Monday, April 4, 2022

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah today for this weekly blog post. This weekend went by so fast! We always get it kicked off with Dad coming over on Fridays and this week I made him one of his favorite meals—turnip greens/collard greens and cornbread. It was delicious!

I took him home and sautéed some veggies to add to my fajita chicken for dinner. I spent the night watching Downton Abbey, because Todd was working. Noah was out of town all weekend and Jonah and Graham were in and out for dinner. 

On Saturday I went out with my mom and sister. It's been ages since we've done that, so I was glad to be with them. We each had a couple of things we wanted to do, but I bought two shirts from my favorite boutique and I replaced some makeup from Ulta that I was out of. We had a delicious lunch, then I was back home around one. I read, I took a nap, I baked a cake, then that night, Todd and I went to our friends' house with a couple of the other tech team guys from church. We had a yummy dinner and enjoyed catching up, even when the night ended on a sad note. 

I was up early Sunday morning, then we were at church by eight fifteen. We came home and went our separate ways for the rest of the day—Todd went to Costco, I went to choir practice. I came home and had leftovers of our Friday lunch from when I was with Dad, then worked on blog things and watched a couple of episodes of Friends. 

Also on Sunday, it was Drew's 22nd birthday. 💙 He worked that night, so I didn't get to see him and I didn't even talk to him until close to three, because I never know what his sleep schedule is because of his overnight working hours. I had texted him early that morning and late the night before, but I'm pretty sure I woke him up both times. I shared some pictures of him on the Instagram.

Isn't he handsome? Drew has always been the funny boy in our house and keeps us all in laughter. And also, he makes us cringe an equal amount of time. That makes me smile, because sometimes he embarrasses me so bad, like when we went out for my birthday back in December. He had pulled his shorts up ridiculously high as we were leaving and everyone was staring at him. His favorite things consist of kids, good food, music and having fun with his friends. He also loves basketball and plays on a rec team at our church. I love all of these things about him and it was weird for me when he moved out of our house last summer. I keep saying this, but each milestone we hit with him living on his own just about knocks me over! It was strange not seeing him yesterday, but I know it wasn't anything anyone could do to change the circumstances. We'll see him tonight for dinner, so better late than never, right? 

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading, friends. Love to all.  


  1. Happy Birthday to your handsome son! I'm sure your birthday dinner with him will be full of laughter and love and those are the most important things, not when you celebrate. So many hard things about the kiddos getting older but it's rewarding to see them flourish in adulthood, too. I hope you have a great Monday, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! You are so right. I do really try to remember that often and I think I'll get better as it as time goes on, I'm just still learning how to get used to it. I do love to see how great he's doing. It makes me so happy to see him happy! Have a good day, friend!

  3. What fun pictures and you look like you are his age in those pictures of y'all together! Yes, it is strange the first year when you don't see your kids on their birthdays. I will experience that again this fall with my 2nd daughter. Oh the emotions!

    1. You are my new favorite person! That's quite the compliment, my friend! Thank you! ❤️

  4. Happy Birthday to your Sweet Boy! What a fun and cozy weekend- it had the best of everything!

  5. What a great weekend! Happy birthday to Drew!

  6. Happy birthday to you handsome boy! Great photos!! Hope you have a great week ahead!!


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