Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm glad to be back with the Thankful Thursday link party this week...I may be the only one participating for this week, because Rebecca Jo and Leslie each have things going on in their lives right now that are beyond their control. Even so, I'd love for you to join us in posting alongside me this week! 

On that note, I'll jump right in.

I'm so  thankful that Bible study started this week! I've been in a weird place lately with not wanting to be away from home very much and I'd honestly been dreading starting back this semester. Until Tuesday—the Lord changed my heart and mindset and all of a sudden, I was excited to get back. Do you ever go through times like that in your own mind? It's exhausting! I also think it's the result of being alone or not having enough fellowship in life. Whatever it was, I'm glad it seems to have passed for now.
(The book pictured above is what we're doing this semester. There's a part one and part two.)

I'm thankful to be back at Wednesday night church after taking last semester off. I joined in with the chronological Bible reading class last night and it was so good! My best friend happens to be one of the teachers, along with two other friends of mine, and I'm excited to do this each week.

I'm thankful for godly friendship. After church, a few of us went out for a quick bite to eat and to catch up. It was so good seeing them and having that sweet time of fellowship together. 

I'm seeing a theme here with what I'm thankful for this week. 

I'm thankful that tonight I get to see one of my very best friends for dinner. She'll be in my area and we made a last minute plan to meet for dinner tonight. This is my friend Andrea whom I met at another Bible study years and years ago. We don't go to that Bible study anymore, but we've remained friends over the years. That was such a sweet time in my life. The boys went to fun homeschool classes and while they were in those, the moms did Bible study. I loved the years we spent there and I still love all of the ladies I got to know there. 

More than all of this, I'm thankful for my husband who never minds when I do things like this. He has always encouraged me to do things like this with friends. He also never opposes when I go on weekend or girls trips and has never once complained about the going that I like to do. On the other hand, I never say no to him doing things either. He loves working with the sheriff's department, so I always try to encourage him to do that kind of thing, or be with his friends, as much as possible. We've been like this forever. We love each other, but we always enjoy our separate lives. I know that may sound weird, but it's always worked for us. As much as I love to do these things, I'm always happiest when I'm home with him and we're watching a show and laughing together. 

The last thing I'll mention is how thankful I am that my sons love to talk to me. They're all such great communicators and are so good at sharing things. I've had quality time with each of them this week and nothing thrills my heart more than that. I've seen Drew a bunch, I've spent time with Graham  chatting, and I've had the same with Jonah and Noah. I know most guys are not like this, which is why I'm so thankful mine are. I love them all, but I genuinely like them and being around them as well. They're usually in great moods, they smile a lot, they laugh a lot, and they're just really fun to be around. My heart is so full in the moments we're all together. 

Your turn! I'd love to hear from you now. What is something you've been thankful for this week? Thanks for reading, friends. Love to all. 

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  1. Ahh - I love your sons loves to talk to you too - a mother/son relationship is so special. You're making memories even with adult conversations.

    I totally think we're in a season that is hurting fellowship & causing lasting effects. With COVID, i havent been involved in my church like I have been the past 20 years & I can feel the weird emotions that go with it. It makes me NOT want to go back.. but I also miss it. Its such a weird place. Glad you pushed through your mindset & getting back in the swing of things.

  2. I saw on the bottom of your post about Tracy and her new heart in 2018. Any updates on her?

  3. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I think that memories are being made with my sons as well. I love the thought of that and I love any amount of time together that I can get. It's a lot more rare these days, which makes me even more grateful for every moment.

    I get that. I know so many people are in that same thought process. I was there myself in 2020, when all of this was still so new. It was a scary time! I also remember getting to the breaking point and thinking I'd not survive if I couldn't get back. The Lord helped me work through some of that and I've not looked back since. I know for me, the more I missed, the more I WANTED to keep missing. Because we're all involved with different ministries at church, it helped us get back into the swing of things. I was glad for that, because I don't know if it would have been so easy, had it not been for the tech ministry needing help and singing on a praise team for the in-person and online worship services each week. They were so short-handed that we had no choice, honestly. Well, we did, but we felt like we couldn't turn down their pleas for help.

    I feel like that will be an ongoing thing with me- I can tend to want to be a hermit! I'll always need to push through those thoughts and force myself to get out more. When I do that, I always enjoy myself.

  4. Looks as if we are both privileged to be mum to 4 sons! Truly a great gift, and our kids are our favorite people in the world!

  5. So glad that you've been able to spend time with your boys and are close to them. My son, who doesn't live with us anymore because he is in college, and I are having lunch today. It was a strange confluence of factors that made it possible; I am just glad that everything fell into place.

  6. Jen- thanks for asking! She is doing well. She has some health issues as a result of the transplant that she will live with for the rest of her life, but I know she's grateful for every moment on earth that the Lord has given to her. I'll never forget her telling me that she was just begging God to allow her to live to see her kids grow up. There was nothing she wanted more than that and I believe He will allow her to see that.

  7. Michele, you are so right! It's the greatest privilege to be their mom.

  8. Thanks, Maria! I am so glad you got to have lunch with your son today! What an unexpected gift. I'm always thankful for such things!

  9. It is a testimony to the kind of mother you are that your sons talk to you. Want to be with you. Share with you. Well done, mama!! You have raised some fine boys.

    Glad for your return to Wednesday night church. Sometimes we have to step away and then return to something to appreciate and enjoy it again. That's my excuse for taking 10 years to work on a very simple cross stitch picture!! HA!!

    I can't remember if you are a teacher but something you said about dreading the beginning of the semester and then having a change of heart and attitude makes me think you are. I am a retired librarian and I loved my job. Wasn't ready to retire. Now I am subbing some. This coming week for my granddaughter's class!! But I have mixed emotions about being at school with Covid so prevalent. Glad for your change of heart. Stay well, dear friend.

    Happy New Year!!


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