Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Prime Purchases


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya for this blog post. So, I made some purchases on Amazon last month for replacement things like the vitamins I take and car parts for my sons. I won't bore you with those things, so instead I thought I'd share some of my favorite Amazon purchases from the last year. 

First up is this mascara!

I've been using solely this brand for a year now and I still love it. You can't beat the price and the quality. I use the blackest black. 

I bought these oils several months back because of the issues I was having with my sense of smell. Ever since I had covid the first time in November of 2020, certain smells have been easily burned into my nose. I say "burned into my nose", because when I smell certain things, that smell stays with me for weeks. There was a time when it was so bad, it made me sick at night, so I bought these oils to put on my pillow.

These are the exact scents I bought and I love them all. 

I still love this Kindle cover

I love the color.

I love the pale, pale pink. I love the stand most, because I always prop it on the arm of my chair when I read. 

I love, love, love this cuticle oil!

It's the same kind that the salons use and it was so cheap! This stuff moisturizes for days and helped my dry cuticles all winter long. I like to use it before I go to bed at night. I'm pretty sure my friend Tanya told me about this stuff! I am influenced so easily for stuff like this. 

I love my water bottle handle and just got the best compliment about it at church on Sunday from the sweetest little girl. 

I have the Thermoflask water bottle that came from Costco, and this strap fits any wide mouth water bottle. I know my bottle has a handle, but it hurts my fingers to carry it that way, so I love this handle. 

I love to give this devotional book as a present. I love Sally Clarkson and have given it countless times to younger moms.

I'll end with one last item that's a repeat purchase when I run out. It's this brand of lipstick. The color is Dainty Daze, but they have some other great colors! You know I love a good lipstick.

I'd love to hear from you! What have you purchased recently that you love? Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. I like your Kindle cover. I had a cover for the first Kindle that I had. Then when I had to buy a new Kindle, I didn't buy a cover for it and so it's been cover free ever since. I can't decide if I even want a cover though I should get one if just for protection. I like your cover and the color. Very pretty! And I just may check out that lipstick. I am always on the lookout for a good color/ brand. Have a great day, friend!

  2. WHHHATTTT - I'm putting that Kindle cover in my cart ASAP! I love it has a stand!!!!!

    I have that mascara on autoship - it makes my lashes look so long!

  3. I also love that mascara, and I'm so glad you got the cuticle oil. Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! :) Tanya

  4. Ohhh, I am going to check out that mascara. I am not liking the last stuff I bought from Amazon. And that Kindle case... LOVE it! Love that it can be propped up! My favorite, FAVORITE devotional is that one! It has been such a blessing reading that each morning this year! You are such a sweet person.

  5. Thanks, Maria! I wasn't sure I wanted a cover at all, because I liked how it looked without one, BUT I am super clumsy and decided I'd better get one anyway because I drop things. I love the stand! It's definitely my favorite part. You should try the lipstick! It's kind of dry, so I almost always put something on top of it, usually another one of their brand, but a creamier version. All their stuff can also be bought at a Walgreens or Target. I hope you've had a good day so far!

  6. Thanks for hosting us each month, Tanya! This is always such a fun post to write and to read others. I hope you're having a great week so far!

  7. You should definitely check it out, Bri! Even if you don't like it, at that price you can be guilt free. I love it, though. I'm so glad you're enjoying that journal! I hope you're having a great week so far!

  8. Oh boy - you've made me "need" to go shopping! Some good things here - especially the mascara and lip color! I'm in need of a change for both. Thanks! Hope you are having a great week so far!!

  9. Jennifer- OH NO! There is a danger in these types of posts! The lipstick is great, though and super inexpensive...so is the mascara. I hope your week has been good, my friend!


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