Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Share Four Somethings, March edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Heather G for this month's edition of Share Four Somethings. The topics are something loved, gleaned, braved and achieved. I hope you join in the fun!

Something Loved

I've loved so many things this month. Great books are one such thing, along with time spent reading in the early morning hours. 

I loved having some appointments to take care of things for myself, like a hair appointment, a nail appointment and a pedicure with my mom. (This picture below is of me after getting fresh highlights.)

I've loved all the reminiscing and looking through old pictures for birthday posts, like this one just hours after I'd had Jonah and Noah. I was a baby! 

I've also loved the excuse to make them take pictures with me, like when I made Graham take this with me the night before he turned 23 and also the night we went out for dinner, just the six of us.

In general, I've loved all of the birthday celebrating. It's a busy month for us! 

Something Gleaned

I gleaned so much from my quiet time reading in March. I finished the Exodus era and crossed over in the Conquest era. 

I am gleaning so much from Bible study! This is a picture of the book we're doing below and it is so, so good. I feel like I underline the entire page on some days and we have the best discussion in small group each week. 

Something Braved

(This topic always throws me!) I was forced to learn something new over the weekend. While away at a women's retreat with the ladies from church, I ran the screens for worship and the teaching AND the sound. That may not sound like a huge deal, but it was quite intimidating.

This included having music playing on Spotify anytime someone wasn't using a microphone for something, muting and unmuting mics, adjusting the sound as needed, turning the projector off and on and managing slides for the worship songs and for one session of the teaching portion. I also had to make an "order of service" for myself so I could keep up and know what was coming at all times. (I had lots of things to write on, pens, hand sanitizer, mints and water on hand at all times.)

Something Achieved

I achieved some major progress on the writing project I've been procrastinating on! We had a week off from Bible study this month because of spring break for the schools in our area, so I used that week to get the writing done. I finished with my first chapter and am well into my second. (The writing team I'm on at church is writing another Bible study, this time on the books 1,2,3 John and Jude. My portion is 1 John 5 and 2 John. 

I never thought I'd describe myself as a procrastinator, but I am the queen of them. I don't do well with long and drawn out deadlines. I do better with knowing I have to get something done quickly, because that lights a fire in me and I get it done in a few days. I plan on spending all day this Thursday getting some more writing finished. I'm going out of town in a little over a week from now, and I'd love to be finished or nearly finished. When I say "finished", I mean with the first draft. I go back and make edits as needed and tweak things here and there.

I always love writing these posts! I hope you enjoyed reading something a little different. It's hard to believe we're already at the end of another month, but here we are. Time flies! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. I love all your loves - self care and reflecting on time with family. Congratulations on braving new technology! That is always feels like a brave thing for me to when I stretch my brain to learn new technology :). Enjoy your day!

  2. Thanks, Marilyn! It's good for us to do that kind of thing, but my brain was tired when I came home on Saturday. I took two naps later that day! Ha.

  3. Wow! You've accomplished so much. Great job!

  4. I love the pic of you with your babies... isnt it crazy to look back & see how young you are when I know you felt like such an adult. Time is a crazy thing!

  5. Thanks, Cathy! It felt good to get some things done!

  6. Rebecca Jo - YES! I thought I was so wise! I am laughing as I write that. I had so much to learn at that point in life.

  7. Aw, that photo of you and the twins! So sweet. I love those first photos!!:)

  8. That's such a sweet picture of you with the twins. :)

  9. Your new highlights look amazing! And way to go on doing the tech at the conference!!

  10. Your hair looks great, self-care is so important! I think it is a huge deal running the sound and all that goes along with it!!

  11. Thanks, Cindy! I agree wholeheartedly. And thanks for that encouragement!

  12. What a wonderful way to serve the women of your church! And congratulations for making progress in writing your Bible Study.

  13. Your hair looks great, Jennifer. And good job running all the tech stuff for the retreat … my husband used to run the lighting portion at our old church and I know how stressful anything back in that booth can be at times!


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