-love has a pool in her neighborhood and beginning next week after Memorial day, we'll start to do this at least once a week. I cannot wait! I love the actual being in the water, but I also love being able to visit with her and catch up on life. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm not really watching anything right now. I would love some show recommendations! I love to binge a show or two during this time of year because I'm on a break from Bible study at church. I'm currently reading a new to me book by Josie Silver. I'll post about the books I read in May next week, so stay tuned! Here's a sneak peak that I shared last week.

What I'm wearing:

I've been wearing my hair up or back these days, because I mentioned how hot I am.

And I'm wearing as cool and flowy/breezy clothes as I have. I keep wearing the dresses I bought last summer and I'm glad to have them. Here's one that I wear often and the picture is from last summer.

They're such a great length and modest enough that I can wear them to church.

What I'm doing this weekend:

My sister Lisa will be here, so I plan on spending time with her, Mom and my sister Trish that lives here. I'm excited! Also, I'll see my dad on Friday and we'll have church on Sunday, so all my normal things. 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Ummm...maybe a couple of short trips? It's undecided at the moment, but I'll keep you posted! 

What else is new:

I think I covered it all, friends. What have you been up to this month? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all! 


  1. Your plants all look great! Sounds like it will be a fun and special weekend with your fam- enjoy!

  2. Your flowers are all so pretty! It is a great time of year for flower gardens, isn't it? Not all of my perennials have bloomed but they are getting close. Your plans for the weekend sound so nice. I may get to see one of my brothers who lives out of town but it depends on the weather. I can imagine how much you are looking forward to seeing your sister.

  3. Such beautiful flowers and that pool looks so inviting.

  4. Thanks, Maria! Our flower beds are about a year and a half old, so we weren't sure how they were going to turn out this spring. You never know with them, I suppose, so we're excited to see them thrive. This was also why we wanted to hire someone to do them professionally. I'm glad that we knew a guy from church! He did us a huge favor by doing these for us, he doesn't usually do residential yards.

  5. Thanks, Cathy! I think it does too. I'm excited to be in it!

  6. Such good pictures of you guys at the beach! What a great group of friends! Did you happen to include the link for yesterday's maxi dress? I'm struggling to find links. It is clearly past my bedtime! I will check back tomorrow:)

  7. Thanks, Jennifer! Shoot! I forgot. I'll do it on Friday when I share my favorites. I'll do my best to remember!


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...