Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm glad you're here! I hope you join in with us this week for our weekly link party on being thankful. Link back to me, Rebecca Jo or Leslie for your own. 

As I sat down to write this, I just realized I never made a list of "good things" in my journal like I did last week, so I'm going to try and do this by memory. I'll start with Friday and end with yesterday.

I'm thankful for our parents! We have a huge extended family and we are so very blessed by them. I'll get to the rest of this story in a moment, but I love that I get to spend every Friday with Dad. I won't be able to this week, though, so I'll have to settle for a phone date instead.

I'm thankful for slow and lazy weekend days. I spent all of Saturday at home was glad for the chance to not have to rush to do anything. I alternated between being productive, reading and watching Downton Abbey.

I'm so thankful for our Pastor and worship pastor. Both are a tremendous blessing to me and I am glad to have both of them to look up to. I say this because of last week, when the preaching was wonderful and our worship pastor was a great example to find something to be thankful even when life's circumstances are hard. 

I'm thankful for celebrations! We had most of our giant family over on Monday night to celebrate the birthdays of our boys. We were missing the ones who don't live here and three that do and weren't able to make it, but as we were in the kitchen talking and laughing, I remember thinking how grateful to God I am for our families that love each other so much. My best friend was here as well that night and she called me the next day to say the same thing. My heart swelled to twice its size, at least. I am so thankful for so many who love our sons well.

I am thankful for days at home to get the house back in order, to prepare for Bible study and to recharge. In case I haven't mentioned this lately, I am an extroverted introvert. That just means that I love people and being around a bunch of ones I know and love, but it makes me so tired and I recharge the next day by being alone.

I am thankful that we started back to Bible study this week! Yesterday was a great day and it was so good to see some of the small group ladies as we discussed the first couple of weeks of homework. We could have gone on and on, I think, but it was so good to be back together. 

I'm also thankful for something to look forward to and that happens today! I'm joining some of the ladies from church for a two night retreat at a nearby retreat center. I can't wait to share about it next week! Because of that, I'll end on that note, but I'll be back tomorrow for a Friday Favorites post, so I hope you come back to check it out! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. I am always encouraged by reading your gratitude!

  2. Thank you so much, Michele! I hope you have a great day!

  3. Such great things to be thankful for. Your family getting together is the way our family always was. Not as often now and there are so many that are gone, but it’s still good when we do get to be together.
    Our Bible study started back last week and I’m so happy to be with them again. It’s such a blessing.
    Have fun at your retreat.

  4. I love a good retreat weekend - cant wait to hear about it!
    There is nothing better than slow & lazy weekends. Its what I look forward to!

  5. I enjoy reading your Thursday Thankful posts. It is such a good discipline to think about your blessing and give thanks for them. You are fortunate to have a lot of your family in town for celebrations and for just everyday life. I hope you're having a great evening, friend!

  6. Thank you so much, Michele! You're such a wonderful encourager.

  7. Cathy, those are also some pretty great things to be thankful for!

  8. Thanks, Maria! This is one of my favorite things to do- look for all the good in the midst of everyday life.


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