Friday, May 27, 2022

Friday Favorites, 5.27.22

Happy Friday to you, friends. Before I start with this post, I need you to know something about me. I tend to retreat inwardly when things are stressful/scary/chaotic/mean in the world. It's my personality. I'm not fearful, necessarily and it's not that I don't know what to say, but it's like I just want to talk to Jesus, my mom, my closest friends and that's it. I don't want to keep writing on this blog, but I also do want to keep writing here on the off chance that someone is like me and needs to resume normalcy. In saying that, I don't mean to ignore things or pretend that what goes on doesn't matter, it's the opposite and often I'm consumed with current events. But in some aspects of life, I have to carry on or I'd be unable to stand. So, I keep going about my days. I keep praying, even when I don't know what to say or how to form a thought. I keep reading my Bible, because it's one of my best sources for hope. I keep reading blogs, because I cannot watch even one minute of national news, or even local news. I keep writing blog posts, because somehow, writing helps me to process things.

I know you don't hold this against me or think that I'm turning a blind eye, but I need you to understand a little of how I'm wired. I'm different than you, my best friend and anyone else I can think of, just like you are different than me and process differently. I'm not justifying anything and I'm not unaware of things, I just have to keep going. I just said yesterday to someone that one of the most important things to remember as Christians is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. If we didn't, we wouldn't be able to stand up under the weight of the world. 

I see what's going on. I hear the differing opinions and I sense the division that is already creeping back in. I also sense the enemy in all of it and one of my prayers is that we would be aware of our real enemy—it's not flesh and blood, according to Ephesians 6:12, it's the dark powers of the world we live in. There is a spiritual battle raging in the heavenly realm that we know nothing about and that we don't see. We must be suited up in our spiritual armor, because that's the only thing that'll stand up to the battle we engage in. This would be the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, the belt of truth and our feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace. All of that can be found in Ephesians 6:10-18. Don't take my word for it, read it and fight the battle with me in prayer! Prayer is one of the most powerful and effective things we can do as Christians. Don't let anyone ever tell you differently.

On a much lighter note, because I need some light and fluffy things this week, I am going to continue on with the rest of my normal Friday post. I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea today.

I'll dive right in with some of my favorites from this week or for the summer weather we have lined up in our forecast!

This is one of my favorite views for the summer! This is my mom-in-love's neighborhood pool and I'll be poolside this coming Wednesday. It'll be in the low to mid nineties, so I'm pretty excited.

This dress has become one of my favorites! Here is the promised link I keep forgetting to share. I've had a couple of you ask me about this dress this week. Here you go! Click here to be re-directed to Amazon. When you enter in your sizing information, they'll automatically recommend a size for you, and I'd go with what they recommend. I was hesitant in this, but I'm glad I took their word for it. 

I had lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant yesterday with a sweet younger friend. We hadn't seen each other in ages, so it was good to sit and catch up with her about her new marriage and the new teaching job she wrapped up last week. 

Most of you know that lists are my favorite. I made this summer reading list based on all the emails I keep getting so that I could go through and delete them. I took this picture so I'd have it on my phone at all times. Come back next week when I talk about the books I read in May! I'll post that on Tuesday.

This is my current favorite brand of coffee from Costco. I grind my own beans and this has a hint of chocolate! Oh my goodness...I love waking up to this every morning and enjoy that first cup so much.

This sweet neighbor pup saying good morning to our dogs is one of my favorite things in all of the world. They love to go over and give her kisses. (And yes, this is our temporary fence that has needed repairing for two years now. We're not the greatest at home improvement projects and the price of lumber is STUPID.)

Choir family and concerts are our favorite! This is my good friend Barb who sings with me in our choir and on praise team. We took this on Sunday night before we started our concert.

Friends, these hydrangeas are my favorite right now! They're even more beautiful now that we've had some rain this week. 

Other favorites from this week include having lunch with Mom on Tuesday, reading some good books, watching a new show on Netflix and having quality time with my favorite man on earth. I'd love to hear from you now—tell me something good about your week! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. You are so articulate, friend! I am with you on so much of what you wrote in the beginning of your post. Thanks for always sharing your heart and faith... and for sharing the less important, but nonetheless, fun to stuff to read about like clothes, lunches out, plans, your family, etc. Have a great Friday!

  2. Thank you so much, Maria! I sat down to write yesterday and all of that kind of poured out. My younger friend and I had just been talking about it at lunch and I said some of this to her. Unfortunately, some people misunderstand me "carrying on with life" when something like this happens. I know I'm not the only one like this!

    On a lighter note, it's also the fluff and fun stuff in life that keeps me going. I hope you have a great weekend with family/friends!

  3. I wish I could meet up with you for lunch at a Mexican place... love that food and would love sitting and chatting with you. Look at that cute neighbor pup, awe!!! Have a wonderful weekend, friend!

  4. So many things that made me smile today...thank you!! Your neighbor is just the cutest:) I'm so surprised she stays on that side of the fence - looks like she could scoot right under! Thanks for the link to the dress. It is super cute. I think I will treat myself to some shopping just now!! I sure wish I could have lunch with the local Mexican place! What fun! Enjoy your weekend. So grateful that we do not live "under the circumstances" of this life - and know the One who is still in control.

  5. Your hydrangeas look so beautiful! I'm going to check out that dress - I like that the sleeves are a little longer than some short sleeved dresses. Have a good weekend!

  6. Bri, SOMEDAY, my friend! Wouldn't that be wonderful?! And isn't she so sweet? You should see them give her good morning kisses. It's the most precious thing ever. I love dogs! I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm surprised she stays put as well. She used to sneak under and come into our yard all the time. She really wanted to play with our pups! I love that. I'm glad you like the dress and that you're giving yourself a little treat! Sometimes that is needed! I would love for us to meet and have lunch!!! Wouldn't that be wonderful?! Maybe someday that can happen. I'd love to come back to your area eventually. That was one of our favorite vacations that we ever had together as a family. I'd love to do it again someday! I hope you have the best weekend, my friend. Much love!

  8. Thanks, Tanya! I love them right now! Hopefully they'll do better this year than last...I think I watered them wrong and the leaves/blooms suffered. We'll see. I love the sleeves on this dress! I do not like a short cap sleeve on myself. I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Always good to hear the reminders you share here. Your hydrangeas do look beautiful! And I'm curious, which is your favorite Mexican restaurant?

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! My fav in Collierville is La Perla Tapatia. My overall fav in the area is Perico's (sp?) in Arlington. It's so good! The pic was taken at La Perla here in town.


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...