Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday in the Word


Happy Wednesday, friends. I thought I'd share some more about my quiet time recently. I am currently reading in 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. They go together, because of the book of Chronicles listing out the names and orders of lots of families. 

At where I am reading right now, David just found out that Saul and three of his sons were killed. The sons were killed, but Saul actually took his own life, he was so distressed to learn of his sons' death. One of his sons was Jonathan, the one whom David loved like a brother. I love their friendship in 1 Samuel and I love what comes later on when David cares for one of Jonathan's sons. David is about to become king, at long last, the man after God's own heart. 

Before the death of Saul, Saul had been pursuing David to kill him. This is when a lot of the Psalms were written—as David was hiding in caves within the mountains of the territory he was in. Have you ever seen pictures of what the mountains in Israel looked like? There were tons of hidden caves within so many of the mountain walls. In one area that I read a few days ago, it said that Saul had gone into one of the caves to "relieve himself" and David could have killed him, but instead he just cut off a corner of his robe that he later showed to Saul to prove his trustworthiness. 

What I love about David is how much he loved the Lord. He never boasted on killing tens of thousands, he never bragged about being the only one brave enough to face (and kill) the giant Goliath, he never forced his way into becoming king, instead choosing to be a loyal and faithful armor bearer and harpist to Saul to help soothe his tormented soul. I suppose because of that last attribute I listed, he seems like he was filled with the peace of God that overflowed onto others. 

As much as I feel that was so, it's also obvious that David had his struggles throughout life. We all know of his slip with Bathsheba and he was anxious so many times as you can throughout the book of Psalms that David co-wrote. Even still, that Jesus would come through the line of David is mind boggling. As I wrote that sentence, I'm reminded that God knows the hearts of each of us and He knew the heart of David and the way in which he repented when he sinned against God. It's more proof that God takes imperfect and very flawed human beings and uses them for His glory when they're willing. 

I love this verse in Psalm that I read a few days ago. It's Psalm 56:8.

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

Isn't that beautiful about David's faith in a holy and righteous God? I love that we can claim these promises for ourselves today. Do you ever cry in frustration or extreme joy? I do both and I love the thought of God collecting them and recording each one. Our emotions are never wasted on God. Who better to pour our hearts out to than Him? He's the only One who can take it in stride. I love what Charles Spurgeon said about this verse:

"Thou tellest my wanderings." Every step which the fugitive had taken when pursued by his enemies, were not only observed but thought worthy of counting and recording. We perhaps are so confused after a course of trouble that we hardly know where we have or where we have not been, but the omniscient and considerate Father of our spirits remembers all in detail, for He has counted them over as men count their gold, for even the trial of our faith is precious in His sight. 

"Put thou tears into thy bottle." His sorrows were so many that there would need a great wineskin to hold them all. There is no allusion to the little complimentary lachrymators for fashionable and fanciful Romans, it is a more robust metaphor by far; such floods of tears had David wept that a leathern bottle would scarce hold them. He trusts that the Lord will be so considerate of his tears as to store them up as men do the juice of the vine, and he hopes that the place of storage will be a special one—thy bottle, not a bottle. 

"Are they not in thy book?" Yes, they are recorded there, but let not only the record but the grief itself be present to thee. Look on my griefs as real things, for these move the heart more than a mere account, however exact. How condescending is the Lord!  How exact His knowledge of us! How generous His estimation! How tender His reward!

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Spurgeon. He has such an eloquence with words, does he not? I love how he bursted into praise at the end of his commentary on that one verse. How could we not break adoration at such a loving Father? All of this comforts my heart. I know many who are walking through physical and mental illness, addictions and death of loved ones. How reassuring to know that the Lord keeps track of our sorrows. He ministers to our hearts in such times, though songs, others, podcasts and sermons. I utilize all of those when I am going through hard times.

I'd love to hear from you! Where are you currently reading? I think it's important to share with others. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Yes, David is a great reminder that people can produce great kingdom work in spite of profound sin. David was truly repentant with a heart that loved the Lord. I have also been reading about David on the days that my Bible reading plan has me reading the Old Testament and the Psalms.

  2. Such a good encouragement our emotions are never wasted when we cry out to the Lord! Enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Maria! I love reading and learning about him.

  4. Marilyn- YES! I love that. I hope you had a great day!


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