Monday, May 16, 2022

Hello Monday, all about my bonus son Alex.


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this blog post. 

My weekend was pretty simple! Graham was out of town for a truck meet in Nashville, Drew was seen in certain portions throughout, Noah stayed with a friend all weekend and Jonah was out way past my bedtime each night. I basically saw them on Friday, for an hour on Saturday and not again until this morning. My husband worked the Memphis in May barbecue fest downtown on Friday night, so after my dad went home, I made Drew and me some cheese and guacamole quesadillas for dinner. They were delicious! When Drew left, I took a shower to get my hair washed for the weekend (it's a chore), then settled in for a night with Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze. Did you guess the movie? If not, we probably can't be friends anymore. (It's Dirty Dancing and it's my FAVORITE movie.)

As I was watching, I was scrolling through my Facebook memories and found one of my favorite pictures of Graham and Drew the night Graham went to junior prom with an old friend of many years.

Drew proceeded to pick him up after this and walked off with him in his arms, the younger son holding the oldest. Do you see why everyone thinks Drew is the oldest of my sons? He's really tall and his face is more defined. Everyone always thinks Graham is in his teens! He's 23 now and Drew is 22.

On Saturday morning I was up early, so I watched part of Sweet Home Alabama while I drank my coffee, then did some laundry while our dogs ate their first meal of the day, and went upstairs to get dressed to go to Alex's graduation. I know if you've been here for a while that you know about Alex, but for anyone new, I'll introduce him. Alex has lived on our street since he was about three years old and he is whom I consider to be my bonus son. For one reason or another, Alex was at our house more than he was at his own house when the boys were all young and if you were to ask me how I feel about him, I would tell anyone that God gave me a supernatural love for that little boy. He would be here for literal days on end, only going home when someone forced him, because all of his best friends were right here.

We live on a wonderful street and have for over eighteen years. There were so many kids here to play with! They always ended up at our house, because it was more central, or maybe because of the fact that I loved having a full house. Todd would come home from work in the summertime and find a house full of kids, some that he knew, some that he didn't. Aside from us as his bonus family, he also had a slew of bonus grandparents. I do feel like we had a definite role in helping raise him, especially as he grew older and walked through personal tragedy that no little boy should ever have to walk through. It bonded us to him for life and when I say that I love him, know that I truly love him like he my own son. He knows it and always tells me that he loves me in return before he walks out our back door.

Here's the handsome young man he's turned into now. He's a giant! Todd and I were so proud of him as we witnessed him graduate Saturday and when they announced his name, I couldn't help but let out a cheer. I wondered if he would ever make it through school, he was always so frustrated with it, but he accomplished what he set out to do and he even helped bring home the state championship in their basketball tournament they played several weeks ago.

Here he is Saturday.

I still get a little emotional thinking about this day for him. He plans on taking a gap year and then attending college locally. Until then he will work and enjoy being out of school! After his graduation we came home for a bit to check on our dogs, then we left again to go to his graduation party in Memphis. It was a great day! We just came home afterward and got comfy for the rest of the night. Todd watched Sherlock Holmes and I read my book. 

We were at church at the crack of dawn Sunday, then Todd worked again that night. Graham made it home safely from Nashville and I enjoyed a night in front of the tv. Like I said, it was a great weekend of celebrating our Alex. 

How was your weekend? What did you do? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. Congrats to Alex on graduation! It is amazing the influence that non parents can have on kids. It sounds like you were a wonderful part of his life. We have lived on our street for almost seventeen years. Our street was full of young boys our son's age when we moved in and it's been neat to see his friendships with some of them flourish year after year until now when they are young adults. Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I agree. It takes an army of people to help raise our kids, and I'm also thankful for the influences that our sons had in their lives when they were young and impressionable. That's about how long we've lived here on our street- over eighteen years. People have come and gone, but he and his family have stayed. I love seeing all of them grown up now! I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!

  3. He will forever remember your guidance and support!

  4. Congrats to Alex and your weekend sounds wonderful!

  5. Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite movie! Sounds like a great weekend celebrating Alex with all the graduation fun.

  6. Oh I got so choked up reading this- how beautiful- hope you enjoyed the celebrations ":)

  7. What a great celebration! I know that Alex is as blessed to have his "bonus family" as you are to have that bonus son!! Congratulations to Alex!! (yes, he is super tall!!)

  8. Thanks, Cathy! It really was. I look back on my own high school graduation with such fondness. I wanted that same experience for all my boys!

  9. Marilyn- mine too! I love Reese Witherspoon in general. Thanks, it was a great weekend!

  10. Aw, Holly! Thank you. You have such a tender heart. I got really choked up during the ceremony and was blinking furiously trying not to lose it right there on the spot. I hope you had a wonderful day, my friend!

  11. Thanks, Jennifer! I would say it's definitely mutual. And his aunt and uncle (our neighbors and his guardians) would say the same...we all have each other. It's a very special relationship. The Lord knew Alex would need an army of people and He provided that for them in our neighborhood and through school, team sports and church. We are so very fortunate!

  12. I loved hearing about your bonus son. It sounds like he has had a tough road, and I'm sure y'all made it just a little easier. Have a wonderful week!

  13. Thanks, Tanya! We adore him. He has had a long and hard road, but I know his mom would be so proud of him. I tell him that all the time. I hope you have a great day, my friend!


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