Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Welcome, December.

 Oh, friends. It's the final month of the year and I have so many thoughts and feelings about all that has transpired since this time last year. I always have so many mixed emotions about the month of December, the month that is my favorite of them all. In some ways I'm always so glad it's finally here, but in other ways, I'm sad that it's here. I know the swiftness with which this month will go by—we will blink and it will be over. I always love to share my favorite Christmas song at this time of year, and I know you've probably heard it a million times on my blog alone, but it's worth repeating.

It's Heaven Everywhere by Francesca Battistelli.

I love the lyrics of this beautiful song—they always resonate so deeply within me. 

Well aside from the welcome of December and my favorite month, I thought I'd welcome you into our home. I wish all of you could come and join me for a cup of coffee or hot tea and that we could sit and have a conversation in person. I know we can't do that, so I consider this the next best option.

Come on in, friends. Most of what I use to decorate with is old and handed down from someone I love. I'm so grateful for that! That can actually be said about most of what's in our home. I bought a new porch sign this year, though the one that says 'BELIEVE'. I love it and even more than I love the sign, I love that it was less than $20 and bought with a gift card.

This is what is on the other side of our front door. Side note: when we bought our home eighteen years ago this month, the stairs were what made me fall in love and sold me on this house. I still love them! They get hairy because of our dogs, so we have to clean them often, but I can be okay with that. My husband hung those old windows on the stairwell wall last year and I still love them every bit as much as the day he hung them. Come on into our dining room!

This table is turned a different way now, but this is the dining room looks like. I never do it the same way twice! You'd be shocked to know that Drew, Jonah and Noah love to eat at this table alone. Isn't that funny? This room leads right into the kitchen.

I love our kitchen. I spend most of my time in here and it's where I sit with Jesus every morning. I used to do that by the light of the Christmas tree in the living room, but this is 40 something—eyesight that has been better in days gone by and the need of a table so that I can write.

I added wreaths above the kitchen sink and oven last year and I still love them. I recently took down curtains from the windows near the kitchen table and I love it so much more now. It opened up the space and it feels larger to me in here now. I love natural light—along with cute tea towels and good smelling candles. Come on into the living room!

This is the hallway leading into the living room and this is where the downstairs bathroom is located. I keep little books in there in case anyone wants to read while they sit (😉) and I always put a few little things around the sink.

I love our tree and the hearth this year. I love color, in case you couldn't tell and the tree is full of sentimental and meaningful ornaments like the ones you see pictured. A lot of them are handmade by the boys when they were younger and some were given to us, like the Veggie Tales one. The boys loved Veggie Tales when they were younger and a sweet lady at Lifeway gave Jonah and Noah each an ornament one time when the three of us went in there because they were so well behaved. Come on upstairs!

This is what's at the landing at the top of the stairs. I love the  gingerbread men and the flocked tree. My sister Trish gave me the gingerbread men and my mom bought me this tree as my birthday gift a few years ago. Come into our bedroom!

I love our bedroom! The pillows you see on the bed were gifts, as was the blanket. My mom and stepdad made that Santa picture above the bed and the twinkling lights stay put all year. The last room I'm inviting you into is our bathroom right off the bedroom.

I love using specialty hand soaps at all the sinks and this cute little bucket you see above is new. I put all my lotions inside of it and now it resides on the shelf we just put in there over the weekend. I like to use Christmas hand towels as well as other small little personal touches when we have people over. I hope you enjoyed our home all decked for the holidays! I loved having you. This would be what you would see as I hug you goodbye.

Me smiling my goodbye and my Christmas tree earrings that sparkle like lights. Thanks for reading, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. I really like the touches of festiveness throughout your house! That is a great story about the Veggie Tale ornaments and the CFA ornament is super cute, too.

  2. Thanks, Maria! I used to decorate in the boys rooms, but at some point we stopped doing that. Two of them have those strip lights around the top of their walls that switch colors, so that counts for something right? I think I just got inspired to put a tree in my son's room that doesn't have those lights and I have a Christmas gift idea for him now. Ha!

    I love the sentimental ornaments- the little CFA ornaments are ones they made for me one year because they know I love their peppermint milkshakes. That's what they're supposed to be! I love them, even after all these years.

    Have a great day, friend!

  3. I really like your staircase garland and the windows! I also like the wreaths above your kitchen sink. That inspires me to look for some on my trip to Hobby Lobby today :). I am also a fan of all the seasonal/holiday soaps. Thanks for the house all looks so festive and pretty!

  4. Thanks, Marilyn! I bought that garland at Hobby Lobby several years ago, but they still have it and it's very inexpensive. I like that you can trim it to the size you want. I also have some on the piano in our living room. I like the wreaths too and they also came from there and were $5 or less. Bonus! Thanks for the encouragement, my friend! I loved seeing part of your decorations today as well and love how it all looks so far!

  5. Your home looks as inviting as you are welcoming! So homey and comfortable - and so festive! You can definitely tell you love Christmas! I love the wreaths on the cabinets in the kitchen...and I really like your tiered tray full of ornaments. I might have to copy that:) Where did you get your earrings...they look so cute against your hair!!

  6. SO many fun and festive touches! I love that adorable sad snowman in your bathroom. I tried swapping out a few of our hand soaps with holiday scents and my poor sons (who both have eczema on their hands!) had major flare ups so I just keep a fun scented one in my bathroom.

    I'm pretty sure we have the exact same dining set that you do!


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