Monday, February 7, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was good—we still had lots of ice until Saturday, when a lot of it finally started to melt. I love the ice on trees! It's so beautiful and it was particularly beautiful on Saturday as the sunlight hit it. It looked like diamonds sparkling! 

I drove around for a while on Friday and ended on our town square as I talked on the phone. (I'd gone to get groceries.)

That first picture has nothing to do with the icy trees, it's just a lovely church on the town square that I love and think is beautiful. Because of this and the fact that my dad's power went out, he did not come over on Friday. Their power went out on Thursday and finally got turned back on Saturday night. Thankfully they were prepared and have a generator, gas stove and gas logs. Someone from my house went over there each day to make sure they were okay, which they were, and they were able to keep their house really warm.

I missed seeing him! I didn't do much of anything either of those days, though the people in my house worked. I read and watched movies and went to bed early. I had a wedding to go to Saturday, though, which was so sweet and beautiful. 

Isn't that window beautiful? I love this church that they were married in! Todd was at home during the wedding, so when I came home we had leftover veggie beef stew for dinner. I was at church early Sunday morning and home again for lunch and a nap. I had choir practice that afternoon and Todd and Graham came home shortly after I'd eaten dinner. They had been on a callout all day long and were so tired and windburned after coming home. 

I'd love to hear about your weekend! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. We had lots of ice here in New England too- I hate winter- how many more days until spring?? :)

  2. Ice is not super fun - but I will admit it is really pretty fresh on trees, etc....and always makes such pretty pictures! Glad everyone was okay with the power outages, etc. Always an adventure:) Hope you have a great week ahead!

  3. That is a beautiful window... I love weddings too - they always make me so emotional

    Glad your dad was prepared with the generator!

  4. We got lots of ice this weekend too and while I don't love it I can not deny that it makes everything so pretty! We had a full day of sun but the temps were so cold that the ice did not melt on the trees and everything sparkled like crazy. What beautiful photos.

  5. Holly- It's always around this time when I start to actually miss spring and warmer temps. I still love the winter, but I start craving all the color that the warm weather brings. I hope you had a great weekend!

  6. Jennifer- isn't it beautiful? It made for a beautiful winter wedding backdrop. I hope you had a great weekend, my friend!

  7. Rebecca Jo- ME TOO! I'm such a sap and a romantic at heart.

  8. Joanne- we had a day or two like that as well, but it was all melted by Sunday afternoon. The temperature reached fifty! It's getting up to sixty a day or two this week as well.

  9. I agree, the trees were so pretty! And we can enjoy sun and warmer temps this week!

  10. Beautiful pictures but so sorry to hear about your dad’s power being out until Saturday!! Sunday naps are the best! Have a great week!!!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes! I am looking forward to the sunshine and nice days.

  12. Thanks, Bri! They did really well with it and he kind of loves that kind of situation. And it gave him a great excuse to run his generator! My son Graham went over there Friday and he said you couldn't even tell the power was out it was so warm in their house. I was glad to hear that! I offered for them to come here, but I knew they would never do that. They're tough cookies!

  13. Ice isn’t fun, but it is beautiful! I’m glad your dad was able to keep his house warm and everyone fared the ice well.


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...