Monday, March 14, 2022

Hello Monday/weekending


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was good and got started on Friday by running several errands. I made a grocery run to get us through the weekend, then went to the bank, then got my nails done. I was going to wait on that until Monday, but the dip powder on the corner of one of my nails broke and was driving me crazy.

I was ready for something that was light and spring-like. This is a pinkish white and I love it. It had been almost a month since I'd last had them done and they were way too long. That's the only reason why I sometimes can't wait until the one month mark, because I hate it when my nails are long. I am on a laptop a lot and cannot type at all when they're long. The girl who does them for me is always so hesitant to cut them short and I have to reassure her constantly. 

After this, I came home and picked Dad up, then we went to grab lunch from Chick Fil A and brought it back to my house to eat. We had a good day, but it went by way too fast! That always happens when we're together. You'd think we would have run out of conversation ideas a long time ago, but that is NOT the case!

I took him home and came home and got comfy, because it was cold and snow was on its way. And then it came, and took everyone by surprise. 🤣 At 5:30 there was nothing on the ground, but by seven, there were inches. It came down very quickly and was beautiful, but man! I opened the door to let the dogs out at one point and all this snow rushed in at me. It caught me off guard and it was FREEZING. 

This was the best kind of snow—wet and fluffy and mostly melted by Sunday. I've mentioned that once March comes, I'm ready for spring. Speaking of, wasn't it lovely that it was still light after seven o'clock last night? I love that part of daylight saving time in the spring. Drew stayed here that night, as did two extra boys. We had a full house, which I love. Todd was working, so I spent the night watching Downton Abbey.

I had already planned to stay home on Saturday, which the snow helped me do. I did some laundry, I cleaned, I did all of Drew's laundry, I made a good lunch and then dinner for myself, I read, I did Bible study homework and that night I watched a Hallmark movie. (Winter Castle.) 

This is the Bible study we're doing! It's so good. I've already done the first week. 

This was my view Saturday morning as I read the Bible. 

And I finished the book I was reading after I did all of that other stuff. 

I rode with Todd to church Sunday morning, even though I didn't have to be there early and got my own set of the new in-ear monitors we use for our praise team people. I've been borrowing a set from our tech director using my own ear sponge things and returning them each week. I spent the extra time getting those opened and set up for the next time I need them, then I read my daily reading. I actually got to sing in choir today for the first time in weeks! I've been filling in people in the audio/visual tech booth, which I love, but I also love singing in choir. We came home after church and I had lunch and rested while I listened to choir music. I was back at 2:30 to help my friend Laura who needed someone to be in the "bar" where people sign into choir and get music, waters and cough drops or mints. I helped put out music and passed it out to people who were missing theirs, then helped her get it all cleaned up afterward.

This is our choir rehearsal room and the area I was sitting in is similar to a small kitchen with our music stored in there. There's a sink, fridge and, most importantly, a coffee maker. I sure did help myself to a cup! 

I came home after all of that, warmed up some leftovers for dinner and took a shower. Todd and I spent the rest of the night watching The Voice season finale from last season and Survivor. I read in between shows and on commercial breaks. 

My favorite parts of the weekend were having all the boys here at home together and the house full of their friends on each day. I love it when they bring their friends to hang out here, which is something they no longer do that often. Noah's best friend was here for part of the weekend and they were all in and out. Jonah got his truck back with some news he wasn't expecting and is now contemplating on what to do. He has a couple of options—he could drive it until it dies and replace the engine or he can sell it for what he can and get something newer. I'm praying for God to give him wisdom and he and his dad are going to spend time today at work weighing all the options. 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun and exciting? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That is a lot of snow especially for not being predicted... We had snow on Friday evening but it was predicted. How nice that you had a full house with your sons and their friends. We got to see my son unexpectedly before he left for spring break so I know exactly how you felt about it (though I had fewer "extra" people around than you did ;)). I hope you have a great Monday, friend!

  2. It was actually predicted, I just think people weren't expecting it to happen! I know my sons were that way. We're back to spring-like weather this week, though, which I'm happy about. I know you loved getting to see your son! Thanks, my friend! I hope you have a great day!

  3. Yes, it looks like we've traded snow for spring again this week! Your spring nails look so good. My first dip manicure lasted only 2 weeks, so I am on round 2 now, hoping it lasts at least 3. Car decisions are hard, so I hope they get something worked out soon. I know those can weigh heavy on the day. Enjoy your Monday as well!

  4. Love a bible study in warm jammies & comfy slippers.
    I love your light nails!!!! - I just painted mine green for the week :)

  5. In LOVE with that nail color- makes me think spring- I am pretty much done with the snow and winter right about now- how about you? Ha! Thanks for linking up :)

  6. Happy Monday friend! Pretty snow photos - but hooray for snow that only lasts for 24 hours or so!! Surely this is the last of winter!! It is already lovely here today! Here's to a great week ahead!

  7. Your nails are beautiful! I love that the snow this time of year is very short lived; we got two small storms this week and in both cases nearly 95% of the snow was gone in 24 hours.

  8. Marilyn, YAY! This beautiful weather we had today was MUCH improved. I hope your dip powder lasts longer this time. It it doesn't, I would try the gel or shellac instead. Some people say that the dip powder doesn't stay on their nails well. I hope you had a great day!

  9. Rebecca Jo- YES, GIRL! The cozier, the better, in my humble opinion. Green nails are fun too! I almost did that, but I had my mind set on white. I hope you had a great day!

  10. Thanks, Holly! I feel the same, my friend. I hope you had a great day!

  11. Thanks, Jennifer! Right?! After a beautiful day today, ours is gone now. We always have some that remains in our front yard and on the front half of the roof because of the direction our house faces. It's almost officially spring! I hope you had a great day, my friend!

  12. Thank you, Joanne! Hooray for snow that melts quickly! I am ready to trade in winter for spring! I hope you had a great day, friend!

  13. Such pretty nails. I'm with you... I can't do long nails either. Love that you and your dad have so much to talk about. :) Sounds like a great weekend! I need to start my Bible study homework. I read the intro but have to start the weekly work yet. So excited for this study since the last one was so good.

  14. Thanks, Bri! We really do have ALL THE THINGS to talk about each week. I hope you enjoy the new study- I think you will. I am loving it so far and have just gotten to week two. I hope you had a great day, sweet friend!


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