Wednesday, April 27, 2022

what's up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for this blog post. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

Well, I already wrote about that yesterday, so I'll include a link for you that will take you to that post. Spoiler alert: I love Mexican food!

What I'm reminiscing about:

This trip we took together at the beginning of the month! We had such a great time.

What I'm loving:

All things pink! This is the screensaver for my phone. I'm also loving Pinterest so much more than normal right now. I find myself doing that when I'm watching tv with Todd at night.

What I've been up to:

(That said "what we've been up to", but my sons are all grown and not as much fun, so I'm making this about me.) I've been busy with things involving my church, which I love. In this phase of life, I have time to do things like this without feeling the guilt of being pulled away from homeschooling responsibilities. Even though my sons were all very independent in their work, I still felt bad for being away or too busy for too long of a stretch. In between those things, I am always working on a writing project, I am always cleaning our home and doing chores around here and I am always looking after our dogs. For my hobbies I love to read, write for fun and watch movies or an episode of something while I eat lunch. 

What I'm dreading:

The intense heat that we have in Memphis when it's summertime. I'm also dreading Bible study being over after May 18.

What I'm working on:

Organizing things at home, as always. I started working on my closet over the weekend and I need to do more there. I'm also thinking about getting rid of a large chunk of my books. There are so many that I've already read and never plan on reading again, so I'll probably donate them to our local library.

What I'm excited about:

I'm always excited about something. Currently it's the women's event I'm going to at church tonight, but next it'll be this weekend. I'm excited for my husband, because his favorite event to work at for the sheriff's department of the entire year is happening this weekend. It's called Music Fest and it's basically my worst nightmare, but he absolutely loves it. There are thousands of people who will be there crammed into tiny spaces listening to music on one of several stages. It's a madhouse! They're so crammed in there that once you're there, you cannot move, because you'd never get back. It sounds like a panic attack waiting to happen. 

He's been working this for years, but this year he's working as lieutenant and he also happens to be the CDO Officer for the whole weekend. You have no idea how this excites him. He's like a kid in a candy store, because he gets to bring the truck home to our house and everything, which saves him a ton of walking and having to park off site. He has privileges, needless to say, one of which will be parking at the entrance.

What I'm watching/reading:

Well, I finished Downton Abbey and I've watched the first movie. I'm looking forward to the second one now and I started over from the beginning in the show, because I feel like I missed a lot. I'm also trying to watch all the movies I have recorded on Fubo, because we're doing away with that app after this month. As for what I'm reading, you'll have to come visit again on Friday, when I share about the books I read this month.

What I'm listening to:

Right this moment, the click-click-click of my dogs' nails as they wait at the windows for the family to come home. It's quiet in the house right now, other than that noise, but I've usually got music playing on our Google home speakers all throughout the house. I like to listen to jazz, French Café music, worship music and Ben Rector. I also love yacht rock, nineties country music and eighties love ballads. I have eclectic taste, what can I say?

What I'm wearing:

All the pink and layers!

Pink is my new favorite color. Who'd have thought?

What I'm doing this weekend:

Singing with my choir family and we're recording a cd! Other than that, I'll be watching movies and relaxing when I'm done with all the singing. (I'm even on praise team this week at church, so it's a lot of singing for one weekend. Six hours in all for the recording and I have to be at church at eight Sunday morning to rehearses. Needless to say, I'm also listening to all the choir music.)

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Next week, Todd and I get to go out of town for a night. I don't think I've mentioned here that he's being awarded for saving the life of a teenager here last year. We're staying in a super fancy hotel, I bought a dress and we get to travel in an emergency vehicle. I'm also looking forward to thinking about and planning for the summer. I'd love to get away with my husband for a long weekend.

What have you been up to this month? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. What is yacht music? I have not heard that term before. Love your outfits and how wonderful that your husband is being honored for saving someone's life (wow, have you written about this here? I know you may not feel comfortable doing it or sharing details but if you can, please do). Have a great day, friend!

  2. It's basically soft and summery rock music. Some artists on my playlist are Lionel Ritchie, Kenny Loggins, Michael Jackson, The Pointer Sisters, The Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, Hall and get my drift. If you're my age, I think you'd like it!

    I haven't written about it here yet...I thought I'd do that next week before we leave. It's quite the honor and the fact that we're traveling on them says how rarely this kind of thing happens. It was an extraordinary story that happened over a year ago...stay tuned!

    I hope you have a great day, friend! ❤

  3. I also don't look forward to the intense heat, but hoping it is a summer where it comes in spurts of a few days vs. weeks. Congrats to your husband and how fun y'all get a fancy night away! Also, I love your music taste!

    1. Marilyn, that would be nice! We do get summers like that every once in a while. Thanks for that congrats! I'm so proud of him.

  4. You are loving the pink! It looks so good on you too!
    I'm dreading the humid heat coming!!!! but I'm over the cold!

  5. I am loving all your pink! It suits you! Not sure I would survive that music event...but enjoy all your upcoming fun times!!

  6. Congratulations to your husband on his award! That's really special.

    I love all your pink and I also love 80s love songs! I hope you have a voice left on Monday :)

  7. Pink looks good on you! I'm at the point where I'm looking forward to humidity; it's still so darn cold here.

  8. Thanks, Jennifer! I second that, my friend. It's my worst nightmare!

  9. Thanks, Natasha! Yes, that music is some of my favorite! I hope so too, ha!

  10. Thanks, Joanne! Oh wow. It must be really cold there!

  11. I’m dreading the summer heat and humidity too. Thank goodness for air conditioning. lol

  12. Cathy- YES! And ceiling fans. I keep the one in the living running almost all summer.


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