Wednesday, April 13, 2022

life lately

Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd do a good, old fashioned random post about the life we've all been living lately. I hope you enjoy catching up!

You know that I traveled over the weekend, but so did my Graham. 

Graham took his truck to the Smoky Mountains this weekend for a truck show. I'm so glad he made it there and back home with no problems, his truck has a terrible track record with this kind of trip. He loves doing this kind of thing! I asked him about this one time and he told me he loves it when kids admire his truck. He likes to talk to them and show them integrity at events like this, because a lot of that crowd couldn't care less. He enjoys being with people who enjoy the same hobby he has and he's never met a stranger! I love this about Graham. For the weekend there, he rented the cabin in the mountains and people stayed with him and chipped in with the cost. I told him he was my new favorite son (for the moment- this changes daily) because he brought me home a gift.

Wasn't that nice of him? I love when they do things like this on their own. He also called me once while I was out of town just to talk and see if I was having a good time. I'm so proud of the man he is.

I wish I could catch you up with Drew, but the truth is that I haven't seen him since this time last week. I know that he's here in town tonight because of a basketball game. He plays on a men's three on three league at our church and he loves it. This is his favorite season because of that, but I dread it almost every year because he always seems to get hurt. One year when he was playing a game while Todd was out of town, he fell and we all thought he'd broken his ankle. Thankfully my in-love's were there with me and helped me get all the other boys situated as I went to the after hours clinic for Lebonheur with him. It turns out it was just a badly sprained ankle, but he was on crutches for a couple of weeks and had to wear a boot. 

Here's to hoping he goes injury free this season.

Jonah finally finished with putting a star headliner into his truck last week. He does this with his vehicles and he's done it for others several times. This involves him taking that headliner out (and the seat) and measuring/taping off/ poking holes and threading tiny fiber optic lights through the hundreds of tiny holes. It's tedious and it sat in his room all last week as he worked on it. He did that every night and every morning when he woke up. He's kind of a glutton for punishment, if you ask me, because it always hurts his eyes and head after so long of staring at the lights. He always says it's worth it, and I'm glad he loves it, but it's a lot of work. He is currently eating at a nearby favorite restaurant with Graham and some friends, even though he said this morning that he spent too much money eating out last week and was going to eat here at home the rest of this week.

I totally gave him a hard time for this, because it was like he was trying to make me feel guilty for not being here to cook. I'm rolling my eyes at him even as I write.

Noah is finally on his way home from work after a long day. It's after six thirty on Tuesday night and he isn't even hungry. It was one of his busy days at work and he didn't get a chance to stop for lunch until three, so he's coming straight home to shower and meet up with his friends. He's a good picture of perseverance. He doesn't love his job, but he is loyal and committed until something better comes along. His boss isn't the nicest man, but Noah hasn't let it effect his work and he still treats him with respect. I know it hasn't been the easiest for him, but I'm proud that he has struck with it even when the conditions weren't ideal. 

I feel like I could say more about each of them, but I'll respect their privacy as adults and end it with those things. I'm so proud of all of them, though! I know you can tell that, but it goes without saying that they're fine young men. They're not perfect and there are some things that I pray about in each of them, but I trust God with them. As much as I love them, how much more does He? I love this verse about that kind of love.

Consider the birds of the sky: they don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they? (Matthew 6:26)

I am saving my favorite for last—my husband! I'm so proud of him. We went to the annual sheriff's department dinner on Monday night and he received several recognitions. He was promoted to lieutenant, his company received company of the year for the second year in a row and he was acknowledged for a life saving award that the state of Tennessee is giving him called The Star of Life Award on a call he worked on in the winter of 2021. I am so proud of him! I took absolutely zero pictures, so here is one of him and his friend Chris from last year.

Chris was on that call as well and is also getting the same award. We'll all be traveling to Nashville for one night (at the expense of the sheriff's department) for this night of honor. Todd and Chris will be taking an emergency vehicle, so Chris's wife and I will ride there and back together. I already said it, but I'll say it again: I am so proud of him! He is the hardest working man I know and the only job he receives compensation for is his real Monday-Friday, eight to five job. He wears many hats as a volunteer both for our county and within our church and he rarely complains about the time he puts in, even when it's for free and people around him are paid. He doesn't do it for the pay, but he often goes unrecognized, so I'm glad to see him honored on this night and the one coming up in May.

As for me, well, I'm an open book and you already know everything about me. I will say that this week I'll be working on finishing my portion of our next Bible study and getting ready for Resurrection Sunday at church. We have a special rehearsal at church tonight and I'll be at both services Sunday morning. I'm singing in the choir in one service and working audio/visual in the other. Aside from that, we have a cd recording coming up the weekend after that I'm busy learning music for. My worship pastor is busy, so in light of that, I'm also leading worship at Bible study for a couple of weeks while he takes care of other things. I used to do that every week, but he stepped in for me this semester and it's been so nice. I'm glad to do this, though, and I'll be singing with one of my favorite young people for the two weeks he's out. 

This is Sandra, who sings like a beautiful song bird. I adore this girl! She has such a beautiful, servant heart. I think I've covered it all, but it's a busy season! I'm not complaining. I love having things to fill my time with! It's my job right now and I am here for it all. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. Enjoyed this post and hearing about what you guys are up to right now. You are busy and blessed with your loved ones surrounding you, keeping you busy with taking care of them when they need the care (of course the boys require less from you physically since they are all adults but you still do a lot of nurturing, making meals, etc.), volunteering in numerous capacities, and living a life that points to Christ as your savior. Congrats to your husband! It is wonderful that he is being recognized. Have a great day, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I like to write posts like this to have to look back on. This blog used to be all about them, so since that's not the case anymore, I like to share about them occasionally. I hope you have a great day as well!

  3. Congrats to your husband - that is just so cool. I know you are so proud of him
    ... & all the guys in your life!
    I'm jealous they did a trip to the Smokies - I havent been there in years & miss it!

  4. Such a nice post...a nice catch-up with a friend! If only we had coffee (and were face to face)! Congratulations to Lt. Todd!! Not hard to see that you are proud of all of your men...and to see why!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

  5. It sounds like you are very blessed with some wonderful guys. Such a blessing. Hope you have a wonderful Resurrection Day and that we do too.

  6. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! It is SO BEAUTIFUL in the Smoky Mountains! We haven't been there in a long time either. I love going to Gatlinburg!

  7. Thanks, Jennifer! I wish we were in person with a cup of something hot and catching up in real life! Maybe someday. Fingers crossed!

  8. Thank you, Cathy, it is a blessing! I know you feel the same way. I hope you have a blessed Resurrection Sunday as well, my friend!


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