Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday Favorites, 4.15.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this Good Friday post! 

This might just be my favorite holiday of the whole year, friends. It has nothing to do with the word "Easter", but everything to do with what this weekend means for those of us who are believers. The verse above says it all—do you know Him? The story wasn't finished after He hung on a cross. Three days later He rose again! Now Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father and His Holy Spirit dwells within us.

Do you know Him? If you have any shadow of a doubt, don't hesitate to reach out! Times are troubling in our world and we need to be ready for when Jesus returns. This day and weekend is the perfect time to think on the gift of salvation that He offers. 

On a much lighter note, the other thing that is my favorite right now is all of the vibrant green that I'm seeing all around town and in our yard.

This is one of my favorite views, and I have seen some other beautiful ones this week. This was where I finished writing my portion of the Bible study that will be published this fall for the women in our church. I'm so thankful that the Lord gave me every word as I studied and sat down to write yesterday. I give Him all the praise and glory for that, especially because this was the hardest thing I've had to write on so far. I can't wait to share more about this wonderful study when the time gets closer!

This view is one of my favorites! This was me walking into the church this week for Bible study. I had already put my things down and needed to go upstairs, so I took this shortcut through the covered patio area. That white door you see is a prayer room with a code box to get in. I used to know the code, because a friend and I used to meet there every week to pray. 

I have a new favorite morning routine. 

I'm almost always up at five or five fifteen and downstairs sitting with coffee and my favorite blogs by five thirty. I read all of those, check email, and get on social media for five minutes or less, then after I make Noah's lunch to go, I come back with a second cup of coffee and spend the next portion of my morning praying. I've been in such a rut with this lately, but after two weeks of a morning routine like this, I'm finally pulling out of the slump. My pastor encouraged me on this a year ago, to just keep praying. I was grateful for his advice and as simple as it seems, it can be difficult to make that a priority. I used to spend time in the morning reading, but I've stopped that since I've started doing this. After I pray, it's time to make the next batch of lunches for everyone, so I listen to a podcast while I do that. This was the one I listened to yesterday, and I was happy to see he had a whole series on Kingdom Prayer. I love Tony Evans! After lunches and while everyone is getting ready and after they leave is when I have my quiet time. I do that separately from Bible study and I'm usually at the table until at least ten o'clock.

This quiet time is my favorite!

It was my favorite thing to see my husband honored at the annual sheriff's department dinner this week. I'm so proud of him!

Lastly, my other big favorite part of the last week were the beautiful views with these godly friends. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to travel with them. We talked a lot about our next writing project and lots of other ideas for women's ministry at our church. 

As much as I loved these gorgeous views, my favorite views are the ones that I see when I'm back at home. I love being back with my people, our dogs and my simple routines. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Happy Good Friday! As always, I enjoyed reading what you wrote about serious topics- this time about Easter Sunday and following Christ and your lighter topics. It's so neat that your husband was honored (especially since you mention a lot how hard he works- how nice to get recognized for the good work and long hours he puts in) by a dinner. And those pictures of the beautiful beach have me longing for feeling the sand on my feet (and I was fairly recently at a beach!). Have a wonderful weekend and Easter Sunday, friend!

    1. Thank you, Maria! I always appreciate y I urge heartfelt encouragement. You definitely have the gift of that! That perfect day at the beach Sunday of last week has me longing for it again as well, because of spending time going through the pictures! 😂 I hope you have a wonderful and celebratory Resurrection weekend! ❤️

  2. Is Todd's full name - Floyd?

    1. 😂😂 Jen. I don't know why that made me laugh.

  3. Never mind -I understand it now. Happy Easter to you and your family.

    It truly is a time to rejoice in the Lord.

    1. Our sheriff is Floyd Bonner. It truly is, Jen! I hope you have a joyful weekend of remembrance. ❤️


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