Thursday, January 6, 2022

a blog post of random things


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm hoping to start up with the Thankful Thursday link party again soon, but my friend who creates that link for us each week is dealing with some personal things right now in her life. I'd love for you to pray for her! The Lord knows her name and all that she is facing, health wise. 

In the meantime, I thought I'd post about a few random things from the past week or two. 

Someone I follow on Instagram shared this and while I love it, I also wholeheartedly agree. I've said this before here, but I am an eternal optimist and I know I bug some people with my "look on the bright side of things" mentality. I can't help it, honestly, since I've walked closely with Jesus. He has given me such a different perspective and outlook on life. I know you know someone who is the opposite of this—aren't they exhausting and don't they drag you down? That is the case for me. I consider this a good quality to have, but like I said, I know it bugs people when I don't let them wallow in self-pity.

Did she not have a great smile? I hope she was a believer. I don't know if she was, but I loved this actress on the show that made her the most famous, Golden Girls. 

Look how pretty my sweet Oakley is! This is my grand dog, if you're new around here. I told Graham that if he moves out, I want full custody and will give him weekend visits. I adore this puppy! She is the sweetest little thing ever and gives me hugs all the time. She has no regard for personal space and though she was very sickly when he first brought her home, she is fully recovered and perfectly healthy and house broken. She listens better than any other dog we've had before. I think the trend here is that the more time that goes by, the better puppy trainer I become.

This was me at the ortho doctor last week. Several weeks ago I messed up my right knee by walking up very steep stairs for several days in a row. I finally bit the bullet and went to a doctor last week and he told me it's arthritis. He also prescribed me an anti-inflammatory and told me to come back in a few weeks. It feels SO MUCH better! I had a slight mishap on Sunday when the cute puppy above slammed into it and made it go backwards, but it's better once again. I'm always so grateful when pain goes away! 

So my Drew has been back at home for a week now. Both of his roommates came down with covid and he needed to be away from them while continuing to work, so he's been here since last Thursday. While he was in town that first night, his truck transmission went out, or so he thought. It may just be another issue with a leak, but I'm glad he's been here since then so that he could have my car to use. He went back home last night and took my car so that he can use it for work tomorrow night, and I'm a teensy bit nervous about that, because snow and ice are predicted for today. One of my son's totaled my last car over the summer last year and I pray that the roads aren't bad when Drew goes home at seven a.m. Friday morning. 🙏 I've seriously loved having him at home all week and it all made up for Christmas.

Todd subscribed us to HBO Max last week and I am loving having it to watch new shows and movies. I've started re-watching Friends in order. Other than watching it when it was on tv in the nineties, that's the only time I've watched the episodes in consecutive order AND I don't even know if I've seen them all. I started doing this on Netflix before they got rid of it, so I'm glad that I was able to pick back up. I won't tell you how many episodes I've watched this week. I don't feel too bad about this, because I'm on my fourth book of the year so far. 

Well, what's been new with you? I'd love to hear from you! I'll see you back here tomorrow for the first edition of Friday Favorites of 2022. Thanks for reading! Love to all. ❤


  1. I enjoyed reading your post. Oakley is beautiful and reminds me of our Lily who we lost about 8 years ago. I’m praying for our friend. I miss seeing her here in blogland. I’m mostly an optimistic person too. If we are on God’s side who or what can be against us? Wow! You’re already on your 4th book. That is awesome! I’m still on my first. lol I hope you have a great day.

  2. I am sorry to here about the arthritis but glad that medicine is helping. I hear you about pain- I woke up with terrible back pain one day last week and started wallowing in pity (I am not as optimistic as you, unfortunately!!) imagining the worst case scenario- that I would have back pain for the rest of my life. How thankful I was when the pain went away and I was pain free. I am going to try not to take being pain free physically for granted anymore. I am glad you were able to spend time with Drew. I hope the roads remain clear and devoid of ice and snow but if the bad weather does happen, that you and your loved ones are safe. Have a great day friend.

  3. Thanks, Cathy! I miss her too. I have thought about her so many times this week. I love that- if God is for us, who or what can be against us? Nothing! I hope you have a great day!

  4. Thanks, Maria! I'm glad your back is feeling better. I agree with what you said- that we should never take being pain free for granted. I also have moments when my mind goes to the worst case scenario, but usually I can snap out of it pretty quickly. Thanks again, with the regards about Drew! I'm hoping it's not what they expect. Have a great day, my friend!

  5. Glad you are feeling better after going to the ortho!! How sweet to have Drew home all that time. 💕💕 Oh my gosh, I LOVE friends and would enjoy rewatching the episodes. I used to have some of the seasons on VHS but got rid of those because we no longer had a VCR.

  6. Thanks, Bri! It was so nice. I miss him when he's not here! It's been so much fun to go back through and re-watch the show. It's my all time favorite! I hope you've had a great week, friend!


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