Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday Favorites, 3.4.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post on all the favorites from the week. 

I have a couple of favorite snacks that I've been munching on this week that I thought I'd share. One is good for when I get a craving for something sweet (that tastes like a candy bar)...

...and one for when I'm craving something savory. Actually these little things are way more than savory, they're crazy spicy, which I love.

I'm not the only one who loves to snack on slim Jim's. A couple of the guys here like to have one or a few in their lunches everyday. Do you have favorite things that are somewhat healthy that you like to snack on? I know the obvious fruits, veggies and nuts, but I am open to suggestion. I especially like to munch on something if I'm watching a movie. 

I did one of my favorite things yesterday—

I met Mom, we got pedicures, then went to lunch. I went neutral since I like for it to match my nails and I'll get them done next week. Speaking of neutral pink, it's become one of my favorite colors in the past couple of years. I went to Home Goods this week and got something else that's pink.

I love it! The faux flowers/plants from Home Goods are another one of my favorites. I am loving the touches of spring and all the beautiful spring weather we've had this week. Spring isn't my favorite season, but I am ready to see green in the trees and flowers in our flower beds once again. (I realize we still have quite a way to go before this happens, but it's been so nice here this week!)

I spent time this week before 6:30-7:30 each morning doing one of my favorite things...

...reading while I drink my second cup of coffee. I wrote about the books I read in February this week, in case you missed that post. You can read it here

I've been talking about how I've been re-watching Friends in order and came across an episode I somehow missed that is now one of my favorites ever.

This is in season nine at the end of the season when they all go to Barbados and Monica's hair is frizzy from the humidity. I am on season ten now and sad that it's ending. I'll probably start all over when I'm done, just because that's what I do.

Other favorites from this week not pictured are as follows:

Church was so good this week! We had a guest speaker on Sunday that spoke on living mission-minded each and every day. He preached from Jeremiah 29:1-14.

I loved being with my mom this week! It seems like weeks have gone by without us seeing each other.

I was able to go to dinner after church Wednesday night with a couple of friends to catch up and it was so good to see them.

How was your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I hope you have the best weekend! Love to all. 


  1. Isn't it great to say, "I had such a good week!"? I love it...and love those tulips, too! They look quite real. And it so time for a pedicure around here. I'm thinking pink:) (or yellow...or robin's egg get the idea)!! Have a great weekend!!

  2. I love all the pink touches....the nail polish and the flowers. It is hard to find good, healthy snacks. One of my favorite snacks is Simple Mills Almond Flour crackers. They are sold at Costco and Wal-Mart, and maybe Kroger..not sure. The crackers are healthy and they taste really good. Even my teenager likes them :)! Happy Friday & weekend to you!

  3. Your flowers are so pretty! I do love watching Friends and I'm trying to petition the family to make it our next family show. We've been rotating through all the seasons of Big Bang and now we're on Fresh Prince but I'm hopeful to put Friends on the list for next.

  4. Jennifer- YES! I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks! I hope you get to do that soon! Hopefully you've had a good weekend, friend!

  5. Thanks, Marilyn! I'll have to look into those. I hope you had a good weekend!

  6. Thanks, Joanne! I hope you get to watch it soon! We love those other shows as well.

  7. I want to go get a pedicure soon. Spring is almost here!!!! :)

  8. I hope you're able to do that, Bri! Yay for spring weather! It's cold here again this week, so I'm glad we had great weather last week.


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