Monday, March 21, 2022

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. 

My weekend kicked off with a beautiful day with Dad. I was surprised by the weather, because it was supposed to be rainy, but all of that happened overnight and when I woke up, it was clear. The weather was a tiny bit cooler still, but my dad didn't need a blanket! I'm smiling as I write this, because he always needs a blanket at our house. I do try to remember to adjust the temperature for him, but I usually forget.

We had a yummy lunch—tilapia fillets and roasted asparagus. 

I took him home around four, after we got to see Graham for a minute. He came home a little early to pack, then went to Nashville for the weekend. Todd worked that night and Jonah and Noah went to hang out with Drew, then to a car meet that took place in Memphis later that night. Noah and I had pizza from Domino's for dinner. They have the best thin crust pizza! That's what I had, but Noah had buffalo chicken.

I watched Downton Abbey after I had dinner and went to bed close to eleven, believe it or not. That's late for me!

On Saturday, Todd and Jonah left in the morning so that Jonah could go luck for a new(er) truck. He found one and brought it home later that day, but it was an all day thing. He's proud as punch of his shiny new toy and is already making all the plans to change it up. Noah came home from Drew's, then they all left again. I actually did Bible study homework all morning and then after I ate lunch, I settled in to read for the rest of the day. That lasted until eight o'clock! Here was me with dinner that night.

Loaded down nachos that were leftover from this week. My book that I was reading was SO GOOD that I could not put it down. 

I watched more of Downton Abbey, then went to bed early. Todd and I left bright and early on Sunday to work in the tech ministry at church, then came home for lunch and a nap afterward. I was back at three for choir and home again by five thirty, and found my hubby cleaning off our deck. I made us egg sandwiches for dinner, then I settled in to read the rest of the night. Graham got back home late last night and Jonah and Noah had fun with their friends in the beautiful weather with their friends. It felt like an appropriate first day of spring. 

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I think all of the lettuce on your nachos is enough to dub the meal taco salad ;). I'm glad you had a nice weekend. I hope you have a great Monday, friend!

  2. We had lots of church time this weekend too- Friday morning mass- Friday Night Stations of the Cross and mass on Sunday- this is my favorite time of year in church...thanks for sharing :)

  3. mmm... give me nachos every single day!

    What season are you on with Downton Abbey? I am thinking of starting it all over again.

  4. Maria- Right?! There really were chips on the bottom, but not very many. I like all the toppings way more than the chips. ;) I hope you had a great weekend too, my friend!

  5. Holly, thanks for hosting us each week with Sarah! I love participating each week. I love this time of year at church! The music alone is extra special and wonderful. I hope you had a great Monday, friend!

  6. Rebecca Jo- Right?! I am the exact same. You should start it over! I've already said that as soon as I finish it, I'm starting over immediately because I know I missed a ton at the beginning. I am on season three now, episode two or three. I didn't get to watch any Sunday or Monday, but I'm hoping to watch with lunch tomorrow! I hope you had a great day, my friend!

  7. Sounds like a great weekend with family, tv, and good food!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn, it was! I hope you had a good day being back in the swing of things!

  9. I can believe it! I'm actually surprised by people who can make it up past 10; as I really just can not unless I work really hard at it. But I tend to be up at the crack of dawn so... usually I'm in bed by 8:30 and sound asleep by 9:30!

  10. Joanne, I know, right?! I'm up early everyday as well and rarely last past nine or 9:30!


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