Thursday, March 17, 2022

thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for today's edition of Thankful Thursday. I have to preface this post by saying that not every week is wonderful. There are some weeks that are that way, but there are others that just about knock the breath out of me. Lately I have had lots and lots of things to pray for that are very personal and won't post here. I know some of you probably think I never have a bad day and that's just not true. I do tend to be a look-on-the-bright-side, the glass is half full kind of person, though, and I try to put more of my focus and attention to the many wonderful things I have to be thankful for. The Lord is gracious and He is faithful. All the things that I keep private here are reserved for the times when I pour my heart out to Him.

That being said, I have lots of things that stick out from this week so far. I've been writing out an actual gratitude list again recently. I start with Sunday and end it on Saturdays, but in my journal it's titled "Good Things". These are things that are straight off of the pages from my journal.

I am so grateful for great worship and sound preaching every week at church. It was really, really good on Sunday, as it always is and my heart was overwhelmed with thankfulness at that and how privileged we are to be able to attend church services each week. I can never thank the Lord for this honor without stopping to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who would give anything to be able to have what we experience each week. 

I'm so thankful for my friend Laura at church and that I was able to help her out on Sunday. She's our worship pastor's assistant and she is who I am with when I work in the audio/visual booth certain weeks. I love her and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her better and getting a glimpse into her beautiful heart. 

This was me on Sunday afternoon, sitting in our little library or kitchen area at the back of our choir rehearsal suite. People sign in here and pick up music, waters and mints if they so choose. 

Also on this note, I am thankful for worship ministry fellowship. I love that we're like a family within a larger family and enjoy talking to them each week before the service starts. I am almost always there early, so there's always a handful of us who talk about all the stuff going on in the world, Hallmark movies and enjoy a cup of coffee together. I actually listed some of their names in my journal. 

I was glad to see a friend back at church this week. He had been really sick with pneumonia and hasn't been there in weeks. so it was good to see him walking around again.

I am thankful for days at home this week. It's spring break for the schools in our town, which no longer effects me at all, but because of that we did not have Bible study on Wednesday. In lieu of that, I've spent the time writing that I would have usually spent in preparation for Wednesday. This means that I've finished my first portion of the next Bible study we're writing on! You have no idea how happy this makes me. I had a very productive day doing that yesterday and hope to have another day just like it today. I need a quiet house and to cram it all into as few days as possible. I don't do well with long drawn out deadlines. I've learned that I work best in a crunch.

I'm thankful for good books! I've read several this week and each one seems to get better and better. I'm still stuck on my newest favorite author, but I know I can count on her books to help me escape. 

I'm so very thankful for praying friends. I've unloaded on my best friend a few times this week and she has done the same on me. I'm so grateful to have friends to walk through my life with. 

I'm thankful for times of laughter. I've had several times of that this week with my husband and in a couple of other phone conversations. I'd hate to think of what life would be like if we couldn't laugh! 

That's all I have written out so far for this week. What about you? What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I too have a tendency to look on the bright side. I also try to be an encouragement to others. Yes, I have hard times too, but there's no sense in dwelling on that stuff too long. It just brings me down (but I do have my days, just like everyone else). I miss the days of being in a choir. When we married and for the first several years, my hubby was a music minister and I had so much fun being a part of his choir. In fact, that is where we met. Now he's pastor of a small church and we don't have a choir any more. But that's okay. I love our church and the people there. We're not a real big group, but we love the Lord and each other. I'm so glad you got time to do your writing and to read some books. I haven't done much reading in the past couple of weeks, but I hope to get to some today.

    Thanks for helping to host Thankful Thursday which helps me to remember to be intentional about being thankful. Have a great day!

  2. So much to be thankful for!! I wish I was more of a "see the bright side person" - I really want to have that perspective and I'm working on it. I know that gratitude is the key! Maybe I should try one of those journals. Hmmm. Grateful for my church family, today, as well!! Happy Thursday, friend!

  3. I like the intentionalness of thinking of things to be thankful for. You always have such a great list ;). I am thankful for spring breaks. All three of the kids have different spring breaks this year which is a bummer but we couldn't have all gone somewhere together because my husband is swamped with work (though there is thankfulness in that, too, since he works for himself and needs the work to make money). I hope you're having a great day, friend!

  4. I love that characteristic trait in people, Cathy. I think we would be fast friends if we were to have the chance in person. I do tend to look for that quality in my friends, though they don't all have that. I love that you have such a wonderful church family! Isn't that such a sweet thing about the family of God? It sounds like you've had a great week as well!

  5. Jennifer- YES! We have so much to be thankful for. I read a quote today from some commentary I was reading on 2 John that said peace is what we experience when we practice thanksgiving unto God. Isn't that true and so beautiful?! I loved it and it resounded within me deeply. I hope you had a wonderful day, my friend!

  6. Thanks, Maria! I am thankful for the week of Spring Break as well, even though it no longer effects me and my sons, but I've had a great week of writing on my Bible study! I feel like I finally have a fire lit within me and I'm excited to finish, after months of what has felt like a drought. I love that you found something to be thankful for even though all your kids' breaks are different and amen to work for your husband! I have recently said the same thing, since my husband, his dad and our sons have a family owned business. He leads a busy life, but I'm grateful for every bit of work the Lord has given them over the years! I have had a great day and hope you have too!


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  Happy Thursday, friends! I'm co-hosting the Ageless Style link party today with several ladies, and the topic for this month is all ab...