Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining Rebecca Jo for today's blog post. I hope you join us! Here are some things straight from the pages of my journal that I am thankful for this week.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record that repeats nonstop, I am so thankful for Bible study! More than the small group and fellowship, I am thankful for the actual study. This week of homework was enlightening and so good. I was convicted about several things in my life that popped up as I was reading the Bible and studying different passages. That's the best kind of study, when it's more applicable and life-changing.

I'm thankful all of us had a night of dinner together this week. The meal wasn't fancy, but the six of us enjoyed sitting at the table as we ate pizza and celebrated Drew turning 22. 

I am thankful for the gift of prayer! It's a gift I neglect all too often, but I've been trying to be more intentional about that this week and careful in how I've spent my early morning time. I had been reading early each day, but I've been using that time to pray instead and it has been so sweet. 

(This picture is related to being thankful for the gift of prayer as I used this chapter of Psalm to pray over a friend.)

I'm always thankful for a good dose of healthy perspective. Sometimes I have to step back and look at the whole picture for a fresh mindset and it works wonders.

I'm thankful that my husband is not only a wonderful husband, but the best dad. He goes above and beyond to do anything he can to help our sons out. They're needy and wear him out! This can range from taxes to online banking to work benefits to vehicle problems to getting out the headliner in one's truck so he can install stars in the roof. He deserves the dad of lifetime award.

Jonah may kill me if he sees this.

I'm always so thankful for an opportunity to help lead in worship!

I am thankful to be able to live in such a beautiful town! This picture was shared this week on our town's Facebook page. The tulips in our little town are magnificent right now! 

I don't take these types of things for granted. I'm also grateful to be able to say that I've lived in my town my entire life! What a blessing to be born and raised in the same town, then to turn around and raise our sons here. 

It's your turn! What is something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

P.s. I'm taking tomorrow and Monday "off" from blogging, so I'll see you back here Tuesday. 

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  1. Those tulips are gorgeous! It is funny but growing up, one of my goals was to not live in the state I grew up in when I was an adult. I didn't dislike the state or have a terrible childhood, I just did not want to live there when I was older. We had no extended relatives living in the area so it is not like leaving town meant leaving a bunch of relatives. Now I do think it's neat that others stay in the same town or area, especially when there is a lot of family in the area. Also it's good to just follow your heart and be wherever you are content and feel led to be. I achieved my goal of not living in the state I was born but I am close by to that state and I like that ;). I do think it's really neat that you have lived your whole life in your town and you have the blessing of so many family members living near to you. As for thankfulness, I am grateful for the book I finished last night- it was so good. It was about a former rock star who came to Christ. Have a great day, friend!

  2. I think I may have wanted that same thing when I was growing up, Maria. I feel like most of my friends did as well, but after going away to college for a semester, I quickly learned that I was meant to stay put. It's definitely a perk that so many in my family are very close by! I love that. That sounds like a great book! I hope you have a wonderful day/weekend!

  3. Ha! Glad you went ahead and posted tje picture anyway!
    I am also grateful when my table is full.

  4. Look at those tulips!!! Spring has sprung by you for sure! 😍

  5. Look at all the beautiful tulips!
    Perspective really is a blessing- many that people dont like to really look at!
    I love a Bible study too... it really helps direct where to go in the Word that can be overwhelming on your own. I'm excited to start Lifeway's new one in a few weeks!

  6. Beautiful tulips and Happy Birthday to you son. We grew up living in two different towns at different times and the country area in between all withing about 15 minutes of each other and after marriage we moved about 20-30 minutes away but for the past 25 years we've lived back where I grew up. So I've always lived within 20-30 minutes of where I am now and I love that too!

    Enjoy your long weekend!

  7. Oh wow - those tulips!! Hope you are having the best time on your trip!! Enjoy...and can't wait to hear all that God did while you were away!!


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