Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Favorites, 4.29.22 and the books I read in April

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post. 

It's been a pretty good week, though an unexpected sickness caught me off guard and forced me to spend the last part of the week taking it easy. I won't talk about that, though—but, because that means I don't have a lot of content to share, I thought I'd use this day to talking about my favorite topic—books and the ones that kept me busy reading this month. I'll jump right in with my first book of April.

You can click on each picture and it will redirect you to Amazon.

I read the second book this particular author has written, Someday in Paris by Olivia Lara.

Zara and Leon met for the first time in 1953, but they never saw each other again after that first meeting. They were destined to keep falling in love with each time and again over the course of the years that followed. The story was fascinating as I read about each of their lives and where life took them after that first time they met. It's one of those hurry-up-and-finish, but I-don't-want-to-be-done-with-it books that I love so much. I can't believe this author has only written two books! The book I read by her in March is still the favorite book I've read this year.

This story was one of those grand, epic romances that people talk about and I loved every single page. If you're a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read this there now for free! 

Next up was The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth.

Now that I read from a Kindle, I rarely buy books that cost anything over about $7. This author is one that I will always pre-order her books, they're all THAT good. This book is buzzy book right now that everyone is talking about! 

The book opens up at the end of the story. Tully and Rachel are at the wedding of their dad to a much younger wife, one who is around their age. Their mom is still alive, though she lives with dementia, but she's at the wedding as well and they're like one big happy family, except that they're not. There are lots of twists and turns, but chapter one opens up to a shocking thing that happened at the wedding and the rest of the book works it's way to that fateful day. I haven't spoiled anything, I promise, but you need to read this book! All of Sally's books are suspenseful in a sneaky way that catches you off guard. You always think they're going to start off normal, then you'll be reading and gasp out loud. 

I adore her writing and her funny Instagram stories.

My third book of the month was 100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget by Fiona Ferris.

Another blogger turned me onto these adorable little Francophile books and I love them. This was a quick read, but don't let the frivolous title fool you. It had greats of practical ways to enjoy life to the fullest. I read this quickly, but it was wonderfully inspiring and even motivating. This author is also a blogger and her blog posts are equally as enjoyable.

Next was the book What Remains True by Nancy Naigle. 

I'm not quite sure how I've missed reading Nancy's books, but if the others are anything like this one was, I'm a fan. I was sent an advance copy to read and review here on my blog, but it's one I would have been willing to buy, it was so good. I love books that are about imperfect people—that's what the main characters of this book were and it reminded me so much of God's redemption. The characters are endearing, the writing will pull at your heartstrings and this book was squeaky clean. I strongly recommend that you read it! It's available for pre-order at the link in the picture.

The fifth book of the month that I read is a little surprising, since it's April and not Christmas time, but it's Christmas in London by Anita Hughes.

The reason I'm reading this book now is because I've had it on hold on Libby since NOVEMBER. It finally came available and who am I to miss out on a great book? So I started reading it and I'm still going. I love this story! It has romance, great descriptions of a city I'd love to visit, interesting characters with good chemistry and there are lots of mentions of good food to eat and great places to shop. What's not to love? I've never read anything by Anita Hughes, but I'm a fan. This was worth the wait!

I loved all the books I read this month, but I don't trust myself to rate with stars anymore, because I'm nice. I'd recommend them all to anyone and everyone. 

How has your week been? Have you read anything new and noteworthy lately? If so, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Sometimes I have a hard time with my star ratings. I tend to only give 5 stars to books that I feel will "stick with me" for awhile. But plenty of my 3 and 4 star books are excellent too. Thanks for the book recommendations...I haven't heard of some of these. Hope you are already feeling better!

  2. Someday in Paris sounds great! I have been reading quite a few books set in Paris lately and am loving all the memories of the city that they bring back.

  3. The book by Fiona Ferris sounds really good. I will have to check that out.

  4. I've already a few Christmas books this year too... for the exact same reason as you... it's just when it became available after putting it on hold way back before the holidays, LOL.


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