Monday, April 18, 2022

Hello Monday

Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. I was seriously slacking last night in my weekly routine of writing a blog post on Sunday night. Last week I was out of town, but last night it was just exhaustion. Todd worked last night and I was falling asleep trying to watch Downton Abbey. I ended up going upstairs before nine p.m. and fell asleep quickly. 

It was a very low key weekend. My dad came over Friday and we ate inside a Chick Fil A after two years of not doing that, so that was nice. We came back here and the afternoon flew. Todd worked that night and our sons were in and out, but I was nice and cozy inside eating chicken fajita leftovers and watching a Hallmark movie. Saturday was more of the same, with us staying in all day and watching episodes of Survivor, then we went to the birthday party of my best friend's husband. I was in bed early again, because on Sunday morning, we had to be at church by seven! Yikes. It was early, but I was glad to work in both services.

I walked in and saw this group of godly men praying for the services started. They do that every week, but I never get to witness it. I love our pastor and his heart for God and people. This was the only picture I took! Gone are the days of our sons posing with or for me and I asked my husband, but he turned me down as well. Drew worked all weekend, so he wasn't able to be with us for yet another holiday and it made me cry again. I mentioned that Todd worked last night, but the other three and me went to my mom's house for an early dinner at 4. I was so glad they offered us a choice of lunch or early dinner—going with early dinner was a no brainer for all of us, since three of us had to be at church at seven. It makes for a long day! 

We were back home by seven thirty last night and it felt good to have on pajamas. As for today, things I am doing include cleaning and resetting the house after a weekend with everyone here and grocery shopping. I'm looking forward to seeing Drew tonight for the first time in two weeks, so there's that as well. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Hope your Easter was beautiful!

  2. What a poignant picture of the men praying. Thanks for posting it. We oftentimes see the manifestations or outcomes of events where God has worked mightily but it's easy (at least for me) to forget or not take into account the prayers of people for the event. This was a great reminder. I hope you have a wonderful Monday, friend, and gets lots of rest if you are still tired. I am tired and the rain and no school today (and no where I have to be for a long time) are balms to me right now ;).

    1. Thank you for those wise words, Maria. You're so right! I always love to see what goes on in the background. It's powerful to know and witness the prayers of others. I hope you've enjoyed every minute of a restful day! ❤️

  3. Sounds like it was a lovely Easter weekend! So fun to eat inside a Chick-fil-A agai! I haven't done that in a few years, so I look forward to doing that again. I am glad it was a good Sunday at church and hope you have a restful Monday and a good reunion with your son. That does a momma's heart good!

    1. It was, Marilyn! I hope your weekend was good as well. I know you loved having your oldest at home! I'll enjoy seeing Drew tonight. ❤️

  4. I love that in this busy weekend you took time to rest. So did I and it was wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! I'm glad you got to do the same. ❤️

  5. Happy Monday - always nice to have a reset day...especially after a holiday weekend. No photos here either. But it was a lovely Easter!! Have a great week -

    1. Jennifer- yes! I love Mondays for that very reason. I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend! ❤️


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