Monday, May 30, 2022

Hello Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, friends. I'm sharing some words I wrote a few years ago when I shared this picture above on Facebook. "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier." This day is so much more than a day off from work kicking off the start of summer. I think of my best friend's family every year on this day, because their family is one of many who had a young man enter the service, went to war, then came home in a wooden casket. It's a day of mourning for many, but it's also a day of celebrating the freedoms we have in our country, all thanks to the brave young men and women who were willing to lay down their lives for us. I am so thankful for them, for their service to our country and for the love they exemplified on our behalf. 

Those were the days! 

It was important to us that our sons grew up knowing this and spending part of the day honoring those families who lost loved ones. For years we attended Memorial Day services at our local veteran cemetery, but that stopped when the pandemic hit. I do think they went last year, but we loved doing that for a while. It's one more thing they all kind of outgrew and that I miss doing with them. This year we're all over the place. Two have plans of their own, one is at the lake with friends and one is coming home from a long weekend in New Orleans with a friend. 

I wanted to share all of that before I get on with the Hello Monday post I love. I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

I had a great weekend! My dad was here on Friday, as usual. I picked him up, we went and got Chick Fil A, then we came here to my house to eat. After I took him back home, my sisters and mom came to get me and we went to eat Japanese food for dinner. It was SO GOOD. I went out with them on Saturday as well. We had Mexican food for lunch, then went to one of my favorite local flower shops. 

They always have the best stuff there. We ended our day a little early and went to our respective homes, because we made plans to meet again for a movie later on that evening.

Friends, if you have not already seen the movie Topgun, RUN AND DO NOT WALK to the theater to see it! It was phenomenal and TOTALLY worth the thirty-six year wait. Can you believe it's been thirty-six years since the original?? I can't. But I liked the sequel better than the original! I know that's a controversial statement, but I mean it. It was that good. I had the biggest grin on my face the entire first hour of the movie, it was so nostalgic!

I do recommend maybe watching the first one before seeing this one, especially if it's been a while since you've watched it; also a heads up that May 31 will be the last day you can view it on Netflix.

We were at church early on Sunday, then home for the rest of the evening after. Todd went to buy some flower pots for the ferns he brought home yesterday, so we planted those, then ate dinner. I worked on my blog, he watched a show and then I read my book. Today our plans are pretty much the same. He may be trimming some trees in our backyard and I'll spend the day relaxing. I always get behind on my Bible reading over the weekend, so I'll catch up and I may even run to the grocery store. Who knows...I'll see how I feel about that a little later on. 😉

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. That is a neat Memorial Day tradition you had when the boys were younger. I wish I'd done more to honor the meaning of the day when my kids were younger. We'd talk about that day but that was about it. My husband and son saw the new Top Gun last night and loved it. I have such a small recollection of the first one- I'd have to watch it again. My weekend entailed lots of eating out as well- I'm getting spoiled not having to think about what to make for dinner. Back to reality soon ;). Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! Those were the best years. We are very nostalgic people, so it worked well and they were always so excited to do that with my dad. I'm glad your guys liked the movie! You should totally watch the first one and go see it! Isn't it grand to not think about dinner?! We had burgers tonight on the grill that my hubby made and tomorrow night we're eating dinner with his parents. I'm excited to not cook again! We do such easy things in the summer months...lots of salads, grilling, sandwiches, fresh veggies and dip...I try to keep the over off as much as possible. 😂

    I hope you had a great day!

  3. LOVE your Memorial Day Weekend tradition- so so important. We are hoping to visit the cemetery when we visit DC in August. I want my girls to pay attention to all that has been sacrificed for them. What a wonderful little weekend you had- so excited for summer- I am sure you are too :)

  4. Thanks, Holly! You will love the Arlington National cemetery. It was such a reverent and moving experience that forever impacted all of us. I'm very excited for the official start of summer and am celebrating today by going to the pool with my mom in love. I can't wait! I hope you have a great day!

  5. We saw Top Gun this weekend too and I was so surprised by how well they did with the sequel! It was definitely well worth the wait (and yep, we Googled all sorts of facts about the first movie and it's cast of characters on the way home).

  6. Joanne- great minds think alike! I was blown away by how great the movie was. They definitely nailed it with that one! I wish every sequel was that good!


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