Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday Favorites, 1.21.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post. 

How has your week been? Mine has been good, even if it started out kind of blah. Fellowship and getting out of my house helped tremendously. I do have some favorite moments from the week that I thought I'd share with you. 

I love waking up to snow on Sunday morning! Lots of area churches closed here, but I was glad that ours did not. I rode to church with Todd early and then sat in an empty room and had my quiet time once I was there. Choir was canceled, so I sat with Todd during the service, in this room where he does the livestream. I love supporting him in the ministry he serves in.

This room above is our choir room where we rehearse. I went up there because when I first arrived, choir was still scheduled to sing. My choir family is my favorite and I missed us singing last week.

I got a few inches cut off my hair on Monday. Hair day is always my favorite day! It feels better and looks healthier. I hope to go back in a few weeks to get fresh blonde. 

This moment pictured below is one of my favorite moments from the week. A sweet friend of mine has breast cancer and she underwent surgery Wednesday morning. A group of her friends from church (mostly from her Bible fellowship class and a few of us from choir) met at her house Tuesday night to pray over her before the surgery. Thank you for your prayers! She is awaiting results and we're praying for clear margins. 

Look at the crowd! We all wore masks while we were inside, except for the few seconds that her hubby took this picture and we all just held our breath. 

I love this image that my friend shared on social media this week! I would be willing to say that 95% of what we walk through when we're going through hard times is a spiritual battle. One of my favorite chapters in all of the Bible talks about this in Ephesians 6. 

I made my favorite soup for lunch today and doubled the recipe so that I could share it with my friend who has covid. This soup tasted so good to me when I had that, and I've made it many times since. It's chicken and rice soup, but most of the broth is homemade. I also took her a bunch of books to read while she recovers.

It was FREEZING here yesterday (which I love) and I was so cold last night that I snuggled up under my favorite blanket. Isn't this beautiful??? My mom made it for me for Christmas, and it's one of those gifts that made me burst into tears the second I opened it. I've been wanting a quilt for so long and didn't want her to ask for one from her, because I know it takes forever. Also, Mom has a terrible time with vertigo because of the Meniere's Disease she was diagnosed with several years ago and I don't know how long she will be able to continue to do things like this. It was just a very special and meaningful gift. 

My last favorite moment from the week was on Wednesday. I'm sharing my car again and my best friend has been picking me up for church the last two weeks. We don't see each other a lot these days, so it's been nice to have extra time to catch up with her. We went to grab a bite to eat afterward and had the most fun just sitting and laughing our heads off together. Moments like that are so good for my soul and are my very favorite. ❤

I'd love to hear some of your favorite moments from this week! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. The quilt your mom made you is gorgeous. What a precious gift! Prayers for your friend. I hope your weekend includes lots of relaxation with that beautiful quilt and singing in the choir on Sunday- have a great one!!

  2. Thank you! I love it so much, especially because it's so warm! I'm thinking my dad will enjoy it today while he's here. ;) I hope you have a great weekend as well, Maria!

  3. I just love your hair & those curls!!!
    How special a quilt that is - there is something magical about gifts made with love. ... & keep you warm!

  4. Your haircut looks awesome, and the quilt is such a special gift that you can always treasure. Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you! I will for sure always treasure this gift, along with the card Mom made me.

  5. Our church was cancelled this past week as we ended up getting 6 inches of snow here in Upstate SC! Your hair looks great! I always put off getting a trim but it always feels so good when I finally do! And your quilt is so nice! What a special gift from your mom!

    1. Oh wow! Six inches is way more than the one or two we had. It melted really fast, which I was glad for. I don't love the feeling of being snowed in. 😂 Thanks for stopping by, Nicole!

  6. I got to see a friend this week that I hadn't seen for at least over a month, and it really is nice!

    LOVE the quilt your mom made. What a wonderful memento of her love that you can always keep, especially when she can no longer make something like that.

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren, I know you were glad to see your friend! My friend Andrea and I are like that and see each other's always so good to catch up! I hope you had a great weekend!

  7. What a beautiful blanket! How sweet that she made a quilt special for you. The soup looks delicious and I am sure your friend was grateful for the help.

    1. Thanks, Joanne! I am always glad to do that kind of thing. I've been on the receiving end of that so many times. I love being able to pay it forward.

  8. Your church must be huge... look at that sound room!! Your hair is so pretty. LOVE that blanket your mom made. And how sweet of you to make your friend soup; it looks yummy.

    1. It's pretty big, Bri. We usually have around seven hundred each week since covid. Before that, we were averaging about 1,400 per week. I think. Thanks, friend! I hope you had a great weekend!

  9. Oh, that quilt is as precious as it is beautiful!! What a treasure!! And I love your haircut - looks great. I get those couple of inches off in a week...and I can't wait! That is a great photo of you! Here's to a great weekend - and choir singing again!!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I know you'll be glad for a fresh trim as well. I hope you had a great weekend! ❤

  10. I always love soup in the winter time -- but we've been having it 2 or 3 times a week lately. Yours looks great!

    1. Me too, Ellen! I could actually eat it everyday. Even in the summer! I'm crazy like that. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you had a great weekend!


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