Monday, May 23, 2022

Hello Monday/Weekending


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was really good. I got it kicked off with my dad on Friday. Most of you know that my dad is 91 and that we spend every Friday together. We've been doing this as long as I can remember. We've always been close and even when he still worked, we always met for lunch once or twice a week. When the boys started growing up, we started our Fridays with Pappaw, because he was partially retired. We used to love doing fun things in the summer—we would go to the zoo, the children's museum or downtown to the fireman's museum. We would eat out sometimes or we would take picnics. It was the best time! Over the years this has evolved from us and four boys to three boys, then two, and now it's just me and Dad. We talk about days gone by all the time and how different they are now. He loves when they come home early so he can get hugs from them. 

We went to Costco for me to get a few things (mainly coffee) and then we had lunch there after. We both had pizza! Their pizza in the food court is my favorite. Have you had it? After that we came back to my house and I took him back home. After that I drove to my mom's house to have dinner with them. Bill made the best tacos! We enjoyed visiting, then I came home and tried to find a movie to watch, but I settled on watching a repeat of something. It was late and I was tired! Todd worked that night, Graham was home with me and we sat and talked while I had a show on the background, Noah was with a friend all weekend and Jonah and a couple friends made the last minute decision to go to the lake for the night. 

Check out the beautiful sunset I admired on my way home from Mom's! I love the drive from their house in the country. I love it, but I have to say, I'm glad I don't have it everyday. It seems so far! I grew up in the country, so I was used to having a fifteen minute drive (at least) to everywhere. When Todd and I got married over twenty five years ago, we lived in the city and I've loved it ever since. I love where we live and the close proximity to everything in town. 

On Saturday, I went out with my mom and sisters. We had lunch at a local place I love called Huey's, then we shopped a little. I did not buy anything, though I was looking for a blue shirt to buy, I never found anything. I'm glad I was able to help my mom out, because she found two shirts and my sister bought a couple of things. I went home with nothing but the food I'd eaten for lunch. 😂

I took this picture of myself to check my hair—I never wear my hair back like this and I did that day because I was already hot. I wear it back at home or up in a ponytail, but I never do it in public. The minute I saw my sister, she commented on how much she loved it, so that was sweet affirmation. I am so self-conscience with it like this. Surely I'm not the only one like this?  I also wore a dress that a lady in my favorite boutique complimented. She asked if I got it from there, but I bought several last year from Walmart. They had two colors in the store, then I came home and ordered three more online. 

I came home to my man and we enjoyed the rest of the day together. He picked us up some sushi for dinner, then he watched a show while I read my book the rest of the night.

This was delicious. Neither of us ate all that we ordered and Todd finished it off last night for dinner. 

Todd was at church before seven fifteen yesterday morning and I was there by eight for praise team rehearsal. It was such a great day of worship! I'm always so grateful for this and for the opportunity to help lead in worship. 

We came home for a while, then he went back there at three to get ready for a night of worship we had. Graham made it back home from Nashville, then he met him there to help the tech guys. I was there at five and by eight we were having dinner and then back in our pajamas and down for the count. It was a great day, but it was long and I read for a while after finishing this blog post, then went to bed early. 

It was a great and full weekend for us. How was yours? Did you do anything fun and exciting? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. I grew up in the country, too and I hear you on the distance thing. I did not like being so far from everything- every store, my friends, EVERYTHING! When I went away to college and lived in a town, I was most excited about being within walking distance of businesses. Forget partying, I was too busy walking to stores ;). Your weekend sounds really good. How nice to spend a lot of time with your loved ones and at church. I like the picture of you leading worship at church- an "in action" shot of you serving. Have a wonderful Monday, friend!

  2. Maria- You get it too! It wasn't that bad of a drive when I was young, but still. I only had one friend who lived close by, but that was all. Thanks for that, my friend! I hope you had a good one as well! ❤

  3. Good morning friend! If I had a view like that...I would leave "way out" in the country! Actually, I dream of living out and away. I think it would be the best life...but, of course, I live in the exact opposite and always have. The grass is always greener:) I so enjoyed your posts from the end of last week - but have been reading on my phone and not my computer (which makes it impossible for my old self to leave comments). Hope you have another week full of blessings. You really encourage me to see how good God is - even in the routine!! Happy Monday!!

  4. Love how close you and your dad are- I think that is so special! I am inspired by your faith too- such beautiful work you do all around :)

  5. The time you spend with your dad is so sweet and something you both cherish. Love that you are intentional with that. And, YES, to the Costco food court pizza… YUM!

    My oldest daughter and I just watched The Princess Bride the other afternoon. She was surprised I hadn’t seen it yet and knew I would enjoy the love story portion. :)

    Gorgeous sunset! I grew up in town but now married, we live 20 minutes out from town. Wonder if my kids will look back and enjoy that or think it was too far, ha.

    I agree with your sister, your hair looks great pulled back like that. (And I love your classes.)

    What a great weekend for you! We celebrated Joe and his birthday, and then Sunday he took the kids out fishing on the boat so I could have the house to myself!! I worked on picking out all our curriculum for the fall. Joe just laughs at me and that I get so excited about all that, but I am sure you totally get it. ;)

  6. Jennifer- It's all about perspective, right? It is definitely a gorgeous and unfiltered view they have of the sunset each night.

    Thank you for that sweet encouragement! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the posts. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you, my friend. ❤

  7. Thank you, Holly! I always appreciate encouragement. I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  8. Thank you, Bri! I love that too. My mouth is watering, thinking about that yummy pizza. I think that no matter where you spend your childhood, it's always a wonderful and magical time to look back on. I loved living where we did, but I know my boys have loved living where we do now. It's all about perspective, right?

    Thanks for the hair compliment! Your weekend sounds like it was great as well! I love that he took the kids out so you could have some alone time and that you ordered curriculum. You are SO my type of person! I used to love doing that every year and would get so excited!

    I hope you have the best week, my friend! ❤


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...