Tuesday, May 17, 2022

my quiet time spot and resources, a movie and worship music

Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope your week has gotten off to a good start. Mine sure did! I lived my favorite kind of day yesterday—I had good, quality time with Jesus and I spent several hours at my kitchen table reading His word, studying and finishing my Bible study homework. I'm sad to say that, because you know how much I've loved this Bible study. It has been so, so good, That's actually what I want to talk about today—a little bit of Bible study, a little bit of my quiet time habits and a bit of the resources that I like to use.

For ten weeks in Bible study, we've studied the characteristics listed below:

  • discernment
  • honor
  • affection
  • discipline
  • virtue
  • responsibility
  • benevolence
  • disposition
  • legacy
  • beauty

Each week we learned a biblical truth about the characteristic we studied, then we compared it to something that popular culture says. This study is called True Woman 201//Interior Design. The first part of our study was a separate one, True Woman 101//Divine Design, where we learned about why God created men and women the way He did and we learned how to live as a biblical woman of God. Trust me when I say that I've never known how much the worldly culture has affected the way that I think and believed. When I say I've undergone a(nother) radical transformation, know that I mean every word of it, with no dramatic effect. I've been convicted and I've been renewed as I've studied this passage like never before. It's brought about change in my marriage, in my parenting/encouraging role and in my life and with how I spend my personal time.

The whole study was based on the truth of Titus 2:3-5 and 10. I'll write them out for you. You can read the verses and understand on your own how they're applied through the characteristics I listed.

In the same way, older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not slaves to excessive drinking. They are to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, workers at home, kind, and in submission to their husbands, so that God's word will not be slandered...so that they may adorn the teaching of God our Savior in everything.

I feel like I have learned so much, even though I feel like I already knew a lot of the subject matter going in. I keep saying that because I love to hear when people love a book they read, a song they like or a good Bible study they participated in. I love the Revive Our Hearts ministries that put this study out. The authors are trusted and godly women and if you visit the website, they have lots of resources that are sound. In this day and time, we have to be careful about what we read and who we trust. I always encourage people to do their research about a person and ministry. You'll quickly see for yourself what is being said about the person you're looking into. For instance, I loved a particular Bible study author and grew up in the faith doing her studies for many years. And for those years, I believe she was trustworthy, but somewhere along the line, she started to veer ever so slightly from the truth of the Bible. I actually know several who did this, but this one particular woman was someone I looked up to, even though I didn't personally know her. It's like using a plumb line as you hang wallpaper—without using one the lines may appear straight, but when you get to that window, you'll see that you became very off centered.

So, don't take my word for this ministry and study, look into it on your own! See who their partners are and make sure that what they teach aligns with sound doctrine. I also love Proverbs 31 Ministries and believe they're a trusted resource. Some preachers that I love are Tony Evans, Jim Cymbala and David Platt. Tony Evans is probably my favorite. His daughter Priscilla Shirer is another trustworthy resource and Bible teacher. 

Speaking of her, I was inspired to watch the movie she starred in several years ago last week—War Room. I don't remember why I was inspired to watch it, but I was glad I did. I think I need to watch it again every few months to inspire my prayer life. Have you seen the movie? It's really good and able to purchased or rented from Prime TV. I love how the main character in the movie has a war room, which is her prayer closet. I don't have one such hidden room, but my prayer happens either from my chair in the living room or while I'm at my kitchen table having quiet time. 

My quiet time basket has been moved around and used for many different things, but the latest that I'm doing with it is making it the home of the resources I use on a daily basis. It's easy to move with it being in a basket on the rare occasion when our dinner table is full. Even with the basket, there are still things I use that don't fit in there, so I keep them stacked neatly on the table. Lately I've been using lots of post-it notes for my favorite scriptures that I've been reading in my chronological reading and today I started a new prayer journal. I love assigning verses to my sons and then I like to encourage them with what I read. I keep them there on my window while I sit at the table to remind me to pray over them often. They may actually stay there all week. 

I've been praying very intentionally and specifically over our sons in the past few weeks. For anyone that thinks our life is always sunshine and peonies, it's not and we walk through some difficult things with each of our sons on a pretty regular basis. On the bright side of that, Todd and I are closer than ever and better teammates than we've ever been before thus far in our marriage. I won't share any of that here, out of respect for them, but know that we go through it with them. I recently heard a song that is new to me and it's been on repeat for weeks now. I thought I'd share it here with you, in case you're in need of a song that can be turned into a prayer. Actually there are two such songs and I'll share them both below. 

This first video is In Jesus Name (God of Possible) by Katy Nichole. 

This last one is I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle that I've shared before. I was recently singing it and praying it at the same time.

All of these things are connected to walking daily with Jesus. I pray, I read His word, I study His word and I worship Him through song. Music is a powerful tool that the Lord ministers through and there is something about putting on the praise music and blaring it through your home to get you up and moving. Todd has us hooked up with all these smart speakers in the house and now I can tell Google to play my worship music throughout the home or just downstairs. I love this and just saturate myself with God's word by listening. Like I said, I love to talk to people to find out what they're doing/reading/watching/listening to in their lives that they love. I hope you enjoyed all these things I talked to you about today. I would say the point is to find your own thing and tailor this example to suit you. I promise it makes a huge difference in walking through the daily struggles of life. 

Thanks for reading, friends! Love to all. ❤ 


  1. So much good info/ sharing here, Jennifer. On a superficial note, your jar of colored pens in your quiet time basket reminds me SO MUCH of a sight that I see every day when I sub- almost all the teachers have a similar jar of Flair/ colored pens on their desks and so I see jars of pens a lot! Anyway, the study you just finished sounds really good. I love the concept of what you studied and I can imagine how good it was. I will check out Revive Our Hearts ministry. Also I am curious about the Bible study teacher you mentioned whom you used to love and then noticed that something was off with her teaching (but understand that you don't want to name her name on your blog). How you characterized your relationship with your husband in the season you are with him resonates with me. That is how my husband and I are. I will have to check out your song recs. Such a good post, Jennifer. Have a great day!

  2. Thank you, Maria! ❤ The Lord is so kind to use you as a source of encouragement to me. I appreciate your words more than you'll ever know! I know they are super popular pens...they've been my favorite for so long! I love to write and I love how they're a thick, marker type pen. I'm kind of a pen snob and am quite particular about the ones I use.

    You should check out the ministry! They have so many resources, including a free app and a daily podcast that is incredibly relevant. I'm sure you can probably guess- her first name initial is B. It broke my heart to see her go a little rogue, but my pastor pegged it years ago when he removed all of her studies from our church bookstore and library. I still need to tell him I'm sorry for disagreeing with him on that matter! He discerned it far earlier than I ever did. It was really, really bad with her during the most recent presidential election. She went way too worldly and political for me and I had all sorts of red flags jumping out.

    There are many beautiful aspects of the aging process, are there not? A strong and healthy marriage is the main one that I'm talking about. I feel like I squandered so many of our younger years by being argumentative with him and really hard-headed. He had it right at that time, it was me who couldn't prioritize things right. I've learned so much and have such a desire to share what the Word of God has taught me. The Lord has been faithful and infinitely good to us. I'm so thankful!

    I hope you have a great day, my friend.

  3. Beautiful worship songs. I'm familiar with the first one but not the second. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Aren't they great, Cathy? I love them both. I hope your week has been good so far!

  5. Hi friend - I was jumping on quickly this afternoon...to let you know that my Bible study book (true woman 201) just arrived:) and here you have an entire post as a result of your study!! I love it. I am excited to jump right in but have actually been considering the idea of hosting a Bible study at my house through the summer. Sounds simple - but it would be a big step (outside of my comfort zone) to say the least. I will continue to pray about it though - but can't wait too long. Summer is almost here!! Woohoo!

    So much good encouragement in your post today. I had a similar morning yesterday. My husband was out and had an extra-long, uninterrupted morning and was able to have extra quiet time and study. I so enjoy those mornings!! Thanks so much for the recommendation for this study...I have always admired (trusted) Nancy Demoss (Wolgemuth - did I spell that right??)

    Glad your week is off to a great start!! Happy Tuesday, friend!

  6. Jennifer- how exciting! I know you are going to love this study, but just a warning: prepare to have your toes stepped on! In a good way, of course. You'll get it the minute you start. I think it's a great idea to do this with some friends! I will pray for you as well, that the Lord would show you the way. The videos arenfree to watch on YouTube, so it's risk free!

    I'm so glad you also had that kind of day. Those are so uplifting! I hope your day has been good so far, my friend! ❤️


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