Thursday, January 20, 2022

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this week's edition of Thankful Thursday. How's your week been? My week has been good. I've had several things to be thankful for this week and can't wait to share them with you. 

After a weekend that was blah, I was not in a great place on Monday when I woke up. I probably should have gotten out of my house more than I did, but I was scheduled for a haircut at eleven thirty and it kind of ate into my day. Anyway, I was kind of just sitting and wallowing in a bad mood when my best friend called me. I am so thankful for her! She called me at the exact moment that I needed to hear from her and I felt immensely better after our conversation. She pulled my own trick on me and basically wouldn't get off the phone with me until we were laughing.

I shared this on social media about it on that same day, because this is really what she is for me. I also need to say that she isn't my only friend who is like this, the Lord has been faithful in giving me some very godly friends to walk alongside in life. I know if they ever all meet, they would all be good friends. 

I am thankful for the fact that Bible study started back! I am enjoying our Bible study so much this semester. It's refreshing to do a study that I didn't help write. 🤣 I am also thankful for a faithful small group of ladies to lead in conversation. I told them yesterday that I am only there to get or keep a discussion going. I love that we're already friends and that we are getting to know each other and that we're all there to learn from one another. I love discussing something we've studied in the Bible with friends, because usually their answers are a different perspective that I would never have thought of. 

(This was us this morning, and this is my friend Amy who did the teaching for today.)

I am thankful for the gift of prayer. On Tuesday night a bunch of ladies from church met at my friend Wendy's house to pray over her before her surgery Wednesday morning to remove the cancer in her breast. 

This was a mixture of her friends from their Bible fellowship class and choir. What a blessing for her and for us this night was. We got to meet her sweet parents who were here in town to help out for a few days while she recovers. I know they were deeply moved by witnessing this that night, her dad told us so and was emotional as he thanked us. He's a retired pastor and I know both Wendy and her husband Zack are glad to have them here. 

Other things I'm thankful for:

Finally getting into a book! I've had to quit THREE of them this month, because you know that my motto is that life is too short to read mediocre books.

Cold weather. I love it so much!

My husband and the things we do to enjoy being together. One night this week I was working on my computer as he sat and listened to 90's anthems (it's a Spotify playlist). We laughed like crazy at my ability to remember every single lyric to the song Two Princes by The Spin Doctors.

My best friend for picking me up for church. We're still vehicle sharing over here. #storyofmylife

Anti-inflammatory medication for my arthritic knees. Why yes, I'm on the verge of ninety.

My worship pastor at church for leading us in worship on Wednesday morning Bible study! This has been my responsibility for the last year and a half and we needed something new and fresh. I sang with him yesterday, which I never mind doing, but he led. 

Like I said, it's been a good week. It's your turn! Leave a comment or join our link party and tell me what you're most thankful for this week. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. You have some great things to be thankful for! I did pray for your friend Wendy- how wonderful that so many of her friends showed up for her to pray. I can see how her dad became emotional. Have a great day, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I feel the exact same way. Thank you for praying for Wendy! I hope you have a great day!

  3. Look at all those praying people - that's awesome!!!
    There really is the biggest blessings in friendships. So glad you got the phone calls when you needed them.
    I'm with you - life is too short for mediocre books! No doubt!

  4. Wonderful that you are gathering with and encouraged by your people!

  5. Happy Thursday - so much to be thankful for this week! It really is a gift to have friends that encourage us in the Lord! I need to call a few friends myself today -

  6. Rebecca Jo, isn't that awesome? It was so moving!

  7. Jennifer, yes! It's an honor to be able to do that. I hope you've had a good week!

  8. I'm a day late in commenting on this post, but so glad to see the bible study has resumed. I know it is so good! Crew and Co. owners are good friends of my niece. They do have great products. I love this cold weather too. I prefer it over our hot summer days :).

    1. I was glad it started back! I always love the time off, but I get over that really quickly and love the small group time each week. We have the greatest laughs! That's cool that your niece is friends with the Crew & Co people! I love their artwork.


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