Wednesday, February 2, 2022



Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Anne over at in residence for this monthly blog post. This is a list of things I'm currently loving, making, taking, wanting and wondering. I'll jump right in!


I bought this cute little sign before Christmas when it was on clearance. Isn't it cute? I love how bright the colors are and the way it looks and I love what it says. I'm also loving some new favorite screensavers I found for our television on YouTube. 

On Friday I cleaned the house before Dad came over and put out some Valentine's day decorations. I always forget how much I have that can be used for this holiday that I don't even like. I'm laughing and rolling my eyes at myself. I think I have too much time on my hands is what I'm saying.

I shared more about this yesterday, so if you'd like to read that post, you can click here.  


I'm writing this on Sunday night, so I'm making plans to do a few things around our house this week. I really need to clean out our closet, so hopefully I'll accomplish that and some other areas that need a good de-cluttering. The bookshelf in our bedroom always needs straightening and I need to do the same thing in our living room. I have books all over my house! I also have a few winter decorations out and I would love for those to be put back into the attic. 

I'll be making dinner this week and progress on Bible study homework and (hopefully) a writing project that I have to finish soon.  


I'm taking pictures and being more active on social media again. I took a tiny bit of a break during the month of January and I'm starting back slowly. I would get on for a few minutes here and there, but for the most part, I was almost completely inactive. I think I was in a little bit of a weird place in January, or at least at the beginning of the month. I felt more normal by the time the middle and end of the month came around, but I enjoyed the break and not feeling like I had an obligation to be on there for one particular reason or another. 

I'm also taking time to jot down a few notes as I read the Bible everyday. I really like doing that because it forces me to go slower than I normally would. My favorite way to ever read through before was several years ago when we would read one chapter a day and then write in a journal things we'd observed and learned from the text. My pastor always encourages us to do this. Aside from Bible notes, I take time to write out things in my journal each week. It can be lyrics to a song, a thought or quote I read from a book or a list of some sort. I love to write in a journal. 


Speaking of journals, I'm wanting (needing) a new one. Am I the only one who ever has a hard time finding one I like? I like to buy them at Home Goods, but when I went there a few days ago, they had very few to choose from. I wish I didn't mind just using a spiral notebook or something less complicated. Maybe I'll try that...or a composition notebook. This is always when I miss Lifeway! I do have a few other places I can go to find journals I like, like Hobby Lobby, or a cute bookshop inside of a church in Memphis, called The Bookmark. 


Well, we're supposed to get some wintry mix in the next day or two and I'm wondering if it will really happen. So far this year, the meteorologists have been right each time this has been predicted! It's weird because it was in the sixties Sunday through Tuesday, so I feel confident we'll all be battling some sinus issues once again. Jonah has had a rough time with this in the last six months because of the crazy up and down temperatures. Poor guy! 

I watched a story on Instagram that described how I feel about winter mix predictions—after the crazy snow storms and blizzards we had last year, I'd say most of us are a little more leery of these than we used to be, especially those in Texas. You know they have to be wondering if their power grids are any better this year compared to last. She said they're all suffering from PTSD from last year. This particular blogger had extensive damage to their home and they went for weeks without power.

On a more personal note, I'm wondering if I'll ever finish my portion of the Bible study I'm helping write. The material is HARD and I am stuck on one section. I have several more sections to go. This is the most difficult thing I've worked on so far and I'm a little intimidated and overwhelmed by the content. If you want to pray for all of us as a writing team, we sure could use your prayers! Thank you in advance. That picture above was me yesterday, trying to make a little progress.

Well, I always love writing these posts. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. We are also predicted to get a bad weather tonight and into tomorrow. Areas just north of us are predicted to get up to twelve inches of snow but we are predicted to get ice and then just one to three inches of the white stuff. It was 59 degrees yesterday so it does seem hard to imagine but it is all anyone is talking about and store shelves are bare, apparently. Sounds like something a bit similar possibly in your near future. I sure hope everyone stays safe on the roads. I hope your writing goes well for you- I just said a prayer for you and the writing team. Have a great Wednesday, friend!

  2. Maria- I was watching the news and weather right now, and they talked about all the people in the states above us who are getting lots of snow! Ours looks like it's going to be more ice and freezing rain with a slight chance of snow on Friday. Just the kind of stuff we all dread! People can't drive, so it's a little nerve wracking when our sons are on the road.

    Thank you so much for your prayers! I hope you have a great day, my friend.

  3. You know I love me a journal to write/note in for bible study/reading. & I love TJ Maxx & Homegoods for cute journals... but honestly, I LOVE my Passion Planner one - the pages are THICK where they dont bleed & you can use markers & such to give it life & not tear up a page. Plus, I put vinyl stickers on the front to make it my own. It really is the best journal for bible journaling. - I have a link on my blog if you're interested - & feel free to ask me any questions.

    Also - loving your new header! SUPER CUTE

    1. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I was ready for something vright and different. And thanks for that info, I'll go check it out! ❤

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    1. Jennifer, it's crazy that you're getting missed with the snow and we're not. You'd think it would be the other way around. Thank you for the prayers! My friend helped me a little today and gave me some ideas. 🙏

  5. We're supposed to have rain (is currently raining all day) snow after midnight and then sleet and ice tomorrow. Hoping we don't lose power. Hope you all stay safe and don't lose power either. Take care my friend.

  6. Cathy- that sounds like us, but with a slight chance of snow. I hope y'all stay warm and cozy! ❤

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  9. I absolutely cannot imagine trying to write a Bible study. I am a newbie Christian, relatively speaking, so would be so uncertain and intimidated trying to understand the content I was writing on and then trying to help others understand an apply it. Saying a prayer right now that you have a revelation that helps you find your way with this project.

    I just can't keep up with LIFE and blogging and social media. There aren't enough hours in the day. Wishing you luck as you begin adding it back into your time and your day.

  10. I think it's amazing that you write Bible studies at all. That is so incredible for me to think about trying to write one. I have a hard enough time studying the Bible. I will pray that you get some inspiration and guidance as you write. And I hope the wintry weather didn't hit you too hard.

  11. That sign is adorable. I had a lot of ice and snow late last week but it's finally starting to melt.

    Lauren @


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