Tuesday, May 10, 2022

a random assortment of life lately


Happy Tuesday, friends! In scheduling blog posts for this week, this day was blank. I saw that it's been a while since I've done a post of random moments of life lately that are completely unrelated to each other. In doing so, I'll be sharing some pictures from my phone that have not been shared here before now.

My best friend and I have a constant text thread that never ends. We are always texting funny memes to each other that make us laugh and/or shake our heads. This one above was one such meme. We were talking about complicated people and how different we are. Have you ever been around someone like this? Someone who leads a hectic/chaotic life? I have. My best friend has as well and she and I both are polar opposite of that type of person. Well, she mostly is, her work life has her spinning in circles right now. She's usually not as busy as she has been in the last year, but none of it can be helped and all has to do with circumstances in her family that are out of her control. We're looking ahead to the next month and thinking about where we want to go. We share two girls trips each year—one in her birthday month (June) and one in mine (December). It works well and guarantees us time together since we NEVER see each other anymore.

To backtrack a bit from yesterday's post about why I dislike holidays that are basically designed for card companies, I woke up to the sweetest of cards from all of the guys in our house and one later from Drew that he gave to me after church. You can probably guess this, but I am a words girl. I love cards, affirmation, quality time and being showered with attention from the people I love most. I don't need things to make me happy, I just like genuine sentiment and being made to feel seen and appreciated each day. All of my guys are great at this and always thank me profusely for the things I do for them. Todd's card that he picked out for me was so sweet that I cried. Graham's made me cry as well. Noah's was really sweet, Drew's was really sweet and Jonah's made me laugh out loud because he started to write "Happy Birthd...J/K it's Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day!"

I still smile every time I think about it. Do you save cards like me? I have all the cards they've given me over the years and most of the ones from our parents. I'm not sentimental about much, but this is one thing I love.

I love flowers. I love shopping for flowers! I love for our flower beds to be beautiful, but my thumb is as black as night. I am not gifted with the gift of a green thumb like my mom, who can bury a stick and have a beautiful shrub pop up in the same spot a year later. This was me shopping for flowers on Saturday morning. Remember me mentioning that when Dad and I were out on Friday that the rain kept catching us off guard? It happened when I tried to do this very thing on Friday afternoon. Thankfully I had my umbrella, but I was the crazy lady who was meandering through the rainy aisles at Lowe's looking for mother's day shrubs. 🤣

Here's our flower beds right now, but know that we paid to have them done and Todd maintains them.

Speaking of Mom, she made this cute wreath for me last year for the front door, but it was getting smooshed and I couldn't use it there. It's been sitting in the garage, so I brought it in on Friday and hung it here on the door that leads to our laundry room and garage.

I love this spot in our kitchen. I love the wreath, the set of six herb pictures and the contrast of paint with the white door and trim. About that paint though, I really want to paint inside our house. There's one area that I need to finish painting, but I'd also like to paint the kitchen and our dining room. Our house is a closed concept home, which just means that we can get away with different colors in each room. I have always like color, but I don't know what I'd like to do in our kitchen. I've thought about doing it the same color as our hallways, which is a gray color called Amazing Gray. Our trim needs to be painted too, and it's at this point that I confess to you that it's probably not going to get done unless we pay someone to do it. 

There's a lot of things we need to do. I can go on—we need a bathroom floor to be replaced, I'd love to tile the backsplash in our kitchen, but we're always thinking of getting new countertops, so why bother? We need to do some wall repair in our bathroom and the whole upstairs could use new carpet.

See what I mean?

These two pictures represent part of what my husband does. He brought that vehicle home all weekend a couple of weeks ago, because he was CDO of a big event in Memphis called Music Fest. On the third night of the event he was pulled from there and put on a search and rescue in a local river for a missing person. He's the one driving the boat closest to the bottom of the picture, on the far right. That's a sad situation. Whenever they're on those types of call outs, they're looking for a drowning victim.

I love this picture above! I think it's important to be as kind as possible to anyone that we come into contact with. I think that as a whole, Christians have a reputation for being very judgmental and rude. We should be the complete opposite of what we are reputed to be. I know you're like me in that you've come across such a person—whether in an online comment, witnessing someone you know being rude to the person working at whatever establishment they're at, or in disagreeing with someone we love. As Christians, we are called to be bearers of much fruit—the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

I think this saying above is an excellent reminder to us as believers. 

I know that most of you know what my life is like—it's pretty simple. I don't go to many places, but there are a few things that I do very frequently. I like to get my nails done every three weeks and I'm doing that today. I sometimes have meetings at my church, like yesterday when we caught up and met as a writing team. I love the days when we meet, because we all live such busy lives and have so many things going on that we rarely have time to catch up. We spent the first 45 minutes of our meeting doing that. I also visit the grocery store often and I usually go out on Saturdays. This week I have plans to go to church Wednesday night, which I've stopped doing recently, so that my best friend and I can go grab a bite to eat afterward. 

As for my nails, I have such a hard time picking a color each time. I don't like to do the same thing twice in a row and they don't give me a lot of time to sit and look at color options, so I always have to have something in mind before I go. I already have a color picked out for today. I'll share them later this week or today on my Instagram stories, in case you're there. If you are, you should follow me! I'm jenlloydgoodwin there. 

That's about all I've got for today, friends. I'll see you back here tomorrow! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. ❤


  1. Your flower beds are so pretty! I like to pick out flowers, too. I got some on Mother's Day and put them in planters yesterday. Enjoy getting your nails done and have a great day, friend!

  2. I go on Thursday to get my nails done. 🥰

  3. Thanks, Maria! I love picking out plants for my hanging baskets each year. I said I had a black thumb, but the two we got last year lived so long that we finally threw them away in about November because I was so tired of watering them so much everyday. They were guzzlers! If I had been my mom, I would have planted them in the ground, but at the time I didn't even think of that. Ha! I hope you have a great day!

  4. Anonymous-

    Hello and who are you? I'd love to greet you by name! Thanks for the comment love today. How fun that you're getting your nails done this week as well! You'll have to share them with me. I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤

  5. You just reminded me that I have some flowers I need to put in a pot today! I love flowers, but I put off planting as long as I can. lol

  6. Cathy, that sounds fun! I love them, I just don't love doing anything other than the minimal with them. I love for them to just magically appear beautiful!

  7. Such pretty flowers! Makes me want to go shopping:) You know, you are right - Christians (in general) have a reputation for being rude and judgmental! I know several like that myself. It really is sad...and something I want to guard against daily.

  8. Thanks, Jennifer! I know...it's so sad and I also try to guard against that daily. It's not to say everyday is perfect, but I try to always honor the Lord even in how I speak to others and certainly with how I treat them.

  9. I enjoyed reading this post and cana so relate to the projects that need to be done and how one leads to the other. Your flower bed is looking so good!

  10. Your flower beds are beautiful! Just from looking at them, I would guess you had a green thumb. :) The wreath your mama made you is adorable.


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a few random things on a Tuesday

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy! It's hard to believe that I hav...