Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Favorites, 3.18.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post on all the favorites. You can click on their names to see the rest of these posts. I love reading them! 

In some ways this week has been long and not my favorite for lots of reasons, but in other ways, it's been a really good week. This is the week of Spring Break for our local schools, so even though it doesn't effect me anymore, we did not have Bible study this week and that did make a difference in the routine of my week. I enjoyed a week's break from routine and used the days to be productive in other ways. It's my favorite when that happens! 

Speaking of Bible study, this part two is going to be my new favorite!

We just finished part one of this and part two is going to be even better! I'm excited to dig into week two this morning and tomorrow. We're studying the characteristics of biblical womanhood, according to Titus 2. 

This was my favorite view as I did Bible study homework last Saturday. The snow was pretty and by Sunday afternoon, most of it had melted. 

I love a pretty view while I have quiet time.

I have a new favorite color for my nails—it's called Fancy Princess. (The name is NOT my favorite.)

I love lighter colors when the weather turns warm.

The book of Deuteronomy is always one of my favorites to read.

It's always a little sad, too, because Moses is nearing the end of his life.

This was my favorite night of dinner this week. Taco Tuesday! This was actually a salad, though. It was delicious. Todd enjoyed it as well, so I wrote down all the nutritional info for us to do this again in a couple weeks.

I have a new favorite coffee creamer! A friend and I were talking last week about what we put in our coffee and at some point, this stuff was brought up. I decided to give it a try and to reduce the sugar I put in my coffee and it worked. This stuff is delicious! 

I didn't realize until yesterday morning that it's soy milk, but it doesn't taste weird or anything. I will be buying this on repeat! 

I have a new favorite show!

I realize that I am WAY LATE to the Downton Abbey craze, but I am hooked. I love the castle, the accents, the clothing, the formality, the old-fashioned habit like all of the butlers standing when Mr. Carson enters the room. I love Matthew Crawley and Lady Grantham and Anna and Bates. I'm midway through season two. 

Other favorite things this week are:

Long phone conversations. I've had plenty of them this week! 

Days of nowhere to be. I am always fine with staying at home.

The feeling of accomplishment I mentioned earlier. I set about with a goal for this week and I got it done. That is always my favorite! 

That's about all I've got for this week's favorites. What was one favorite thing from your week? I'd love to hear from you! As always, thank you for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I watched Downton Abbey a few years ago and really liked it. It is definitely a favorite a find a good show to watch! My husband and I finished watching a one season series called Reacher that we enjoyed. Congrats on setting a goal and getting it done this week. I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend, friend!

  2. I love finding a show to love and watch, Maria! It's one of my favorite things. Thanks for your encouragement! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  3. I love your blog. Your posts are so fun and encouraging. I glean tidbits from your recommendations from food things to nail colors. Keep it up! Have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Hey friend - I think your creamer is oat milk...if you are worried about soy or something!? I love soy milk myself:) But I have not tried much oat milk. Sounds like it could be a treat! I have also been intriqued by Downton Abbey...something else I should give a try. Thanks for all the tips today! Have a great weekend!

  5. I was very late to the Downton Abbey game too but I just loved it once I started watching. They sucked me right in with everything from the storylines to the clothing!

  6. Love that nail color. My 13yo has been wanting to put fake nail on me for months so I finally let her yesterday. I feel like I can't do anything, including typing this comment, LOL, but I bet when I get used to them I will love them. They are so pretty. :)

  7. Thanks, Lu! And thanks for stopping by with some sweet words of encouragement!

  8. Jennifer- Is it milk if it says "soy"? I assumed that meant soy milk, but maybe it's just the brand name! Anyway, it is delicious in my coffee! You should give Downton a try, I think you would love it as much as I do. It was hard for me to get into because of all the characters, but after about four shows, I was hooked! Let me know what you think of it if you try it! I hope you had a great weekend!

  9. Thanks, Bri! I laughed as I read your comment because I am the exact same. I feel like I stab myself and others with my long nails every time they grow out! I do think you get used to them as time goes on. I've been like this since I had kids! ;) I hope you had a great weekend, sweet friend!


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