Monday, February 21, 2022

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post about all things involving the weekend. Speaking of, how was yours? 

Mine started with Dad coming over on Friday. 

We stayed in on this day, because it was COLD. I made us clam chowder and cheesy garlic biscuits for lunch. It was delicious! We had strawberries and a cookie for dessert. I took him home, ordered a pizza and watched the most boring Sarah Jessica Parker movie I've ever watched, All Roads Lead to Rome on Prime tv. Save yourself the time and don't watch it—I fell asleep somewhere in the middle. Todd worked that night and all the guys went to Alex's game. He's playing in a tournament, so they did the same thing Saturday night.

I had an easy Saturday. Todd left early for something with the sheriff's department and I had quiet time and did Bible study homework. I had made plans to eat lunch with a friend here from out of town. We went to a place that's new to me and it was so good! We sat and enjoyed lunch for a couple of hours and getting caught up with each other. I haven't seen her in ten years! After that I came home and Todd and I ordered sushi for dinner. We watched episodes of The Voice from last season and I read on and off all night in between times of them singing. 

Oakley sits in my lap and watches me while I read. Isn't she cute?

You know how I love to wake up early on Saturday mornings and watch a movie? I could never find one that I like or could get into, so I ended up watching Friends and reading for most of the time. I did get up and watch one Sunday morning and it was so good! Have you watched The Wedding Veil movies on Hallmark? They've been so good, but the second and third movies were the best, by far. Every once in a while, they put out really great movies with excellent acting. I actually enjoy almost all of the movies, but sometimes the quality is better with certain ones. 

When I came home from choir rehearsal last night, I ate some leftover pizza and watched a show and worked on blog posts for this week while Todd watched a movie. Today I am catching up on things I didn't do in the house over the weekend and figuring out dinner plans for the week. It's supposed to be rainy here for the first half of the week, so I don't have many plans to get out in a downpour. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love how cozy your weekend sounded- oh my- sounds like heaven to me! :)

  2. How nice that you got to spend time with your friend and have lots of time at home to relax and get things done. Have a great Monday, friend!

  3. I love leftover pizza. I always like to buy one on Friday to get us through the snacky time of the weekend.

    Good to know about that movie because I love SJP so I probably would have watched it.

  4. I watched the first in the Wedding Veil series, but haven’t watched the other two. I will be sure to catch them soon. I love Hallmark movies. What a bummer that the SJP movie wasn’t so good. I love her! Thanks for linking up.

  5. Yes, that Oakley is very cute! Such a sweet reading companion! Sounds like a nice's to a great week ahead!

  6. Thanks, Holly! It was really nice. Most of mine are like that now, since our sons are all older and have busy lives of their own. I remember the days of more chaos and sometimes I miss those times! More often than not, though, I enjoy where I am right now in life.

  7. Rebecca Jo, me too! That's what I've been doing lately. I always order extra for that reason.

  8. Thanks for hosting us, Sarah! I know if you liked the first movie in that series, you'll love the other ones too!

  9. Thanks, Jennifer! She really is the sweetest. I hope you have a great week as well, my friend!

  10. It sounds like a lovely (and delicious) weekend!

  11. It was Joanne, thanks! I hope yours was too!


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