Monday, January 24, 2022



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this blog post. 

I had a good weekend! It was pretty laid back, but it was good all the same. Dad came over for a while, then Sandy picked him back up because she had stayed here in town visiting her friend. That night, we kicked off the weekend by Todd staying home from work all day. He had the worst migraine he's ever had (this is only the second one he's had) and was sick all day long. Finally around almost three in the afternoon, he started getting some relief. I felt so bad for him! He was scheduled to work that night, but he ended up canceling the shift to stay home. We had lots of food leftover from the week, so that's what we had for dinner. By the time we ate dinner, he was completely fine again. We watched Survivor and I read at the same time. 

On Saturday, he and Graham had maintenance day at the sheriff's department, so they left here before eight thirty. I woke up and watched a great movie on Prime TV—I'll See You In My Dreams. Have you seen it? It's really good! I went out with Mom and Trish, for the first time in WEEKS. We started at Target per my request, then we had Mexican food for lunch. We went to a couple more stores, then called it a day. It was good seeing them! It feels like it's been ages. I read the rest of the day and finished the book I'd been reading. Todd worked that night and I finished the show The Maid on Netflix. It is not a feel good show, but it was very good. It's based on a true story and is about a girl trying to escape an abusive relationship, then when she does, she goes on to clean houses. Have you seen this? 

We had church on Sunday, choir practice that afternoon, then I came home to have dinner and get comfy. Todd and Graham worked last night and after my dinner, I watched the new Hallmark movie, Don't Forget I Love You. It was one of the really good ones! I like the girl who played in this movie, she's one of my favorite actresses that they use. Earlier that day, my sons were in Memphis and Jonah took this picture of his truck. I love this picture!

So that's my weekend. How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Glad your hubby is feeling better- sounds like a cozy weekend and a perfect winter one at that- thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Thanks, Holly! It really was a great weekend. Thanks for hosting each week!

  2. I am glad to have the movies recommendations! I hope to watch that Hallmark movie sometime this week. Target and Mexican food sounds like a great Saturday! Enjoy your Monday!

    1. I am always glad to share movie and book recommendations! Amen to those two things making a perfect Saturday!

  3. I need to start watching some Valentines Hallmark movies!

    1. There have been some good ones! I loved the first wedding veil movie. The second one is coming out in a few weeks!

  4. We had a cold weekend- I tried to stay in as much as possible. It sounds like you had a good weekend, spending time with the people you love. I hope your husband stays migraine free. Have a great Monday, friend!

    1. It's always so tempting to stay home when it's cold! Thanks, friend! I hope you're having a good day!

  5. It sounds like a really nice weekend except for your hubby's migraine. Aren't they just terrible. I used to get them but now I just get some of the side effects, but have not had the pain in years. I am so very thankful for that.

  6. Thanks, Cathy, it was! Thankfully he was fine the rest of the weekend. My sisters both suffer from them occasionally and I've only had one that was pregnancy induced. It was terrible! I felt awful for him as I watched him go through it all day.

  7. Just turned on my TV to check out that Netflix movie! Thanks for the recommendation.


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