Monday, February 14, 2022

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post.

I got the weekend started off with seeing Dad. It was good to see him after two weeks! I had to make a Costco run, so we did that and then we ate lunch there afterward. He was so sweet- he bought Sandy some beautiful red roses while we were there and when she came to get him at the end of the day, he asked her to be his valentine. I told him they are what the young people call "goals".

Jonah and I met my mom, stepdad and sisters at Osaka for dinner. It's our local favorite Japanese restaurant and it was delicious as usual. Jonah ordered chicken fried rice and I got teriyaki chicken off the hibachi menu, so it came with fried rice, sautéed veggies and either soup or salad. I got the clear soup. Does anyone else love Japanese food as much as me? It's my favorite!

We came home after that and I watched this new movie on Peacock.

Marry Me with Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. So this is a great thing that came from quarantine and covid—livestream and new movies being released on apps to enjoy at home. I never want this to go away! Have you watched this yet? It started rough, I won't lie, and I almost turned it off a few times. It's not a bad rating or anything like that, I just don't love J Lo and how she dresses so promiscuously. I stuck with it and it got a lot better and I ended up liking the movie. 

On Saturday morning I went out with Mom, Trish and Debi.

Isn't this above beautiful? This is at a home décor and flower shop called Le Fleur. 

We ran around to some cute little shops in Memphis and had a good lunch, then later on that day, I went to Mom's house for dinner. I was back home and cozy in my pajamas pretty early after I showered. 

When I got home, Graham was watching something on Netflix, so I hung out with him and Oakley for a bit, then went upstairs. 

I was at church early Sunday morning, then later on I had a shortened choir rehearsal. After that, I came home and whipped up these snacks for Todd and me to have for dinner. Graham and Jonah went to eat wings somewhere, then they came back here to hang out with some friends.

It was really good and it was almost like a little at home date night. We had the game on, but neither of us cared about who won or even the commercials for that matter. We did thoroughly enjoy the halftime show! I worked on blog stuff for the week, then I read my book while the rest of the game went on. I feel like my whole post and weekend was about food—I guess it happens sometime. ;)

How was your weekend? Are you celebrating Valentine's day today? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I hear you about the food- if I get around to writing a post about the weekend, food will factor into it heavily ;). One funny thing about the Superbowl that you and I experienced differently- I was really into the game but asked my husband to turn off the half time show so that I could read my book during it. I had no desire to watch it and wanted some quiet in the house before the second half started again!! Have a great Monday!

  2. Maria- isn't that interesting how we do that that? I mean, food is pretty important. How funny that we were the opposite for the football game and halftime show. I definitely couldn't understand most of what they said and they could have left off the raunchy dancing (but there have been way worse), but it was just fun seeing those guys and how they've aged. I've noticed here so far that people around our age liked the show, while the others who are younger and older did not care for it, our sons included. We loved all the nineties music from back in that time and often sit around listening to it some evenings when we don't want to watch tv.

    I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  3. Perfect football snacks! I was able to watch the half time show on my phone coming home from a dance competition and I thought it was incredible!

  4. Those snacks look very good and it sounds like a great weekend with family, church, and good food! I need to go into that home decor store sometime and at get some ideas. Enjoy your Valentine's Day!

  5. We watched Marry Me too, and I had similar thoughts. I could have done without some of her performance outfits, as well as the nuns in that one song. But overall, we liked it. It seems like Hollywood doesn't make many romantic comedies anymore. Everything is dark, superheroes, etc. Sounds like you had a good weekend.

  6. That halftime show was so good!! I’ll have to check out that movie. It looks good! I’m glad you got to see your dad again. And you are right, they are goals! Thanks for linking up!

  7. Such a cute flower shop! You have the sweetest shops for shopping and browsing!! Happy Monday -

  8. I never want streaming of new movies to go away either. I would even pay movie prices to get all the new movies!!!
    I wanted to watch that new movie & just never did - too many things to stream! LOL - I should watch it tonight.
    Happy V Day!!!

  9. We just went to the theaters this weekend to see Marry Me and I did turn to my husband and comment that she was dressed very inappropriately for a school dance! LOL. I liked the movie though; it's been awhile since a good rom com came out.

  10. Holly- good food, good entertainment! It was a fun night. Thanks for hosting us!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes, you need to go there! It's beautiful...and I think it gets better with each season. We decided to start going more regularly. I hope you had a great day!

  12. Tanya, YES! I did not like that song at all, or her outfit. Unfortunately, I think she's known for those type clothes. I like her so much better when she just acts. It wasn't my favorite rom-com for sure, but I did end up enjoying it and cheering for them at the end. I hope you had a great day!

  13. Thanks, Sarah! It was pretty good entertainment, for sure and if for nothing else, it brought us some big smiles. That music was our jam back in the day! ;) I hope you had a great day- thanks for hosting us!

  14. Jennifer, we really do have some great boutiques around here. It's one huge perk to living in the south, in my opinion. I hope you had a great day, my friend!

  15. Rebecca Jo- there are SO MANY CHOICES! I can easily spend more than hour scrolling through all the choices. I love it, though. I have never been a big movie-goer, though I do miss seeing certain movies remade (all the Disney movies like Cinderella, Aladdin) and musicals...those will always be better to me on a huge screen. Other than that, I much prefer to be home and comfy! Happy Valentine's day, my friend!

  16. Joanne, I thought the SAME thing! I was thinking it was much too revealing and low cut. My sisters said the same thing when they watched it the next night. I hope you had a great day!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...