Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this week's thankful Thursday blog post. Before I go on with this post, I have to tell you that I don't ever want to take this blessed life I have for granted. When I say "blessed", I do not at all mean monetarily or with any physical thing. I mean that I am so thankful for this life I have with Jesus. He is my everything! He saved me, He changed me, He cares for me and even when things are hard here on earth, I take comfort in Him and the fact that He sympathizes with every situation I walk through, because He Himself was tempted, hated, mocked, beaten and killed (and resurrected three days later). Nothing I ever go through would ever compare to what He went through and the most amazing part of that to me is the fact that He went through that while we were still sinners. 

But God proves his own love for us in that while were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Do you know Him? Are you walking with Him? If your answer to either question is no and this resonates within you, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can email me at I love to write about fun and "fluffy" things here, but more than any of that, I always want to make it a safe place for you to reach out to find out more about Jesus. I am a great listener, so I am here if you ever want to "talk". 

Moving right into this week's gratitude list, now...

I am thankful to feel better today. I had to miss Bible study yesterday and I got up to get dressed, but I could never finish I felt so sick. I think it was the food I ate on Tuesday night when Todd and I went out for dinner. The food that I had was nothing unhealthy (I had one parmesan crusted chicken baked chicken breast and a sweet potato), I think that it was just a little too rich for my sensitive stomach. It was delicious, though and I thoroughly enjoyed it while we were out. 

I'm also thankful for my friends whom I texted that morning to let them know I would have to miss. They all prayed for me, but my friend Amy was very gracious to lead my group along with one other group since their leader was out as well. Thankfully she was already up when I texted her at five something that morning. I wanted to give her plenty of time to prepare! 

I'm thankful for the night out that we had. My husband and I are not great at dating each other and I really want to get better at that this year. I know it's important and even though we're here alone a lot, it's not quite the same thing as "dating" one another. I keep hearing that phrase in podcasts that I've listened to that were talking about something unrelated, so how ironic is that? We went to a favorite steak place and used a gift card that my sister Lisa gave us for Christmas. Wasn't that sweet of her? We sat at the bar in the restaurant because the wait was so long, which was a first for me. I loved watching the bartender do her thing! We were in the corner and close to the kitchen, which was also fun to be able hear and see. As we were finishing our meal, they texted me to tell me our table was ready. I'm really glad we sat where we did so we didn't have to wait.

On that note, I noticed that though there were tables open, there were lots of people waiting and it's because every place is short staffed right now. What in the world is up with that and what is wrong with people that they don't want to work? Don't answer that, my question was rhetorical, because I know what's wrong with people. This is very alarming for our country, my friends and it's such a good reminder for us to pray faithfully for our nation and our leaders, both over our states and the ones residing in and around the White House. Believe me, I am reminding myself of this, because I often forget to include this in my prayer time. All too often, I don't, but we should all be faithful in this. I'm not worried about this, because I know how it's all going to end someday, but it is concerning to see the path that our nation is headed down. I cannot imagine how we must grieve God as a whole! The things that are allowed and celebrated are in direct defiance to His Word...and someday we will have to face His judgment, just like the people from the days of the Bible did. 

Like I said, it's a good reminder to pray. I need to watch my favorite movie to be inspired in my prayer life again. Do you need to be inspired in yours? The movie I'm talking about is The War Room and I like to watch it every so often to be motivated again. We all go through such doldrums, do we not? If you have anything that inspires you, feel free to share it with me! A book that inspires me is one by Stormie O'Martian, titled The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children. I've recommended that book so often recently! There are also books in that series by her for wives, husbands and parents. You should check them out, if you haven't already! 

Alright, well, thank you for reading my blog, friends. I didn't necessarily mean for this to take a turn, but one thing I pray often is for the Holy Spirit to lead me. I believe He does that, so I don't think this was coincidental. Maybe someone needs to read these words today. I pray for you often, friends.

Love to all! 

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  1. I'm sorry you felt under the weather and couldn't join your Bible study. I'm glad you're feeling better. I find myself getting wayyy too caught up in what's going in our country politically and getting angry/ upset/ sad (it probably doesn't help that I'm reading "1984" right now...). I need to keep my perspective more eternally focused though I do believe God lays on many people's hearts the desire to become involved in politics or even to follow politics so that God loving and fearing people are in decision making or influencing positions. Off to read more Orwell... and the Bible! Have a great day, friend and thanks for sharing your heart.

  2. Thanks, Maria! I think I had a stomach virus. Twenty four hours later I started feeling better. I can get too caught up in all that myself and I agree that it's good for certain people to be involved in the political world...I just know that's not me. I can't even watch too much of the news, but I can pray! Enjoy your reading, my friend.

  3. I love the beginning of this - amen... all because of Jesus!

    I think "dating your spouse" is important. Keep that romance alive!

    I always joke & say, Did the rapture happen? because I am amazed at how short staff everyplace is! We've been needing to hire people even in our law firm & cant get applicants. Its EVERYWHERE

  4. Sorry you weren’t feeling the best yesterday. ☹️ Glad you and Todd got out on a hot date though!! Dating is the best!

  5. We are indeed blessed and the eternal impact of our following life will exceed anything that we can imagine!

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun at all. I have that movie "War Room" on DVD but haven't watched it. I think I need to pull it out and watch it. I think I read one of Stormie O'Martian's books some years back, but I know that praying for our children is very important, so I may see if I can get a copy of that book. Amen about walking with Jesus Christ. I enjoyed this post. Have a good weekend.

  7. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I am blown away by that too. How are people living if they're not working?! It's one reason why I prefer to eat at home all the time, except if it's a nicer restaurant. Those seem to not be struggling as much. So weird!

  8. Thanks, Bri! I am glad we were able to do that too! I hope your week has been good, friend!

  9. Thanks, Deb! You should definitely watch that movie. I love it so much!


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