Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday Favorites, 5.20.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika from A Little Bit of Everything and Andrea from Momfessionals for this weekly blog post. I'll jump right in!

Seeing this cutie graduate on Saturday was one of my favorite moments. He worked so hard to get to where he was on that day and we were so proud of him! Alex is our bonus son, in case you're new here, and you can read about him in the post I shared on Monday. Here's a link for you. We spent the day celebrating him! We attended his graduation service and then in the afternoon we went to a party in his honor. It was a great day! 

Oakley's sleepy time poses are my favorite. She always plays so hard and usually falls asleep mid-play. This was her one day this week after one such time. I almost always take pictures and send Snaps to her daddy. Also, my house is like a puppy daycare. There are toys strewn from one end to the other. I found one in my bed a few days ago! I guess Oakley had brought it upstairs with her when I went up to get dressed for the day. 

I came across one of my favorite pictures of Graham and Drew this week. Graham was going to junior prom with a friend and Drew surprised him by coming and picking him up, then walking off with him. 

This is, by far, my favorite meme that I've seen this week. It's almost too accurate to be true. Friends, I am in that wonderful stage of life where I'm extra hormonal, sweaty when I go to bed, sweaty when I wake up and otherwise just dying from the heat almost all of the time. I'll be living in my dresses once again this summer because they're what feels the best in our extremely hot, humid climate. I wore one Saturday to Alex's graduation—they're the ones I bought from Walmart last summer. They still look great, in my opinion! Even if they don't look great on me, I really don't care. They're breezy and that's what matters.

All of you know that Bible study is my favorite! Even though we just finished one this week at church, I like to take the summer weeks off from formal study at church and do one on my own or with a friend or two. This summer I'm doing one on my own and it all came about from an email I got this week.

I'm super excited about this one! I have loved Anne Graham Lotz for years and she is a trusted resource, as the daughter of Billy Graham. If this would be something you'd be interested in for yourself or with a small group over the summer weeks, here is the link where you can sign up to watch the videos for free, for a limited time. They'll only be available for the duration of the summer weeks, so sign up quickly! You could go ahead and sign up for yourself and add friends later. I did order the study guide to go along with the videos. You can order from her website or from Amazon. 

Another favorite thing from my week was having lunch with a dear friend that I used to work with, Kay. She was someone who watched my boys grow up and who loved them dearly. I always appreciated her for being an extra set of eyes for them at their school and she was a trusted companion to them. I haven't seen her in months, so it was good to eat lunch with her and to catch up for a while. We plan on doing that again in a few weeks! 

Most of you know that all the things in my quiet time basket are my favorite. I don't know when I heard of the idea to put it all into a basket like this, but it was a great idea. It's much easier to move when it's all in one place. Speaking of that, I'm still reading in the book of Psalms, which is another favorite. I have enjoyed this book more recently than I can ever remember before. I don't know if it's because some of it resonates differently with me or what, but it's been wonderful to soak in those passages for the last two weeks. 

In case you missed any of my blog this week, here are the links for you below, should you want some extra reading. 😉

I'll wrap this post up with that. What was a favorite part of your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That meme is funny- I gotta say that I have not reached the stage of always being hot. On the contrary, I am cold ALL THE TIME. It will be weird to be hot a lot!! I hope you can find some reprieve from the heat. At least you have some cute dresses to wear! Thanks for the link for the Bible study I will check it out. Have a great Friday, friend!

  2. I thought it was too! Maybe you'll never reach this stage. My mom-in-love didn't and she was like you, just cold all the time. I think I'd rather be cold than hot, because I could add layers. Not the case on removing layers! I can only remove so much and then I just have to deal with it. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend! ❤

  3. That meme is hysterical! Oh I love the pics of your bonus son graduating- so beautiful= have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Holly- it really is! It's how I feel everyday of my life. Thanks, friend, I hope the same for you!

  5. Lol that meme is hysterical and right on. I can be just standing or sitting and I get hot! :( Congratulations on your bonus son graduating. That is such an accomplishment and a sight to see. Happy Friday!

    Maureen |

  6. Congrats on your bonus son’s graduation!! Love the picture of you all. And Oakley’s sleeping position mad e me lol! 😂 That new study looks like it will be a great one for summer… keep us posted.

  7. I can totally relate to that meme too! Congrats on your bonus Son's graduation, lovely pics.

  8. Maureen- RIGHT?! It's almost too ridiculous to even laugh at because it's so true. Thank you!

  9. Thanks, Bri! Isn't that a hoot? We laugh over her all the time. I'll keep you posted on it!

  10. Thanks, Ruth! I hate that you can relate to this. It's not for the faint of heart! 😂


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