Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Let's Look at Home Towns!


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for this monthly blog post, where we share little things in our lives each month. This month we're looking at home towns! If you recall, I started sharing about my home town back around the holidays last year. I did a bi-monthly segment called Tuesday Around Town. I shared about our town square here. It was a fun post about our town square that's reminiscent of a Hallmark movie. Speaking of that, did you know that Southern Living wrote about us? If you'd like to read what they said about our town and some other cute Tennessee towns, click here

I feel like I've already shared everything about my home town that there is to share, but I'll write about them again and hit the high points of why I love living in Collierville, Tennessee so much. First is that no matter how much our town has grown, it still feels small. I run into someone I know every time I leave my house and I love that. I love that our town is lit up like the fourth of July every Christmas.

I love that we attend church here in our own community.

I love that I see my sons in the service each week, even the one who no longer lives at home and that I also see my mom and stepdad. I love worshipping with the family of God and also with my actual family. 

I love that I grew up here and that we raised our sons here.

I love that in the summer we have summer concerts on the square.

I also love that there are little groups of musicians sitting around playing their guitars and fiddles each Friday night once the weather starts warming up. 

I love that we have strict town rules on keeping the yards trimmed, prohibiting Christmas decorations from staying up too long and that there are no billboards over a certain height allowed. It keeps everything nice and neat. I love that we have our own municipal school district and that the schools are still good. 

I love that the town workers plant beautiful median areas for us to enjoy.

I love everything about our little town. I also love that as small as it is and feels, there are plenty of stores near enough that it has everything I could ever think of needing. I never have to travel far, except for gas...gas, I travel down the road for. 😉 

It's your turn! What your favorite thing about where you live? I'd love to hear your answers! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. It is such a cute square! We went to Fair on the Square on Saturday.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. You have a beautiful town. It truly looks like something that should be in a movie, or that would stage Gilmore Girls. :)

  3. It sounds like a wonderful town. We live just outside of our little town and we have some of the same things. I love small towns.

  4. It really does sound like a hallmark town. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love the pictures of your cute town and reading all about it. The best thing is that YOU love it!! It would be hard to not like where you live. I love our small town even though I didn't grow up living in it.

  6. Thanks, Marilyn! That is so much fun too...I haven't been to one in years. Crowds aren't my thing, so I usually stay away, but I grew up going and working in a booth with my youth group.

  7. Thanks, Bri! It DOES remind me of Stars Hollow!

  8. Thanks, Cathy! I love them too and I would probably love yours just as much!

  9. Thanks, Maria! You're so right. It would not be good to live where you didn't love. I hope you've had a good day!


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