Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo from Knit By God's Hand for this weekly post on being intentionally thankful. It's not always easy to be like this, is it? I remember thinking that years ago, during a time when everything seemed stressful in my life. I remember reading or hearing someone encourage people to look up—to focus on who God is and that in doing that, it takes your eyes off of your own circumstances and focuses instead on Him. 

I probably read that in a devotional book, which is why I'm a huge fan of those. I don't use them very often these days, but I sure do have a bunch of them laying around the house! If you're in a spiritual rut, try changing up your routine. Use a devotional book for a while and let it be your prayer prompt. Start listening to a podcast each day—a dependable and sound one that I love is put out daily by the Revive Our Hearts ministries. I promise, it works! I have to do that myself on occasion, like during every December. 

That being said, I'll share some good things from my week so far. 

I was thankful to be in church this past Sunday! I missed the week before due to sickness, and it felt like it had been ages since I'd been there. It was also really sweet being able to sing in choir. Our worship and the sermon were both wonderful. I feel so fortunate to be able to write this. 

I'm thankful to be reading in the book of Psalms right now. I'm reading the Bible in chronological order again this year and this time of reading is some of my favorite, while we're in the Psalms. So much has stood out to me this week!

The book of Psalms is one of my favorite portions in the Bible to read. I go there when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm overwhelmed, when all is well, when all seems wrong. I love that David went through so many of these emotions and no matter what he was going through, he always brought it back around to praising God. 

I'm thankful for the good and encouraging part of social media. I really love Instagram and I have for years now, but I've got my feed customized with people who uplift and encourage with their words. There are so many great accounts to follow there! I love Rachel Marie Martin (finding joy), whose image I shared at the top of this blog post, I love Shannon from, I love the Proverbs 31 ministries, I love the Revive Our Hearts ministries and speakers. 

I'm thankful for the fact that Todd, Jonah, Noah and I sat down to eat dinner together Tuesday night. These nights are few and far between! Graham wasn't here when we ate dinner and later ended up going out to eat instead. I'm also thankful that I've seen Drew a lot this week and that I've had leftovers for him to eat each time he's been here. He loves leftovers!

I'm thankful that I was able to spend time with my best friend last night after church. We never see each other these days! We went to dinner after church. We're dreaming of where we want to go next and we have some ideas! 

I'm thankful for a day at home today. I plan on spending my time doing Bible study homework, cleaning, laundry and on some other tasks that are hanging over my head. 

Your turn! What's one thing you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. I just bought my friend a Journaling Bible that is only the Psalms & Proverbs... its from Dayspring. You can find it on Amazon - its so beautifully bound but all the space to write out & draw & be creative. & Psalms is all about prayers so what a place to write your own thoughts & prayers. I'll send you the link if you want!

  2. Also... side note... love your new blog look. The font is so easy on the eyes & it looks so clean & pretty!

  3. Hello - great gratitude post. I love the Book of Psalms too and just finished it (again) a couple of months ago. I am reading the Old Testament out of order. It always great to be in church worshipping - it is a true privilege that many of us take for granted. I always love visiting your blog. Have a good weekend. :-)

  4. Rebecca Jo-

    I'm going to check that out! I'll have to go look for it, because it sounds like something I'd love. Thanks for that recommendation! And thank you for the blog compliment...I'm trying to switch it up on my own, which used to be so easy for me to do, but I have to confess- I'm about one step away from calling my friend to help me who is a graphics designer. That was affirming, because I wasn't sure what I thought about it yet.

    Have a great day, my friend! ❤

  5. Thank you, Deb! How funny that you were also just in Psalms. It's such a great book for all of life. We were talking about that last night at church- there's the "angry" Psalms, the "prescription" Psalms, the "aged" Psalms and so on. It's so rich!

    Thank you for that sweet encouragement! I hope you have a great day!

  6. I'm reading the Bible through chronologically too and really enjoying it. When hubby and I get overwhelmed by life's circumstances, we often go to the Psalms and read them out loud together. It really helps our attitudes and encourages us to hang on. Love the Psalms.

  7. Cathy, that's great that you're reading in chronological order as well! I love reading this way, as one continuous thread. One thing reading this way has taught me is that the story in its entirety is connected and that redemption is woven throughout.

    I love that you and your husband do that together. I may borrow that idea from you! I often pray them out loud as I read as well. I love doing that. I hope you're having a good day, my friend! ❤


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