Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Favorites, 3.25.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post. As you read this, I'm out in the country at a beautiful retreat center with the ladies from my church on a two night retreat. It's basically an adult sleepover, which are always my favorite! ;)

I'm jumping right in with a favorite memory from this week that popped up on Timehop.

Look at young elementary school aged Noah and Alex! Those days were my favorite. At that time in life, I drove a Suburban and I always had a carload of boys to drop off and pickup. I had my own, plus Alex, two other next door neighbors Myles and Zander, and sometimes I had a boy named Ryan and even a friend or two on special occasions. I loved those days! We always had morning devotion on the way to school. Someone would read from our devotional book and then I'd pray for them all before they got out of the car.

I sent this picture to my sister Debi this week as she and I texted one morning.

This is my favorite coffee mug. I got it at Home Goods a few months ago. I love an insulated coffee cup with a lid, even if I don't use it all the time. I love my coffee to be piping hot and this cup keeps it that way.

I have a favorite book for the month, and maybe even the year. 

Have any of you read this? This particular author has only written two books, but this is one of the best books I've ever read! Check back at the end of the month for all the books I read this month.

I have a new favorite pair of sandals for the summer and I sure did pull them out on Monday when the weather was in the seventies! I love these. I wish I could share the brand name with you, but that would involve me having to get up, so I won't. These are so comfy! I have issues with my feet, so I have to wear good, supportive shoes at all times. These check off all the boxes. My issues include tendonitis, one foot that's been fractured twice in the same spot, and plantar fasciitis. 

It's also my favorite when I get to sit out here on our deck.

And last but not least, you all know how much I love when my sons are thriving and Jonah's new truck is his favorite. 

Isn't this awesome? It's a 2014 GMC Sierra and he is proud as punch. He took me for a ride in it Wednesday night, which was my favorite.

Happy family = happy mom. I can't post about Jonah without sharing about what each of my sons drive.

First up is Graham's truck, with is the biggest and appropriate since he's the oldest. ;)

He goes to truck shows and loves that little kids look up (literally and figuratively) to him. This was in Nashville last weekend after he had the grill on front painted to match the rest of his truck. It was gold.

Next up is Drew.

This was him at his house on Wednesday night. I love that sunset behind him! The Jeep you see is his roommate's.

And finally, Noah.

Forgive the angle, but he took this and posted to Snapchat. His is the first car you see, the turquoise, which I love SO MUCH more than I thought I would. The second car is also pretty. Blue is my favorite color! I'm so proud of all my boys. They all pay for their own vehicles, and I love that they're so happy with what they drive. 

How was your week? Do you have a favorite part that stands out? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I'll see you back here on Monday. Love to all! 


  1. Your boys should be proud of their trucks (and car!). It's great that they pay for them. They look really nice! I hope you are having a great time on your retreat. Looking forward to reading about it ;).

  2. Enjoy your retreat. The "next time you get up" look for the name of those sandals. They are cute!

  3. Love your boys nice.

  4. Have a great time on your retreat!! What fun! Makes me super excited about my girls' getaway next month! Such a cute flashback photo! Life was so good, wasn't it!?

  5. I'm gonna need ot know the brand of those shoes. I have PF & man oh man, my feet hurt so bad sometimes!
    I need to look into finding an insulated mug. I HATE when my coffee gets cold 5 minutes later. (at least during the winter - summer, i'm all about iced coffee). I almost bought a coffee warmer to keep on my desk.

  6. Thanks, Maria! I am so proud of them.

  7. Thanks, Lu! I will...I forgot to do that today already. I'll try to remember later.

  8. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm so excited for you, that you get to go on a girls' getaway! I can't wait to hear about this when you return. I know you'll enjoy that like-minded fellowship! And yes, they were such fun times! Life has been so good!

  9. Rebecca Jo, I'll try to remember! I keep forgetting to look. That's the only time I've worn them, since it's been too cold, but they felt so good on my feet! I've heard about mug warmers for desks...but I also love any insulated mug. I usually drink it pretty fast, but when I don't, I use the lid.


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