Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I are back for another installment of Thankful Thursday and we'd love for you to join us! I say it almost every week, but if you want a tried and tested way to be grateful everyday, start your own gratitude list. I promise it'll turn your situation around, whatever it is you're struggling with. We all have bad days, we all have days when we're down in the dumps, and while it's normal to experience times like that, don't stay there in those feelings for too long. If you're a Christian, the enemy lurks while we're in that kind of mindset and he thrives in that environment. Look up! Find something to thank the Lord for, even if it's just one thing. Your list will grow day by day and before you know it, you'll probably find yourself spending your time of prayer with prayers of thanksgiving and praise. 

I love the imagery that the following verses give for one who walks closely with Jesus. These scriptures are found in Psalm 1.

How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the LORD's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. The wicked are not like this; instead, they are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand up in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin.

Spend time with Jesus. Pray and read His word. Those two things also make a world of difference. I don't say any of this to shame you into spending time with Him, but I do pray that you're encouraged to begin the habit of spending time with Him everyday. You can't put a time limit on such things, but a good way is to just judge for yourself by evaluating your day. Do you have kids who are up with the sun and in bed early? Spend your time with Jesus in the evening. Or do you work outside of your home? Maybe you can fit in some time on your lunch break. Do you spend hours reading or watching movies or shows, like I can tend to do? I know for me, that was convicting. I began to put time with Jesus first, along with completing Bible study homework or studying for a writing project before I allowed myself to do those other things I love to do to escape or unwind. 

If you have hours to spend, great! That's usually not the case, though, but don't skim on the prayer time. I read the best book about this last year called How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life by Dr. Gregory R. Frizzell. If you want a practical how to guide of how pray faithfully everyday, I would highly recommend this book.

Here's a link if you want to check it out.

When you remain in or abide with Jesus, you will be like that tree planted by streams of water that David talks about in Psalm 1. Your roots will so deeply imbedded in the hydrating soil that is His word, you will bear much fruit for His glory and you will never wither away.

Well, I didn't mean for this post to take this path, but alas, here I am. I'll just wrap it all up with this last little bit. I am so thankful for the relationship the Lord has led me to have with Him. You can have it too, my friend. Even if you know Him, are you close to Him? There's nothing special about what I do to have this type of walk in my faith, all it requires is that I make time for Him. Sure, there are days when I don't read the Bible or pray, like when I was sick for the last week, but the Lord knows my heart and He knows that my normal self yearns to spend time with Him daily. Do you know Him? Do you closely walk with Him? James 4:8a is another verse that I love and am so thankful for.

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

It's true and I've experienced it time and again. Please reach out if you'd like to talk more. You can comment here or you can email me at

As you read this, I'm waking up in a fancy hotel in downtown Nashville. I'll share more about this tomorrow or next week, but that's another thing I'm grateful—time away with my guy. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. What's one thing you're grateful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Love to all. ❤

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  1. Enjoy your stay in downtown Nashville! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. I appreciate the encouragement to abide in His word and prayer. I am thankful for nice enough weather to walk outside in the evenings with my husband and for laughter when we were caught in a unexpected rain while we were out earlier this week. Have a great day, friend!

  2. Hope you are having a great nashville time!

    Yep - I tend to let prayer slack some when I'm busy - but that's when I need to commit to it even more!

  3. Very well said my friend and Oh so true!

  4. Thanks, Maria! And you're welcome. It was my for myself as much as it was for anyone else. That's so nice that y'all have evening walks. I know you're loving the warmer evenings. That sounds fun! I used to love being caught in rain storms.

  5. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! You and me both. I think everyone would say the same.


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