Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for today's post. We hope you join us! 

As I write this, I keep thinking of how wonderful it's been to see sunshine and to have warmer weather in the daytime hours. Sometimes I wonder how much the weather affects me, because I know several people who struggle with the blues during the colder weather months. I was just talking to someone about that last week! It's hard when you're a young mom and you feel trapped inside of your house. Needless to say, I'm thankful for the beautiful weather we've had this week. I think it's all about to change again! 

I'm thankful that my husband is taking steps to feeling better—I don't want to share too much out of respect for him and his privacy, but he's been dealing with something painful for a while now and it's steadily gotten a little worse. He will be seeing a doctor about it today and I'm thankful he found one he knows he can trust. Did you know so many doctors are not accepting new patients? I don't know if that's a covid thing or not, but he finally found one and was able to schedule an appointment.

I'm thankful for the fact that my sister Debi is in town for a few days and that I'll get to see her Saturday! It's been almost a full year since I've seen her. It's been a year and a half since I've seen my sister Lisa. That's way too long for my preference. 

I'm thankful that Tuesday night was a night when the dinner table was full!

I was being sneaky when I took this, but I made a giant batch of chicken tortilla soup and they were all home to eat. Drew requested this and when their friend Nick came over to meet them before they left for a basketball game, he had some as well. Then he asked me if I'd teach his grandfather how to cook. 🤣

I'm glad I made a bunch of this, because I'll be eating it for the rest of the week for lunch and maybe even dinner! It's that good. I love cilantro and could just about eat it plain. So could Drew. Lots of people feel differently about it and think it tastes like dishwashing soap! Isn't that weird? I love the taste and smell. I just love Mexican food! 

What is something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 

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  1. I'm glad your husband found a doctor. I have heard that many of the doctors in my area are not taking new patients. How wonderful to get to see your sisters who live out of town. I am thankful for the men and women around the world who are taking stands for what they believe in- and risking a lot in the process. That seems like a random thing to be thankful for but it actually pertains to one of my siblings which is why I thought of it when thinking about you seeing your sisters and things that I am thankful for!

  2. Thanks, Maria! That's interesting that it's happening in your area as well, as far as doctors go. It has to be a covid thing! I'm rolling my eyes. I am so over all of this and how it's affected every single area of everything. That's a great thing to be thankful for! I am thankful for people like that as well. That's an important task!

  3. So thankful y'all found a doctor for your husband. I heard a statistic the other day of how many medical professionals have left their job in the last 2 years and was amazed by how big then number is.
    Enjoy the visit with your sister. How exciting!! I had hoped to join in today, but couldn't get a post together. Enjoy the sunshine!

  4. Lots of good things happening at your place and best of all--togetherness!

  5. Ahhh - a full table - I know that made your momma's heart happy.
    Prayers for your hubby! Being in pain is just miserable.
    Enjoy your sister this weekend!!!

  6. I hope you husband gets better really soon. Love the soup and in fact I'm eating it as I'm typing this. lol Strange breakfast, but I'm enjoying it. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  7. Thanks, Marilyn! I have heard that same thing. I totally understand why! I've been loving the weather! I hope the predicted flurries on Saturday miss us.

  8. Rebecca Jo- YES! I love nights like that. I know he will be glad to have all of this behind him. I feel so bad for him! Thanks, friend!

  9. Thanks, Cathy! I am so glad you're enjoying the soup so much!

  10. Praying for your hubby!! Enjoy the time with your sister. <3

  11. Thank you, Bri! I'll text you about him.


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